Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.


PSYCHOTHERAPY PAPER:  (36 points) In addition to the resources from course textbooks,  search the literature for additional resources about the therapy chosen. Be sure to also include the most recent scholarly literature (no general websites, blogs, YouTube, Wikipedia). Based on these resources students are to write a brief paper not to exceed 4-5 pages (this does not include the title page or the reference page) addressing the following:Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.


  1. Overview history of the development of the therapy (you may have to use an older reference source for this).
  2. A summary of your understanding of the theory in your own words. (This is to demonstrate your synthesis of the knowledge and understanding about the theory.)
  3. Identification of evidence-based therapeutic uses for the therapy and rationale.
  4. Advanced practice nursing implications for utilization of this therapy.
  5. Identify what clients this therapy is appropriate for (age, diagnoses, intellectual functioning, setting, etc.) and how you would determine this is the appropriate modality for the identified clients.
  6. Reference list of resources used in APA format.  References should be within the last 5 years. This is not an opinion paper, support all of your ideas with sources.Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

These are the school test books in case you want to use it as reference in addition to Articles within 5 years.

yalom, I. & Leszcz, M. (2005). The theory and practice of group psychotherapy.5th edition. New York: Basic Books.ISBN- 978-0-8261-1000-8

Wheeler (2014) Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse. 2nd edtionMosby, Incorportated.

ISBN: 978-1609139711

Tusie, K. & Fizpatrick, J. (2017). Advanced practice psychiatric nursing 2nd ed. New York: Springer Publishing.ISBN: 978-1609139711

Kaplan and Sadock\’s Synopsis of Psychiatry: Behavioral Sciences/Clinical Psychiatry Eleventh Edition by Benjamin J. Sadock, Virginia A. Sadock, Dr. Pedro Ruiz MD. ISBN: 978-1609139711

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy that entails identification of the maladaptive and negative thoughts and helping individuals to learn how to identify and modify the maladaptive thinking and behavior patterns (David, Cristea &Hofmann, 2018). The aim is to improve how the person feels. CBT explores the relationship between an individual’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. This paper will analyze the different aspects of CBT as psychotherapy.  Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

History Overview of the Development of CBT

CBT was pioneered in the 1960s by psychiatrist Dr. Aaron T. Beck. While Beck was working with his clients, during a talking session about their issues he noticed that the clients were having internal dialogues during the therapeutic session; the clients did not report the internal dialogue (Ruggiero, Spada, Caselli, & Sassaroli, 2018). Dr. Beck realized that the internal dialogue was significantly impacting the feelings and perceptions of the clients. For instance, when the client was thinking “this treatment will never work and I will never get better”, the therapist is likely to experience resistance from a client who was initially cooperative or note despondence and indifference regarding the mood and behaviors of the client.Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

Realizing the impact of the discovery, Beck started working to unravel these “automatic thoughts”, as to be labeled them. The investigations revealed that the “automatic thoughts” were recurring themes of the negative thoughts, and if identified, the correction was possible.

It was from this discovery where Beck developed cognitive therapy where psychotherapy and behavioral techniques were used to overcome maladaptive and negative thinking patterns. Later due to the utilization of the behavioral techniques, the psychotherapy modality by Beck was retitled Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) (Ruggiero et al., 2018). Currently, CBT is the most empirically authenticated and widespread therapeutic technique available.Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

Summary of my Understanding of the Theory

From my understanding, CBT is a type of therapy that changes an individual’s negative thinking habit and encourages an individual to think more positively. Therefore, CBT can assist individuals to identify new behaviors by altering their thinking patterns. this is in line with David et al (2018) who explain that CBT focuses on the thoughts, beliefs, as well as attitudes of an individual and how they affect the feelings and behaviors of a person. Accordingly, from CBT I discovered that unhelpful thinking ways can cause emotional problems and when an individual learns unhelpful behavior this also can cause emotional problems. Therefore, people can learn more positive ways to think and behave and new habits can relieve and improve symptoms of mental conditions and enable individuals to behave better. Moreover, through CBT people are equipped with the necessary strategies and skills that assist them to handle and cope with different life challenges.Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

Evidence-Based Therapeutic uses for CBT

CBT has been useful in the treatment of depression and other mental conditions such as anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and sleep problems (Kodal et al., 2018). The efficacy of CBT in the treatment of these mental disorders lies with the ability of the psychotherapy to focus on the current thoughts and beliefs of the clients. During CBT, clients are challenged to identify, challenge, and change how they perceive situations that lead to disorders such as depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, sleep disturbances, etc. CBT informs people how the thinking pattern contributes to reality and hence influence the behavior (Yoshinaga et al., 2015).Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

CBT aims to change an individual’s way of thinking and behavior that may be hindering the positive thinking and positive behaviors. For example, when an individual is suffering from depression, anxiety or PTSD, there is a distortion of both perceptions and interpretations. A distorted perception can make an individual more vulnerable to negative mindset; incorrectly viewing situations as catastrophic; jumping into conclusions; and making wrong judgments.Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. If an individual learns the negative or fearful thinking patterns, the person automatically starts to think negatively (Yoshinaga et al., 2015). Therefore, CBT challenges the automatic negative thoughts and compares them with reality. If an individual changes his/her way of thinking, the distress reduces and hence they have positive behaviors. As the person gains new skills, it becomes easier for the person to address and solve problems more constructively. This can decrease stress and help the individual to feel more in control, and hence lower the risk of negative emotions/mood.Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

Advanced Practice Nursing Implications for using CBT

During practice, Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) interact with diverse individuals with different health needs. Various patients have various mental health needs and suffer from mental disorders such as depression and anxiety. Therefore, APNs can use CBT to address the mental health needs of the patients and at the same time provide therapy to individuals with mental disorders such as depression (Wheeler, 2014). Also, during practice, APNs meet different kinds of patients who require the use of CBT techniques. For example, techniques of CBT can be utilized within community-based health centers and healthcare organizations to intervene and alleviate distress among patients after a shocking diagnosis such as cancer and also be used to improve patients’ adherence to treatment (David et al., 2018). Therefore, APNs need CBT techniques to address the numerous mental and behavioral health needs of the patients they encounter during practice. However, CBT is regularly used among Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioners (PMHNPs) because they are the nurse practitioners likely to encounter patients with mental health disorders. In addition, Family nurse practitioners (FNPs) also need to be competent in CBT techniques as they meet a diverse number of patients who may need counseling and CBT techniques can very useful (Wheeler, 2014).Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

Appropriate Clients for CBT

Evidence shows that CBT is suitable for the pediatric population, adults, families, individuals, couples, and groups. However, CBT may not be appropriate for children aged below 14 years because this population has not completely developed cognitive skills. The younger pediatric population and adults having cognitive disabilities may not respond well to CBT because CBT focuses on thinking (Zhang et al., 2018). The efficacy of CBT in the treatment of various conditions such as depression, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorders, and anger issues has been shown (Kodal et al., 2018). Additionally, CBT is also used as an intervention for chronic pain and allied distress. Nonetheless, individuals with recurring illnesses and chronic conditions mat require repeated interventions.Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.


CBT combines both cognitive and behavioral theories to focus on the thinking patterns of individuals and how thinking affects their behaviors. CBT has been demonstrated to be effective in treating numerous mental health disorders such as depression, PTSD, eating disorders, panic disorders, anxiety disorders, among other mental conditions. During CBT, the therapist and the client work collaboratively to identify the negative thinking patterns and unhelpful behaviors, to replace them with more positive and adaptive behaviors.Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.