Cultural diversity essay paper

Cultural diversity essay paper

 Please watch the “Celebrate June as Immigrant Heritage Month” video. This video explores the many ways we can celebrate your unique contribution to the diversity discussion.

Celebrate June as Immigrant Heritage Month #ImmigrantHeritageMonth  10:26


That’s the link for the video.

Here are the instructions


After you watch this short video please respond to the following in your discussion.

1. The narrator gives a rich reminder that all non-Native Americans made a journey to be a part of our nation whether that journey began many generations ago or in this current generation. What scene most impacted you and why?

2. How does this connect to course Topic 1: The History of Cultural Diversity video?

3. Did this presentation change your perspective on immigration stereotypes?

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.


Respond to one peer post.

When responding to your peer’s post consider in what ways you both connected to the video.  This will give you a common ground to begin your response.  Next, consider the following and discuss insignificant detail.

What did your peer see in the ad that you did not see?

What did you learn from the student’s post?

Do you have any questions for the student?

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Cultural diversity essay paper