Community General Hospital Case study Essay

Community General Hospital Case study Essay

To Prepare:
Review the Community General Hospital Case Study presented in the Learning Resources.
Complete the Week 7 Discussion in which you research quality and safety measures and select 6–8 measures for inclusion in a dashboard for the Community General Hospital Board.
Review any feedback received in Discussion about your chosen measures.
Determine how you will display the measures in your dashboard. Community General Hospital Case study Essay
Part 1: Dashboard
Using Microsoft Excel or PowerPoint, create a quality dashboard based on the Community General Hospital Case Study. Your dashboard must include 6–8 measures. Use mock data to represent the measures you have chosen.



Part 2: Written Summary
To accompany your dashboard, write a 2- to 3-page paper in which you do the following: Community General Hospital Case study Essay

Identify the 6–8 quality measures you have chosen for your dashboard.
Explain why these measures are important to the organization.
Analyze how the Triple Aim/Quadruple Aim is represented in your chosen measures.
Explain how you displayed the measures. Justify your choice of display.
Provide a strategy for communicating the dashboard throughout the organization.
Explain how the dashboard could be used as a leadership tool to improve patient outcomes. Community General Hospital Case study Essay