Brain Based Learning Essay

Brain Based Learning Essay

Autism is a disease which elicits disorder of the neural functionality of individual patients. It is mostly prevalent in children and it affects their social disposition in terms of character development not to mention communication. Because of this very fact, most of autistic patients suffer from verbal and even visual defects caused by the disorder. Thus usually occurs during the first two to three years after birth. While the symptoms are mostly noticeable during and immediately after this period, some children however do not develop the symptoms until a bit latter when they start to regress. It is thus very important to develop the child’s social capacity early enough when the symptoms are discovered so as to avoid learning difficulties (Jensen, 2008). This helps the child associate more comfortably with other kids and the environment in general, not to mention the relevant increase in how the child thinks (Featherstone and Call, 2003)Brain Based Learning Essay


Over the years, doctors and specialists alike have developed different remedies which offer comfort and communications skills. Most of them are easily accessible and even the parents have instructions from physicians on how to enforce them. Because of the fact that most autism patients may become very dull, most of the paraphernalia used to generate communication signals from them is usually bright and attractive. Bright in most cases is represented by color while shape covers for attractiveness. However, it is important to realize and apply the phrase ″all work and no play makes jack a dull boy″ even with autistic patients. The following is a representation of three games that can be used to stimulate brain based learning in patients and especially in children with an autistic disposition.Brain Based Learning Essay

Alphabet Stickers

This particular game is designed to develop basic understanding of the English alphabets. It is more suited for children whose age range from 2and a half to four years old, and for those who are just starting on the English language. The game setting includes a plain chart with a sticky surface on one side and little stickers each bearing a particular English alphabet. The stickers are also colored randomly in the different colors of the spectrum. To get started there must be one neutral individual who in this case doubles as the teacher. He or she will call out a particular English name and the child will respond by picking the alphabets that make up that particular name and sticking them ion the plain chart. The answer is thus made visible for all to see.

How the Game Meets Brain Based Learning and Learning Theory Objectives

Because of the fact that the game is interactive, it is possible to suggest that it stimulates the brain into learning the English alphabets in a more practical manner. It is not the teacher or administrator who initiates the answers; rather they are solidly from the individual patient with autism. The first objective of learning is to be able to recognize words and how they sound when pronounced. I think the game clearly depends on the stimulation of all these aspects in an objective manner which projects the specific capacity a particular child has reached. The fact that it is possible to be repetitive ensures the complete erasure of luck or guesswork of any kind from the child’s answers. This consequently implies that the game is a suitable tool for brain based learning.Brain Based Learning Essay

Visual Picture Gaming Device (VPG)

This particular game is suitable for children who are above the age of 5 but not over 8 years, and whose language proficiency is slightly above beginner. It is very mechanical and requires a handler who has the instructions manual handy or fully mastered. It is important to state that it is most suited for those with verbal defects but excellent vision. Directions include wiring the external plug into a socket and turning on the screen. The handler then prepares different cards with simple letters and words tat may be inverted. From the screen, these words appear but very slowly and in the original form. The placards are presented before the child and depending on whether he recalls seeing them on the screen, he will either pin point or make excite noises. The handler is then able to recognize the word as successfully learned.

How the Game Meets Brain Based Learning and Learning Theory Objectives

The game in my opinion is very technical but with the observance of the correct procedure coupled with patience, results are able to be noted. It is perhaps different because of the fact that it is for children with an autistic defect in speech. Brain based learning is thus more complex in these particular individuals. However the ability of the gaming device to slowly present the words allows for their digestion by the child. This gives the child ample time to relate to the incorrect presentation of the word, to the correct one on the screen, something that can be possible only after stimulation of the brain. The objective of this particular game is to ensure confidence in the recognition of words.


Building Blocks

This game is designed to suite more advanced children types whose ages range from 5 to 10 years, with at least a beginner understanding of the English language. At this particular stage, it is possible to imagine that the child has developed his creative perspective of his mind. Therefore his ability to seek adventure is enhanced an so is his brain capacity. The game is very simple but takes away most of the energy because it is very deliberative. It involves a given finished structure in form of a drawing. On the other hand it has a challenging statement that is catchy which demands that one uses building blocks and build another structure like the one on the drawing. Materials are provided in form of simple blocks with fitting edges and it is upon the child to realize through trial and error, which block fits where.Brain Based Learning Essay

How the Game Meets Brain Based Learning and Learning Theory Objectives

The game is one of the toughest and it has the potential of generating intense frustration from the child. This is because it has a twist to it. It challenges toe creative ingeniousness of the child. I think it helps stimulate brain based learning albeit through trial and error. Mistakes are not to be repeated if one is to finish the game. Due to the fact that learning is a process, I also think that it incorporates it very well and allows the child to discover and realize that to fail is not the end but trial yields positive fruits. Thus in my case, it covers the theory of learning objectives by ensuring that interest is first aroused and a mystical form of in born reward is executed.Brain Based Learning Essay

How Each Game Is Correlated To Normal Child Language Acquisition Process

The first game clearly relates to language acquisition because it stimulates the brain towards achieving this. Language is built by alphabets and I think the fact that the first game has provisions for this is a very prudent way of ensuring language acquisition by children. Sign is also a form of language communication which has evolved since its inception many years ago. I think the second game is very personal just like the Braille tool for the blind and the only difference is that it is not for the blind but for those with speech problems. It allows the child to relate to words and remember them when they are written anywhere and thus ensures language acquisition. The last game depends on feelings to influence language and communication enhancement. It banks on boosting the child’s confidence in the fact that he can be good at something if effort is channeled in. In conclusion, it is important that particular brain based learning theories, be environment compatible (Tangen, 1998) as this is where the child is more likely to apply what he or she has learned.Brain Based Learning Essay