Assessing Community Health Care Needs Discussion

Assessing Community Health Care Needs Discussion

Executive Summary

The nursing profession has been known for its dynamic approach in offering proper patient care both in hospital setup and community-based care approach. Community-based care approach has shown a significant advancement in improving healthcare outcome through increased preventive medical care approach. According to Schenk et al. (2021), World Health Organization (WHO) community health care assessment serves as the primary treatment approach that provides the most effective way in disease elimination in the society. Nurses have shown an excellent care approach to promoting primary health through increased community diagnosis and disease prevention, according to Norsa’adah et al. (2020), nurses have explicitly adopted the use of windshield survey simulation while trying to do community health assessments. The windshield survey model is an essential resource for gathering data on public conditions and healthcare needs (Malberg et al., 2020)Assessing Community Health Care Needs Discussion. Schenk et al. (2021) stated that nurses have developed a strategic nursing disposition that has enabled nurses to identify the most pressing needs of a populations’ health status. This report provides a concise overview of the Minnesota town of Jordan City society. The report explored various community-based factors affecting the health status of the society, such as educational, recreational, transportation, medical, and social facilities. The evaluation is not limited and expands to evaluate public and recreational amenities, ethics, values, culture, and demographic factors affecting public health within the community.


General Condition and Public Health Needs

Minnesota society is marked with vast community-based services and public amenities ranging from educational institutions to medical clinics to grocery stores to churches and parks. Public and private schools alike benefit greatly from the thriving education industry. The public health and safety of pupils is a cause for worry due to the increasing number of students enrolled in elementary and secondary schools. Based on the latest census, the community is faced with an increasing number of occupants such that the town has a whopping population of about 6500 inhabitants residents in the city (Malberg et al., 2020). Despite the rising population in the Minnesota community society needs to benefit from primary health care services and tertiary health care services. Nurses have taken the leading button in rolling out primary health care services to the community such that the community maintains healthy living conditions (Schenk et al., 2021). The city enjoys various social services that are central to promoting quality health care services. For instance, the city is near major transportation hubs including airports and trains. Secondly, the region enjoys proper health are policies which enable faster and quick access of medical services offered by the good transportation services (Norsa’adah et al.,2020)Assessing Community Health Care Needs Discussion.

Additionally, the Minnesota community has recreational amenities such as the Lagoon Park, which offers a suitable setting to participate in sports and other leisure activities (Norsa’adah et al.,2020). Recreational activities give the society a good approach to ensuring that everyone in the society benefits from sport activities. Recreational services are also offered in schools and other social centers. Adequate recreation allows enjoying good physician and meal health conditions.

Environmental Analysis

Public health in Minnesota is affected by many environmental factors. The city has a wide variety of manufacturing and retail establishments. The huge numbers of manufacturing industries in the city has served as the primary port of pollution with the community affecting the rising population. According to Malberg et al. (2020), air pollution poses a serious threat to public health. Pollutants released into the environment disposes a severe consequence of human activities and health through deterioration of the global climate and increasing spread of infectious diseases among the human population. The socioeconomic determinants of public health in Minnesota City are discussed by Malberg et al. (2020)Assessing Community Health Care Needs Discussion. They claimed that the health patterns of a town are affected by its big population. The dense population has promoted crime and violence within the city. Minnesota like other cities in the world has played a crucial role in leading with the rise of mental ill-health which negatively impact the quality of life within the city’s community. Finally, the increasing availability of information technology, such as mobile applications, online resources, and the dominant social media sites, all have substantial effects on city health (Norsa’adah et al.,2020). Therefore, it is important to promote environmental study as an essential tool to create and execute effective initiatives that promote optimal public primary healthcare within the society.


Community health assessment is a critical factor in boosting primary public health safety. The windshield survey program provides an excellent approach to studying healthcare determinants in society, such as demographics and cultural practices. The survey program allows nurses to improve their primary health care service provision to the public based on the available requirements in the community. The research gives a quick snapshot of Minnesota City’s environmental status and its impacts on the health condition of the society. Population density, racial composition, and technological accessibility are only a few of the socioeconomic variables that directly influence the health of residents in the city. Consequently, environmental analysis is crucial for determining the most critical steps needed to improve the public health safety. The most critical approach to improve the community health status is through community education on promoters and the need to enhance public health safety.



Malberg Dyg, P., Christensen, S., & Peterson, C. J. (2020). Community gardens and wellbeing amongst vulnerable populations: A thematic review. Health promotion international35(4), 790-803.

Norsa’adah, B., Salinah, O., Naing, N. N., & Sarimah, A. (2020). Community health survey of residents living near a solid waste open dumpsite in Sabak, Kelantan, Malaysia. International journal of environmental research and public health17(1), 311.

Schenk, E. C., Potter, T. M., Cook, C., Huffling, K., & Rosa, W. E. (2021). Nurses Promoting Inclusive, Safe, Resilient, and Sustainable Cities and Communities: Taking Action on COVID-19, Systemic Racism, and Climate Change: A closer look at the targets of SDG 11. The American journal of nursing121(7), 66. Assessing Community Health Care Needs Discussion


Table 1: Windshield Survey and Environmental Analysis






Observations and Impressions


SWOT Category



Size of Community What is the population of Minnesota city? The recent census quotes a population of 6500. Strength Malberg et al., 2020
Population What are the effects of the population on influencing the health of the city? The city has a clustered population, hence increasing pollution. Weakness Norsa’adah et al., 2020
Age Which is the most vulnerable population? The elderly is population has the greatest risk of developing lifestyle diseases. Weakness Malberg et al., 2020
Ethnicity What is the impact of ethic difference in the city? Has ethnic difference has promoted insecurity and conflicts? Threats Schenk et al., 2021
Health Care issues What are the public health issues in the community? The town is prone to many diseases that primarily affect children and the elderly. Threat Schenk et al., 2021
Health care services What are the primary health care services provided in the community? City hospitals offer outpatient, inpatient, and emergency care services. Strength Norsa’adah et al., 2020
Education What are the benefits of education in public health? Education services help to create awareness among students concerning their health. Strength Norsa’adah et al., 2020
Religion What is the role of religion and faith in public health? Religion teaching helps to create awareness of community health and helps to eliminate immoral behaviors. Opportunity Malberg et al., 2020
Businesses What is the impact of businesses on public health? Increased business activities and industries have led to increased environmental pollution. Threat Malberg et al., 2020
Housing and shelter What is the role of housing and shelter in public health? Houses provide room for setting up hospitals for health care services. Opportunity Norsa’adah et al., 2020
Hotels and restaurants What is the role of restaurants and hotels in promoting public health? Hotels ensure proper and clean foods are served to society and maintain hygiene. Strength Schenk et al., 2021

Guiding Questions

Assessing Community Health Care Needs

This document is designed to give you questions to consider and additional guidance to help you successfully complete the Vila Health: Environmental Analysis and Windshield Survey assignment. You may find it useful to use this document as a pre-writing exercise, an outlining tool, or as a final check to ensure that you have sufficiently addressed all the grading criteria for this assignment. This document is a resource to help you complete the assignment. Do not turn in this document as your assignment submission. Assessing Community Health Care Needs Discussion

Assess the health care needs of a community and report your findings in an executive summary.

Assess Community Health Needs

Assess, via a windshield survey, the general condition and needs of a community from a public health perspective.

  • What areas of the community will you include in your survey?
    • These areas were included in exercise:
      • Single family housing and apartments
      • Locally owned and chain restaurants
      • cafes
      • Montessori school
      • Community center that provides programs for kids under 18
      • Family dentist
      • Public transportation
      • Library
      • Dry cleaner
      • Hardware store
      • Fitness center
      • Barber
      • Groomer
      • Lutheran church
      • Convenience store
      • Gas stations
      • nursery


  • What aspects of the physical environment are relevant to your survey? Why?
    • Here are some links to get you started on the environmental analysis for the Armatage neighborhood in Minneapolis, Minnesota:
  • What are the limitations of the survey?
    • Only included a small area
  • What factors would you consider in assessing risks to your safety while conducting the survey?
  • What conclusions can you draw from the survey? What evidence leads you to those conclusions? Assessing Community Health Care Needs Discussion

Analyze the environmental factors affecting population health in a community.

  • What questions are you trying to answer?
  • What health issues are of concern in the community? For example, technological, social, regulatory, political, or economic issues.
  • What opportunities and threats are influencing health care providers in the community?
  • What conclusions can you draw from the analysis? What evidence leads you to those conclusions?

Identify the social determinants of health in a community.

  • What are the social factors that influence community health?
  • What are the social factors that influence change?
  • What evidence do you have to support your claims?

Summarize windshield survey and environmental analysis findings for executive leaders. Assessing Community Health Care Needs Discussion

  • How will you organize the data and information you have collected?
  • What are the information needs and expectations of your target audience?
  • What do the data and information tell you about community health needs, challenges, and opportunities?
  • What are the key lessons learned from your survey and analysis?

Write clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.

  • Write with a specific purpose and audience in mind.
  • Adhere to scholarly and disciplinary writing standards and APA formatting requirements.

Support assertions, arguments, propositions, and conclusions with relevant and credible evidence.

  • Integrate relevant and credible evidence from 3–5 peer-reviewed journals or professional industry publications.
  • Is your supporting evidence clear and explicit?
    • How or why does particular evidence support a claim?
    • Will your reader see the connection?
  • Did you summarize, paraphrase, and quote your sources appropriately?


Submission Reminders

  • Have you completed your environmental analysis and windshield survey, with supporting evidence to substantiate your conclusions?
  • Have you identified the social determinants of health in the community and their effects on change? Have you provided supporting evidence?
  • Is your summary of the analysis and survey findings complete and accurate?
    • Have you documented your conclusions and lessons learned?
    • Is your information clear and coherent?
    • Is your summary 2–3 pages in length, not including the title page and references page?
    • Did you proofread your writing?
  • Are your assertions and conclusions well supported by 3–5 sources of relevant and credible evidence? Assessing Community Health Care Needs Discussion

Urban Area: Armatage, Minnesota

 Professional Context

Health care must be evidenced-based, effective, efficient, and affordable. It must provide resources that meet the needs of the community as a whole. Nurse leaders must understand and thoroughly evaluate the environment to enable the efficient and equitable allocation of resources.

  • What is a windshield survey? This is a method of gathering information about the status of a community either from a car or by foot. Conditions and trends in that community that could affect the health of the population are noted and the data provides context for making changes and/or improvements.
  • What is an environmental analysis? This is an examination of the factors that can impact the health of a community. Examples include air quality, water quality, chemical and/or industrial waste, etc.
  • What are social determinants of health? These are included as a part of the environmental analysis. There are five domains: economic stability, education quality & accessibility, healthcare quality and accessibility, neighborhood and built environment (human-made surroundings such as parks, green space, buildings/infrastructure), and social and community context (types of settings in which people engage). [Resource: HealthyPeople2030.] Assessing Community Health Care Needs Discussion

This assignment provides an opportunity for you to examine the prevailing health conditions and social determinants of health in a community by completing an environmental analysis and a virtual windshield survey.

Note: This assignment is based on communities within the Vila Health system. Although Vila Health is a virtual lab, the communities represented in this simulation are real, enabling you to conduct an actual community health assessment.


Executive leaders at Vila Health have asked you to provide them with your assessment of the health conditions in one of the communities served by the Vila Health system. Knowing that a windshield survey is needed to validate any underlying assumptions about the needs of the community and inform evidence-based decision making and strategic planning, you have decided to conduct a first-hand exploration of the community, followed up by an environmental analysis. An environmental analysis examines the factors that can influence the performance of a health care organization, which is important in a rapidly changing health care environment Assessing Community Health Care Needs Discussion.


The community health assessment requirements outlined below, correspond to the grading criteria in the rubric, so be sure to address each point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed. In addition, be sure to note the requirements below for document format and length and for citing supporting evidence.

  • Assess, via a windshield survey, the general condition and needs of a community from a public health perspective.
  • Analyze the environmental factors affecting population health in a community.
  • Identify the social determinants of health in a community.
  • Summarize windshield survey and environmental analysis findings for executive leaders.
  • Write clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.
  • Support findings and conclusions with relevant and credible evidence.

Assessing Community Health Care Needs Discussion