Counseling Special Populations Assignment

Counseling Special Populations Assignment

1. Cultural Subgroup Presentations. Due weeks 11-14

You will focus on two or more cultural subgroups for more in-depth study (selecting from chapters 14-21 from your text), throughout the semester. These groups must be any ethnic or racial minority group different from your own(I am African American).

I would like to focus on Counseling Arab Americans/Muslim Americans and Counseling Multiracial populations,

This presentation should highlight the similarities and the differences of each cultural subgroup.


Class Presentation: You will become the EXPERT and present these chapters to the class along with additional researched information regarding counseling the selected special populations.

The presentations should be about 30 minutes long and should include a Power Point(10 pages), group activity(2 pages) and any additional interactive presentation that will help your classmates with the sensitivity issues. Handouts (double sided) should be provided to class members. Be sure to include important issues to this population and implications for counseling.

3 documents will be due upon completion:

1 PowerPoint Presentation to include 10 Pages

1 Group Activity to include 2 Pages

1 Handout that will assist the class 1 Page

Attached are pages from the book.  Please let me know if you can’t read them.

Counseling Special Populations Assignment