Chronic pancreatitis case study

Chronic pancreatitis case study

Qualitative Research Worksheet

RELEVANCE: Is this article worth taking the time to read?

Review the abstract, and write your responses the following questions. A greater number of “no” answers means that the study is less likely to be relevant to your practice.


1. Does the article address a specific question? Describe the question.


2. Does the article address an issue that you and/or your patients might care about?

3. Could this information, if true, influence the way you practice? Explain.

VALIDITY: Can the results of this article be believed?

Review the methods and results sections and write your responses the following questions. A greater number of “no” answers means that the study is less likely to be valid, or represent the truth.

METHODS Yes No Maybe

1. Did the authors clearly state who they included in the study? Describe the study participants. Did the sample include a full range of possible cases so that generalizations can be made?

2. Did the authors clearly state their data collection AND analysis methods? Explain:

3. Were the data collection methods AND analysis systematic? Are they described in such a way that someone else could repeat each stage?Chronic pancreatitis case study

Copyright 2014, Northwestern Health Sciences University and Regents of the University of Minnesota. Created for the CAM Research Education Partnership Project through funding from the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (grant number R-25AT003582). Updated 03/13/2014. Based on materials from the Information Mastery Working Group:

4. Did the authors attempt to minimize bias through their data collection AND analysis methods?

RESULTS Yes No Maybe

1. What were the results of this study?

2. Did the authors acknowledge the limitations of their data collection AND analysis methods? Did they reflect how their approach might have impacted the interpretation of their results?

3. Do you think there were any biases or other factors that could have affected the conclusions? In what way?Chronic pancreatitis case study


1. How could this study influence your practice?

Chronic pancreatitis case study