Conflict and Collaboration Assignment

Conflict and Collaboration Assignment

1. Read the dialogue below

[MUSIC] Thank you for agreeing to talk to me about the discussion we had the other day about assigning patient load. As I started to say in the meeting but got interrupted, it is that I really don’t like the new plan that we have. I like the old one better and I don’t understand why we need to change.

I think that they expressed one concern about visiting patients in Iron Ridge.And that is the key as they were with high crime rate. We all recognize this issue. I do understand, but the new patient assignment scheme is meant to match you with a patient who will most benefit from your specialty and not where you live geographically.


There are many patients in Iron Ridge who have diabetes that need your expertise. [BLANK_AUDIO] Well, I really do love my patients, and I don’t hold it against them that they live in a bad part of town. But frankly, I’m afraid.Every night when I watch the news, there’s somebody that’s been involved in a shooting or a carjacking.

I talked to my husband about it, and he said that if you insist I go over there, he wants me to quit because it’s not safe. [BLANK_AUDIO] I have an idea I would like to explore with you. What if we sent an escort to accompany you on your visit?

Would this help you feel safer in that neighborhood? Sure it would, but do you think that’s realistic? The last I heard, we didn’t have any money to give us nurses raises and bonuses. I mean, do we even have the budget for something like security? It’s realistic as long as I can justify the safety of our nurses. Conflict and Collaboration Assignment

Let’s say the cost is a barrier to this scheme. What do you think?[BLANK_AUDIO] Well let me think about it. I need to talk to my husband too. I can’t decide right now. But you’ve given me something to consider. [MUSIC]

2. At times the needs of our families conflict with our work responsibilities. Could this possibly be the underlying issue here?

  1. Explain the conflict resolution skills displayed by the leader in the scenario. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate those of the leader.
  2. How might earlier collaboration have been beneficial? What other leadership skills should be used?

Conflict and Collaboration Assignment