Change Strategy and Implementation Essay.

Change Strategy and Implementation Essay.


Develop a data table that illustrates one or more underperforming clinical outcomes in a care environment of your choice. Write an assessment (3–5 pages) in which you set one or more quantitative goals for the outcomes and propose a change plan that is designed to help you achieve the goals.Change Strategy and Implementation Essay.


Assessment Instructions


Consider the current environment.

For the setting that you choose you will need to have a data set that depicts sub-optimal outcomes related to a clinical issue (Diabetes type 2). This data could be from a relevant data set that already exists (a data set from the case study you used as a basis for your Concept Map assessment, or from your current place of practice).Change Strategy and Implementation Essay.

After you have selected an appropriate data set, use your understanding of the data to create at least one realistic goal (though you may create more) that will be driven by a change strategy appropriate for the environment and goal.

Potential topics for this assessment could be:

  • Consider ways to help minimize the rate of secondary infections related to Diabetes type 2 that you focused on for your Concept Map assessment. As a starting point you could ask yourself, \”What could be changed to facilitate safety and minimize risks of infection?\”
  • Consider how to help a patient experiencing traumatic stress or anxiety over hospitalization. As a starting point you could ask yourself, \”How could the care environment be changed to enhance coping?\”

Once you determine the change you would like to make, consider the following:Change Strategy and Implementation Essay.

  • What data will you use to justify the change?
  • How can the team achieve this change with a reasonable cost?
  • What are the effects on the workplace?
  • What other implementation considerations do you need to consider to ensure that the change strategy is successful?
  • How does your change strategy address all aspects of the Quadruple Aim, especially the well-being of health care professionals?
  • Once the change strategy is implemented, how would you evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the care system if the desired outcomes are met?

Instructions- paper & Data table should address bullet points below

Your assessment submission should include a data table that illustrates the current and desired states of the clinical issue (diabetes type 2) you are attempting to improve through your application of change strategies. Additionally, you will need to explain the rationale for your decisions around your chosen change strategies, as well as how the change strategies will be successfully implemented. The bullet points below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure that your change strategy addresses all of them. You may also want to read the Change Strategy and Implementation scoring guide and Guiding Questions: Change Strategy and Implementation to better understand how each grading criterion will be assessed.Change Strategy and Implementation Essay.

  • Develop a data table that accurately reflects the current and desired states of one or more clinical outcomes as it relates to Diabetes type 2. Identifies ambiguity or uncertainty where additional data could help to improve clarity.
  • Propose change strategies that will help to achieve the desired state of one or more clinical outcomes. Acknowledges potential difficulties and discusses how those challenges will be met.
  • Justify the specific change strategies used to achieve desired outcomes. Impartially considers other perspectives.
  • Explain how change strategies will lead to quality improvement with regard to safety and equitable care. Identifies assumptions upon which the explanation is based.
  • Explain how change strategies will utilize interprofessional considerations to ensure successful implementation. Identifies assumptions upon which the explanation is based.
  • Communicate the change plan in a way that makes the data and rationale easily understood and compelling.
  • Integrate relevant sources to support assertions, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style.Change Strategy and Implementation Essay.

Example Assessment: You may use the following to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like:

Additional Requirements

  • Length of submission: 3–5 double-spaced, typed pages, not including the title and reference pages. Your plan should be succinct yet substantive.
  • Number of references: Cite a minimum of 3–5 sources of scholarly or professional evidence that supports your goal setting, proposed change strategies, quality improvement, and interprofessional considerations. Resources should be no more than five years old.
  • APA formatting: Use the APA Paper Template linked in the Resources. An APA Template Tutorial is also provided to help you in writing and formatting your analysis. No abstract is required.

Attachments below: paper full details with grading guide & example of Narrative with data table included.Change Strategy and Implementation Essay.

Change Strategy and Implementation: Diabetes Type 2

Individuals are diagnosed with various conditions in healthcare facilities. Diabetes type 2 is one of these conditions. This type of diabetes occurs when the body fails to secret adequate insulin to support all its functions. Additionally, diabetes 2 results when the cells fail to react with insulin. This type of diabetes is the most prevalent worldwide with the number of people diagnosed with this condition increasing by four times within the last three decades(Zheng, Ley & Hu, 2017). According to Lal (2016), diabetes type 2 constitutes around 90% of the total diabetes cases globally. 1 in every 11 adults across the world is struggling with diabetes type 2(Zheng et al., 2017). Change Strategy and Implementation Essay.Although everyone can be diagnosed with this type of diabetes, the risk is relatively high among obese and overweight individuals than among those with normal body weight. Additionally, the risk of this condition is high among persons whose level of visceral fat is relatively high(Lal, 2016). The bodies of obese individuals tend to generate some chemicals, which tend to destabilize the metabolic and cardiovascular systems of the body.Therefore, the risk of diabetes type of 2 is increased by taking food rich in cholesterol and being physically inactive, which raises the chances of becoming obese. The risk of this condition is also attributed to the excessive intake of sugary soft drinks. Besides, environmental toxins increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.People whose families have a history of this condition have a high possibility of developing it since type 2 diabetes has some inheritable genetic connection. Finally, the prevalence of diabetes type 2 increases as one becomes older(Lal, 2016). This change strategy paper will focus on symptoms of this condition, macrovascular complications associated with diabetes 2, and strategies for addressing these complications.Change Strategy and Implementation Essay.

Symptoms of Diabetes Type 2

This condition is associated with two primary symptoms: Polyuria and Fatigue. Polyuria involves a high level of nocturia and thirst occurs due to hyperglycemia. On the other hand, fatigue occurs due to the inability of the body to utilize glucose to get the required energy. Additionally, other symptoms occur as the disease progresses. Change Strategy and Implementation Essay.Individuals with diabetes type 2 tend to lose weight excessively due to the breakdown of fats and proteins, which are used as an alternative source of energy. Changes in the refraction of the lens also result in blurred vision. However, this challenge ends with the normalization of the levels of glucose. More so, an increase in the level of serum glucose results in infections particularly urinary tract infections and candida spp. Phagocyte function is impaired by the high level of glucose, thus providing a conducive environment for the micro-organisms to function.Change Strategy and Implementation Essay.

Macrovascular Complications and Diabetes Type 2

Diabetic 2 patients are more likely to develop various macrovascular complications that people without this condition. Some of these conditions include cardiovascular disease (CVD) and renal disease.

Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)

Cardiovascular disease is attributed to diabetes type 2. According to Zheng et al (2017), CVD is responsible for morbidity and mortality among both prediabetes and T2DM cases.It causes around 80% of total death cases reported among these patients. Atherogenesis is affected by oxidative stress, which, in turn, leads to low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation. Various interactive treatment options such as antihypertensives tend to prevent the occurrence of incidents of premature cardiovascular.Change Strategy and Implementation Essay.

Renal Disease

This condition is common among individuals diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Renal failure causes around 10% of deaths cases among individuals struggling with Diabetes type 2(Zheng et al, 2017). Additionally, around 44% of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) cases are caused by this type of diabetes. Furthermore, research shows that around 25% of individuals with T2DM in the US are diagnosed with diabetic kidney disease(Zheng et al, 2017). This kidney condition is characterized by a persistent decline in the rate of glomerular filtrationand persistent albuminuria. Around 25% of the total number of patients hospitalized in various healthcare facilities since 2011 are diagnosed with ESRD (Zheng et al, 2017).Change Strategy and Implementation Essay.

Change Strategies

            Various measures need to be implemented to reduce the high cases of CVD and renal attributed to diabetes type 2, in particular, CVD and renal disease. Therapeutic approaches, lifestyle modifications, and pharmacological agents are effective in managingmacrovascular complications associated with diabetes type 2.

Therapeutic Approaches

Two therapeutic approaches used in the management of these macrovascular complications are DPPIV inhibitors and GLP-1 analogs. These approaches prohibit the breakdown of GIP and GLP1. Particularly, these agents are effective in normalizing glucose levels. Additionally, they improve the functioning mechanism of the beta-cell. The use of therapeutic approaches will result in quality improvement since it will enhance the delivery of equitable and safe care to individuals with diabetes type 2. However, it is assumed that these approaches will be effective in managing the health condition of individual patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. The implementation of this strategy will involve professionals from various fields to improve the quality of care.Change Strategy and Implementation Essay.

Lifestyle Modification

Macrovascular complications associated with diabetes type 2 can be managed through some lifestyle modifications. Individuals with diabetes type 2 can be managed through the intake of a healthy diet and regular exercise to reduce weight. This patient population should also quit smoking and take alcoholic drinks in moderation(Zheng et al., 2017).The use of lifestyle modification will improve the quality and safety of care offered to patients with diabetes type 2 by advocating for health measures such as taking a balancing diet, drinking alcohol in moderation, and exercising regularly. However, it is assumed that individual patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes will be willing to moderate their lifestyles, thus enhancing the success of this strategy. The implementation of this strategy will involve professionals from different fields such as nutritionists to enhance its success, thus improving the overall quality of the delivered care.Change Strategy and Implementation Essay.

Pharmacological Agents

The conditions can also be managed through pharmacological agents, including biguanides, sulfonylureas, and meglitinides. These agents suppress the production of glucose and raise the body’s sensitivity to insulin. The use of pharmacological agents will result in quality improvement among individuals diagnosed with diabetes type 2. This change strategy will be effective in enhancing the delivery of equitable and safe care to individuals with diabetes type 2. This strategy will focus on the management of blood sugar levels by lowering the production of glucose. However, it is assumed that this strategy will be effective in suppressing the production of glucose and reducing the level of insulin resistance. Interaction among professionals from various fields will be required to enhance the success of the implementation of this strategy for change.Change Strategy and Implementation Essay.

Data Table

Current Outcomes Change Strategies Desired Outcomes
Patients diagnosed with diabetes type 2 suffer from various macrovascular complications.

·         A). Most type 2 diabetes patients suffer from cardiovascular disease due to Atherogenesis affected by oxidative stress, which, in turn, leads to low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation.

·         CVD causes around 80% of total death cases reported among these patients(Zheng et al., 2017).

·         B). Renal disease is common among patients with type 2 diabetes.

·         Renal failure causes around 10% of deaths cases among individuals struggling with Diabetes type 2(Zheng et al., 2017).


·         Various measures should be implemented to ensure that patients with diabetes type 2 receive the required care. Therefore,

·         DPPIV inhibitors and GLP-1 analogs therapies should be provided to these patients.

·         Patients with this type of diabetes should be advised to make some lifestyle modifications such as the intake of a healthy diet and regular exercise.

·         Diabetes type 2 patients should be provided with pharmacological agents, including biguanides, sulfonylureas, and meglitinides.

·         The implementation of change strategies will manage symptoms and complications of diabetes 2 patients.

·         To lower the bodyweight of diabetes type 2 patients.

·         To decrease the level of insulin resistance among diabetes type 2 patients.

·         To suppress glucose production among this patient population.

·         To reduce the risk of macrovascular complications, specifically CVD and renal disease among diabetes 2 patients.


In conclusion, macrovascular complications associated with diabetes 2 can be managed through three major change strategies. First, the implementation of DPPIV inhibitors and GLP-1 analogs therapies will manage these conditions by prohibiting the breakdown of GIP and GLP1. Lifestyle modification strategy will be effective in managing these complications since it will lower the level of blood glucose through the intake of a healthy diet and regular exercise. Finally, the use of pharmacological agents will be effective since they will prevent the production of glucose. Additionally, these agents will reduce the insulin resistance rate.Change Strategy and Implementation Essay.