Decide On A Career Path Essay.

Decide On A Career Path Essay.


Assessment Part A

Education (Advantage): Oversimplifying

Education (Disadvantage): Overgeneralization

Information Systems and Technology (Disadvantage): Irrational Appeal.Decide On A Career Path Essay.


Health and Human Services (Advantage): Either/Or Thinking

Arts and Sciences (Disadvantage): Overgeneralization

Nursing (Disadvantage): Double Standard

Nursing (Advantage): Logically Sound

Arts and Sciences (Advantage): Logically Sound

Business (Disadvantage): Logically Sound

Information Systems and Technology (Advantage): Irrational Appeal

Business (Advantage): Irrational Appeal

Health and Human Services (Disadvantage): Logically Sound

Assessment Part B

Business: The manner in which the information was given to me constitutes errors of validity. The students were trying to help me find the information that would help me select the major of my choice. The information was presented in a biased view point, encouraging me to pick their fields.

Nursing: I chose this degree because it will help me to help other people. This field is appealing to me because it matches my personality the best. When we were evaluating arguments I determined that students were giving me biased information because they were only encouraging pursuing a degree in their field of study. When I was able to see all of the different major options this was the most helpful because it was unbiased and showed me advantages and disadvantages to each field.Decide On A Career Path Essay.

Education: The most compelling components of the argument are that the work is very meaningful and this field has many opportunities from which to choose. Being meaningful is important because it means that I would be able to find a decent job while helping those around me. This is incredibly interesting to me. Being able to choose from a variety of positions is equally important because it allows me a variety of options. However, the local error in this was that they said jobs were uncreative, though they were not.

Health and Human Services: Once I revised the argument, it was easiest for me to determine that one should consider all of the questions they have when they are deciding on a certain field of work. The Health and Human Service field solves problems and figures out how to deal with situations in the best way for everyone. A person entering into this field would be able to see the tangible results of their help once they have completed a degree and begun working.Decide On A Career Path Essay.

Arts and Sciences: Overgeneralization was used a lot. This was the main error with the argument. There were many facts missing and a lot of information was oversimplified. This was because many pieces of information were missing from a person being able to decide upon a career field.Decide On A Career Path Essay.