Business Model Canvas Entrepreneurship Essay

Business Model Canvas Entrepreneurship Essay

Its called ( khrbji on calls )
The idea that we have MEP company App that work like Uber but for MEP and work like u do the request for visit the MEP guy will accept the visit he will make qutation for the repair and add it in the app after that u accept it as customer or u see it as high price you click search for other cheaper price from other MEP company depend on the report and picture include it in app if you found one the you cancel with MEP who visit the site and just pay him 10 AED after that the new company come too fix for you with price they put they cant increase their price without any approval or justification to app management and owner of home if happen then they need to approve it by owner and app management the app take profit from company by increase their sales we took 8% from MEP company and from home owner 10 AED on each transaction or 4% if its less then 200 AED the report should explain Business Model Canvas Entrepreneurship Essay


feasibility study (6-7 pages) to determine whether or not a business idea is a true opportunity that can be turned into a scalable enterprise (Opportunity analysis in practice OAP), then they will develop a business model canvas (BMC) and pitch deck for the idea. During session 14 & 15, learners will present their (OAP) and (BMC) to the course instructor. The project in total is worth 30% of the overall grade for this course. The report is worth 20 points of the assignment grade, the presentation (pitch deck) is worth 10 points of the assignment grade. Business Model Canvas Entrepreneurship Essay


Concept and Vision

Where did your idea come from?
Explain what the market opportunity is and how your solution addresses this. What pain/problem/need is being addressed and what makes your solution particularly compelling?

How does it make the world a better place?

Do you have personal experiences with this market?

Has anyone tried something like this before?

If so, why did they fail or succeed, and why is the opportunity still attractive? Business Model Canvas Entrepreneurship Essay

Brief Market Analysis
What industry or segment of the overall market are you pursuing?

What market research can be done to describe this market need?

What are the total industry or category sales over the past three years?

What is the anticipated growth for this industry?

If this is a new market, what is the best analogous market data that illustrates the opportunity?

Project the potential market size and growth for your opportunity. Business Model Canvas Entrepreneurship Essay

Brief Customers and Customer Development
You need to have a clear idea of who your target customer is. The only way for you to be able to do this is to “get out of the building” and speak with your potential customers. You will need to answer questions such as: What does the customer need? Why does the customer need it? What is the customer using today? What is the customer willing to pay for your solution? Why? How will you reach this customer? You should include both primary (or first-hand) research and secondary research, emphasizing primary over secondary. Business Model Canvas Entrepreneurship Essay

Business Model
Now that you have discovered an opportunity and talked to potential customers, how will you turn it into a business? How will you make money and when do you expect your venture to be profitable? What is the major risk to address right away (e.g., market or technical)? In other words, which hypotheses regarding product or market strategies need to be tested right away? Include your BMC in this section.

Who are the founders, managers, key employees, and partners? What gaps are there in the team and how could it be improved? Business Model Canvas Entrepreneurship Essay

Financial Analysis
What are the basic financial assumptions? What do the pro forma projections indicate for the sustainability of this venture? What is the breakeven point?

Future Action Plan
What would be the next steps to take if this seems to be a feasible venture? What are the financial needs and what would be the fun Business Model Canvas Entrepreneurship Essay