Built Environment Between Public Health And Other Healthcare Professional

Built Environment Between Public Health And Other Healthcare Professional

The Practical Playbook has focused recent efforts on: “a) understanding how different community and health sectors can inform, integrate, and collaborate on evolving concepts and ways of thinking to foster dynamic cross-sector partnerships in a fast moving worlds” and b) “break through the professional silos separating public health, primary care providers, health systems and community leadership organization to accelerate sharing of best practice policies. Simply, these initiatives are inline with our way of thinking at USF and with what we have been discussing in terms of the importance of an integrated approach to understanding the built environment. Built Environment Between Public Health And Other Healthcare Professional




Your Assignment

1. Please review the Background Readings, including:

· Public Health 3.0 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

· The Practical Playbook (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

· What is Population Health

· Why build a Partnership

· What makes a Partnership Successful


2. Develop an Essay to address the following questions in 750 words or less:

· Given the currently fragmented relationship between public health and health care and the goals of Public Health 3.0 and the Practical Playbook, what do you see as you and your discipline’s roles in bridging the gap and transforming the health system? Built Environment Between Public Health And Other Healthcare Professional

· How can professionals in your discipline create and sustain cross-sector partnerships, rather than working exclusively within discipline? (Cross-sector partnership example: a hospital working with a local housing development organization on improving indoor asthma conditions Built Environment Between Public Health And Other Healthcare Professional