Conversation Concept Lab Rachel Adler Essay

Conversation Concept Lab Rachel Adler Essay

Shadow Health: Concept Lab – Antihypertensive
The purpose of this Shadow Health Concept Lab assignment is to help you achieve the following Course Learning Outcomes 1-5.


This week you will participate in a Shadow Health Concept Lab pertaining to Conversation Concept Lab Rachel Adler Essay  antihypertensives.This will allow you to learn about pharmacological concepts related to commonly administered antihypertensive drugs. This module should take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
What to Submit:
Upon completion of the assignment:
Submit your completion certificate
Submit your reflection response to the questions below Conversation Concept Lab Rachel Adler Essay
Reflection Response Instructions: Submit a 1 page reflection response to the questions below. Please use APA format and include one scholarly reference.
What resources/guidelines will you use to help identify, diagnose, and treat high blood pressure? Give brief overview of how this will apply to your NP practice.
Shadow Health Conversation Concept Lab Rachel Adler Essay