Community Assessment Project Paper
Situated in the Southeastern region of the state of New York.
Diverse population settings including rural areas, suburban and urban areas.
COPD is among the major issues affecting the adults.
Numerous industrial zones that compromise air quality.
Large proportion of the poor hence affecting healthcare access.
The community will be utilized as the theoretical framework model.
(Pamukcu et al., 2021)Community Assessment Project Paper
Community Assessment – Core & Physical Environment
Population Demographics: Population ageing with diverse socioeconomic characteristics.
Housing Quality: Both older residences and newer constructions can be found here.
Air Quality: Dependent on industrial zones, busy roads, and fluctuations of the temperature.
Climate: This may cause respiratory problems especially due to the relative difference in climate.
Green Spaces: Relatively fewer opportunities for parks and recreation located in urban regions.
COPD Impact: Projection of incidence rates for low income crowded residential areas. Community Assessment Project Paper
Community Assessment – Economics, Politics, and Health Services
Economic Status: Different economic regions with some regions having high levels of poverty.
Employment: Employment in the manufacturing and service sectors; certain risks associated with occupations.
Healthcare Policies: Efforts to enhance respiratory health at local level were accomplished.
Access to Care: Availability of hospitals, clinics, and other forms of public health activity.
Barriers: There are also several economic barriers that hinder the provision of proper COPD care and management.
Social Services: Lack of adequate support for cases of patients suffering from chronic ailments.
(Porter et al., 2020) & (Rehman et al., 2019)Community Assessment Project Paper
Windshield Survey & Healthy People 2020 Objectives
Windshield Survey: Highlighted zones with high population density, traffic, and levels of pollution, as well as scarce vegetation.
Healthcare Facilities: Hospitals & clinics but not all over the place.
Public Awareness: Low health education programs related to respiratory health.
Healthy people 2020 Objectives:
Expand the available smoking cessation programs.
Reduce air pollution in communities.
Reduce the hospitalizations of COPD.
Epidemiological Trends: Increasing incidence of COPD, high hospitalization rates, and poor smoking cessation outcomes.
Data Comparison: Orange County has a higher COPD prevalence than other states and national averages.
Community Strengths and Areas of Concern
Community Strengths
Availability of specialized healthcare centres in respiratory care.
The existence of several health programs in the community that focuses on preventive measures.
The increasing perception of the people today on the essence of air quality.
(Wu et al., 2022)Community Assessment Project Paper
Areas of concern
There is a high smoking prevalence especially among low income groups.
Lack of sufficient and easily accessible pulmonary rehabilitation services in rural regions.
Perceived economic barriers to COPD management and treatment compliance.
Community Diagnosis
Diagnosis: High likelihood of COPD among the adult population in Orange County due to high smoking prevalence and air pollution.
Risk Factors: Tobacco smoking, industrial emissions, and inadequate medical facilities.
Evidence: Increasing incidence, high rate of COPD admissions, and poor air quality conditions.
Impact: COPD, comorbidities, increased health care costs, diminished quality of life.
Focus Areas: Anticipation, information, availability of services.
Long-Term Goal: Lowering the rates of COPD and enhancing the patient’s overall quality of life.
(McKinnell et al., 2019)Community Assessment Project Paper
Proposed Interventions and Programs
Primary Prevention: Tobacco control programs and community air quality control measures.
Secondary Prevention: Screening for COPD at higher risk population during early stages.
Tertiary Prevention: Ambulation, patient education, and breathing treatments.
Existing Programs: Available smoking cessation and COPD management services in the local health clinics.
Proposed Program: Integrated COPD prevention and screening model along with preventive rehabilitation.
To lower COPD hospitalizations by 20% in a period of two years.
To improve the smoking cessation success rates in the county by 15%.
(Marshall et al., 2019)
Evaluation and Summary
Evaluation Method: Track COPD rates of readmissions to the hospital.
Patient Feedback: Assimilate information regarding the program attendance and client feedback.
Long-Term Metrics: Evaluate the data on air quality enhancement and the population’s smoking habits.
Significance: COPD is still among the most prevalent community health concerns.
Ongoing Assessment: Monitoring of clients to assess whether services to be provided are appropriate.
Conclusion: There is need to involve the community to reduce the impact of COPD.
(Marmol, 2022)Community Assessment Project Paper
De Matteis, S., Jarvis, D., Darnton, A., Hutchings, S., Sadhra, S., Fishwick, D., … & Cullinan, P. (2019). The occupations at increased risk of COPD: analysis of lifetime job-histories in the population-based UK Biobank Cohort. European Respiratory Journal, 54(1). DOI: 10.1183/13993003.00186-2019
Marmol, E. (2022). My Story of Surviving in a Climate of Racial Hostility: An Olive in Orange County (Doctoral dissertation).
Marshall, J. R., Gassner, S. F., Anderson, C. L., Cooper, R. J., Lotfipour, S., & Chakravarthy, B. (2019). Socioeconomic and geographical disparities in prescription and illicit opioid-related overdose deaths in Orange County, California, from 2010–2014. Substance abuse, 40(1), 80-86.
McKinnell, J. A., Singh, R. D., Miller, L. G., Kleinman, K., Gussin, G., He, J., … & Huang, S. S. (2019). The SHIELD Orange County Project: multidrug-resistant organism prevalence in 21 nursing homes and long-term acute care facilities in southern California. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 69(9), 1566-1573.
Pamukcu, D., Zobel, C. W., & Ge, Y. (2021, May). Analysis of Orange County 311 System service requests during the COVID-19 pandemic. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. Community Assessment Project Paper
Z384 Community Assessment Project
The community assessment project is an individual project, consisting of an appraisal of a health topic via windshield assessment and research, and development of a community level plan of care.
You’ll work on this independently and asynchronously through the semester
You’ll submit a panopto presentation of your project powerpoint presentation by the first evening of week 7 (the last week of class).
During the last week of class, you’ll view each other’s panopto video presentations of the project.
Individual community assessment project in your home community or community of your choice. Your chosen community can be defined as a local town, nearby city, county, etc… does not have to be your hometown.
Refer to week 1 readings as a guide for this project; the online modules have a lot of great resources listed. (the virtual and real-world windshield survey modules).
Panopto presentation of your power point during the last week of class
Theoretical framework to guide project: Community as Partner Model (Anderson and McFarlane, 2008)Community Assessment Project Paper
Perform a community assessment specific to the chosen topic
The student will:
Perform a community assessment via windshield survey and research the chosen topic
Evaluate the data
Formulate a community diagnosis
Identify existing resources related to that problem in the community
Propose a program that could be implemented in that community to improve the health problem
Discuss how the effectiveness of the program would be evaluated
Follow the outline and grading rubric to meet all requirements of this project
This will be worth 25% of your course grade for Z384
Time Frame:
Students will choose a topic from a list of community health issues, in a shared google doc the first week of class. If you have a specific health problem you would prefer to study which is not included on the list, contact the instructor to discuss for approval. On this google doc, there will be a place for you to insert your name next to the topic of your choice, and also the community you will be using.
Students will complete the virtual windshield survey during week 1 of class to learn about this type of assessment.
Time Frame
Students will complete a “real-world†windshield survey in their home/chosen community- beginning to gather information related to their health topic
Students research and review data specific to their health topic and community
Students are encouraged to communicate questions to their clinical instructor
The student will present the project, via recorded panopto during the last week of clinical Community Assessment Project Paper
How to Get Started
The clinical instructor will present a list of priority health issues via google doc
Each student will pick one of these identified health topics for their project
Your project plan follows the nursing process:
Assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation
Perform windshield survey, search local media and phone books, key informants (interviews with local people or community leaders), and data from official agencies in reports or databases can be found online
(see project outline for remainder of nursing process for project)
Presentations should take no longer than 40 minutes.
PowerPoint presentations should use APA style 7th edition
A copy of the PowerPoint using this format (Studentlastname_Z384_CAP) including an APA formatted reference list must be submitted to the assignment dropbox in Brightspace by the due date in the syllabus.
Peer Review: Community Assessment Project Paper
Baccalaureate prepared nurses are expected to consult and collaborate with colleagues successfully, contributing to the workplace to improve aspects of the workplace and patient care.
All students will be expected to contribute constructive feedback to the presentations, using the comment thread within the Panopto video. The comments will be recorded on the Panopto recording script. You will be given credit towards your CAP grade if you complete at least 2 constructive and positive comments per presentation.
The community that I choose was Orange County NY and the topic is COPD
CAP Outline: Using the Community as Partner Model (refer to week 1 readings)
Community Assessment
Define community
Physical Environment
Politics and Government
Health and Social Services
Safety & Transportation
Windshield survey
Identify at least 3 related Healthy People 2020 objectives
Identify 3 epidemiological trends specific to the project’s topic.
Compare county data to state and national data for each trend over time (i.e., over the last 10 years)Community Assessment Project Paper.
Community Strengths and Concerns
Community Strengths- list and explain at least 3
Areas of Concerns- list and explain at least 3
Community Diagnosis
Use correct community diagnosis format (this is not a NANDA diagnosis)
Planning, Proposed Interventions and Evaluation
Define all 3 levels of prevention at the community level (primary, secondary and tertiary) Community Assessment Project Paper
Identify existing programs or resources already available in the community and their appropriate level of prevention
Identify at least 2 programs from other communities that helped improve the selected issue as discussed in nursing literature.
Present a proposed program for the selected issue
List 2 measurable objectives that could be used to measure the effectiveness of the proposed program.
Identify what rates or data would show an improvement OVER TIME in the community, related to the project’s topic
Conclude the presentation with a brief summary/overview of your project and the significance of this problem to community health
Include reference list (minimum of 10, with at least 3 from current nursing or other related peer reviewed journals)
Any slides with information from outside sources (i.e., statistical data) must be cited within the slide Community Assessment Project Paper