Breast Cancer Screening Discussion Paper

Breast Cancer Screening Discussion Paper

Discussion Post

Implementing a project comes with different challenges since different issues arise as the project progresses. Therefore, the main factors under consideration in this discussion are speed bumps and challenges I have encountered as I steer my project forward. The project I am handling concerns early breast cancer screening for women aged 24 to 45 years who are of their childbearing age, live in Houston, Texas, and are part of the underserved communities. Part of the speed bumps experienced regarding the data collection mechanism consumed a lot of time, especially in identifying the most appropriate materials to complement the primary research data. That is because most articles that seemed to have had the best information concerning my research project did not have full-text articles but provided an abstract only. However, as Pollock et al. (2021) accentuates, researchers need to ensure that they evaluate different scholarly databases to help in gaining more materials to support the project objectives and goals. Hence, I have tried to ensure that I utilize the PubMed Central database to solve the problem of full-text articles because the database is known for providing full-text medical-related scholarly articles Breast Cancer Screening Discussion Paper.


Another challenge that I have experienced concerns the scope creeping. Initially, my aim has been evaluating cancer screening for 24 to 45 females at early stages. However, there are many instances that I have found myself evaluating early cancer screening using the general female patient population that, in most cases, would change my initial intention of the problem. Hence, to ensure that I stay in line with my project scope, I learned the effectiveness of scrum sprinting planning, a template that helps researchers ensure that I focus on the specific project goals (Torrente et al., 2021)Breast Cancer Screening Discussion Paper. Morales et al. (2022) also accentuate that scrum sprinting planning helps researchers continue with plans and priorities review. In conclusion, the project implementation phase has continually provided a wide range of learning and knowledge on how to deal with project challenges.


Morales, S. A. H., Andrade-Arenas, L., Delgado, A., & Huamani, E. L. (2022). Augmented Reality: Prototype for the Teaching-Learning Process in Peru. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications13(1).

Pollock, D., Davies, E. L., Peters, M. D., Tricco, A. C., Alexander, L., McInerney, P., … & Munn, Z. (2021). Undertaking a scoping review: A practical guide for nursing and midwifery students, clinicians, researchers, and academics. Journal of advanced nursing77(4), 2102-2113. Breast Cancer Screening Discussion Paper

Torrente, G., de SOUZA, T. Q., Tonaki, L., Paula, A., CARDOSOa, L., Juniora, M. A. N. I. C. K. C. H. A. N. D., & da SILVA, G. O. (2021). Scrum Framework and Health Solutions: Management and Results. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics284, 290-294. Doi:10.3233/SHTI210725.

MY TOPIC. Breast Cancer Early Screening In Childbearing Age, Women Between Ages 24-45 Years Old, Living In The Underserved Community In Houston Texas
Discussion 3: Speed Bumps and Pitfalls
Even after all the planning, collaborating, and researching, no implementation is without speed bumps and pitfalls. Now that you have begun implementing your problem change, what speed bumps and pitfalls have you experienced? How are you managing and addressing these obstacles?

For this Discussion, consider the speed bumps and pitfalls you have encountered thus far, and explore how you have addressed and supported the continuation of your implementation through these obstacles. What have you done, as a nurse leader, to continue the implementation through these obstacles? Breast Cancer Screening Discussion Paper

Photo Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

To Prepare
Explore the Learning Resources concerning implementation.
Identify the speed bumps and pitfalls you have experienced thus far in your implementation.
Consider how you have supported your implementation through these obstacles Breast Cancer Screening Discussion Paper