Depression among Pregnant Adolescents Essay

Depression among Pregnant Adolescents Essay

Depression among pregnant children as well as the factors that plays a part in the said condition is being reviewed in this overview of literature. The things that may help prevent or lessen depression and the use of this Kutcher Adolescent Depression Level is also created.

According to G. Tzilos et al, (2012). Depression during pregnancy is related to the increase number of mortality and morbidity among teenage moms and infants. However, the conditions of Adolescent pregnancy declined over the past years because of the strict implementation of contraceptive use in america still the number of occurring depression related to teen pregnancy is alarming to the culture nowadays. Early pregnancy will not only a threat to the mom but as well as the infant because when an adolescent gets pregnant, it is expected that she will face many issues during and after her pregnancy and these complications may lead to loss of life of her baby and herself. Adolescent Pregnancy is actually identified by the contemporary society as a problem and a great menace that will add up to societal problems. These perceptions will make pregnant adolescents feel that they may be being judged adversely by the society and could lead to depression. Most them felt they are always seen as persons who don’t know how to adopt proper care of the forthcoming baby because they are not yet completely matured. Some even connect teenage mothers to Erik Erikson’s Theory to illustrate they are struggling in satisfying two roles that they need to participate. Pregnant Adolescents are not seeking for medical attention because for the coffee lover they are mistreated and they’re scared for the criticisms that they can receive from people around them. That is why most pregnant adolescents’ encounters problems and issues during labor because of insufficient prenatal check-ups. Also in the studies prepared pregnancy is compared to the unplanned of course organized pregnancy commonly happens to persons who went under the sacrament of matrimony plus they unlikely to face difficulties and depression during pregnancy due to support with their family as well as the contemporary society and those unplanned pregnancies are most likely to feel the opposite. The highest number of depression during pregnancy in within the ethnicity of Latinas and a history of alcohol consumption and misuse whether it can be physical or sexual is found to be always a significant contributing factors that could lead to depression. Pregnancy at an early age was commonly associated to poverty and societal issues.  Depression among Pregnant Adolescents Essay.Regarding to A. Katz, (2011) Most them voiced out that life before pregnancy was difficult and early pregnancy in their family was common so there is a possibility that they will follow the things that they have become upon. Social connectedness takes on an important role most specially the pregnant adolescent’s family. A number of the articles pointed out that the mother of the pregnant adolescent should be presenting her more attention and support since she had been on the same experience before. Also, nurses were said to play a very important role in helping pregnant adolescents to avoid developing depression being that they are the ones who’ll interact longer using their patients. One of the article’s main topic shows that childbearing or carrying a child was the main reason why pregnant teenagers are experiencing depression. They say that depression appears to be associated with pregnancy because previous studies focus only on small populations. So what they do was they conducted a report with a big human population between pregnant teenagers and pregnant adults. The questionnaires receive out to gauge the level of depression within it are questions such as things that trouble them, that they manage emotions of sadness and attentiveness problems. The results revealed that teenage mothers have a rise in depression occurrence than adult moms. However, carrying a kid inside her womb was not the cause. They discovered that even before they got pregnant, their level of depression was greater than compared to their friends and continued to be high even after having a baby to the infant. The results described poverty and a preexisting stressor can predict adolescent pregnancy because of the psychological convinced that if they become pregnant their life would be easier and the target will be now given to the newborn. They observed that whenever they received pregnant, the opportunity is they become accountable for caring for the infant inside her and the study suggested that research nowadays should focus on the way the teenage mom going to follow her ambitions in life after having a baby to the infant. Lastly, the study suggests that hitched teen pregnant moms will likely develop a positive final result in terms of behavior and decrease the likelihood of producing depression then unmarried teenage mothers. One study pointed out the factors that could increase the probability of teenage pregnancy. One factor that the research workers pointed to have a great effect on the incidence of teenage pregnancy was this they began to engage in sexual intercourse they found out if a girl engages in sex before 15 years old she is more prone in becoming pregnant. They also pointed out United States as the most developed country with the best incidence of adolescent pregnancy and one of the factors that triggers early pregnancy was the number of sexual partners an individual has. They say that if a woman had 3 or more sexual partners’ chances of carrying a child are high if their partner’s age is more than 3 years of how old they are. The amount of anxiety of an teenage daddy was mentioned. Although there were only few studies about teenage fathers they found out that teenage daddy who became daddy for the very first time has a higher anxiety level compared to those who have been to the same situation before.Depression among Pregnant Adolescents Essay


The Kutcher Adolescent Depression Scale is a tool that is utilized by clinicians and researchers to identify adolescents who are in risk for expanding depression. It really is created by Dr. Stan Kutcher, various clinicians and experts which is acknowledged to be a highly effective tool in evaluating depression among children around the world. You will discover three different scales of KADS a 6-item which was created to be used in various organizations such as colleges, other healthcare professionals and main health care settings to screen patients who are at risk for expanding depression as well as to evaluate young people who are always in problems and can be seen with symptoms of mental health problem. The 11-item KADS is usually utilized by healthcare providers and different clinical settings to take care of adolescents who are experiencing depression. On the other hand, the 16-item KADS is only designed for scientific research purposes only. KADS is a simple tool that understandable by someone who has a level 6 reading level and age ranges 12 to 22 years old. Apart from being less complicated, the tool has been translated into a number of dialects for better understanding which is cost-free. It has been recommended by many experts such as National Institute for Clinical Analysis. In using the KADS the individual should be instructed carefully by medical care supplier, educator or any liable person and should be clarified that the tool is good for better understanding of the difficulties that the individual is facing. The very last item of the size is very delicate to suicidal risk. Anybody who replied 1 or a bit higher should be having a further examination for possible suicide. The KADS is free to use however it should not be copied or allocated without a written consent to Dr. Stan Kutcher. The folks who created KADS appreciate receiving reviews on the said analysis to find out whether KADS is still suitable or must be developed for better assessment.Depression among Pregnant Adolescents Essay

There are a great deal of different studies regarding depressions among adolescent pregnancy. Different methods were done to assemble results and data. Participants are usually attracted to perform different methods such as interviews and surveys. Different facets are studied to determine factors what melancholy may bring to pregnant adolescents. The most significant factor in health problems among children are occurrence and in labor and delivery. Difficulties that can be prevented by this studies. Young moms should be educated in controlling depression because in can result in different problems like diseases and suicidal tendencies. Different studies show so it occurs more in pre-developed countries. So comparative studies in the Philippines in specific rural and urban areas. Findings have shown that counseling and nursing interventions and services of planning adolescents in motherhood. Teenage moms shows higher level of major depression. One study implies that depression after likely to become depressed after their infants were created than lower- or higher-resource adult mothers. Finding the root cause of depressive disorder of adolescents could help in a big way. Guiding 12-22 12 months old children can prevent unwanted pregnancies and give them grounds to think this example make a difference them and their newborns. As experts, information and statistics would be type in carrying out this comparative study in rural and urban areas. In Nigeria, the main problem in health in children especially in developing countries is from preterm labor and delivery. A teenage girl who is pregnant has a 40 % chance of women in Nigeria are 17. 9 and 20. 1 years and the incidence of abortion is about 25%. Millions of girls aged 15-19 have newborns yearly but 10% of pregnancy because of the effect of early motherhood. Probably the cause of poverty in Africa. Therefore the researchers evaluated and explored the incident of problems in adult pregnancies and adolescents.Depression among Pregnant Adolescents Essay

The Philippines is a just a bit developed country than Africa. Couples who have a great deal of children is very common in both countries. Most of the started at this 17-19 years. A report in Taiwan confirmed what risk factors and delivery outcomes affect adolescent pregnancies. Fertility rates declined in Taiwan recently even thou birthrate in young adults is highest in Asia. It remains a challenging issue for Taiwanese to regulate adolescent pregnancy. Ages 12-22 is critical year for an individual in exploring various curiosity that can affect negatively and favorably. Smoking acquired significant higher rates of smoking during pregnancy for adolescent moms but in ingesting it was almost alike. These are triggers that influence a mother significantly and especially the infant upon birth. This could different deformities and even miscarriage. In is commonly worse especially in neighborhoods of the 3rd world. Another study pointed out that in view of socio-cultural factors and good nutrition in early on life for women is essential. Programs that can guide them in several ways would be key to avoid early conception. In India, nearly one third of newborns are lower in birth weight. The root cause would be poverty which brings about under nutrition and diseases. Kumar et al. (2007) confirmed a high result of (26. 1%) and stillbirths (4%) while Bhalerao et al. (1990) have reported a significantly higher proportion (8. 6%) of spontaneous abortion in addition to premature labor (14%) in teenage being pregnant. It is said that better planning of appropriate procedures to enhance the situation. Studies show that individuals surviving in rural areas are undernourished throughout childhood and adolescence. About 36% women of reproductive years in India have lower body mass index (BMI <18. 5 kg/m2. Poor prepregnancy nutritional status of young rural girls is because dietary as well as communal factors and therefore, it’s important to examine their interactive influence on reproductive health.Depression among Pregnant Adolescents Essay

According to ( Echa Kai, 2008) who conducted a research on teenage motherhood in Rajavith Hospital in India. Pregnancies taking place in adolescent females have an increased risk than in adult females. Women age ranges

According to the analysis (A. Katz, 2011 and K Mccormick, 2012) teenage being pregnant decreased as a result of strict execution of contraceptives in america. The US being a first world country, its resources are expandable and can have the ability to give attention to different problems that country encounter. The United States was able to control teenage motherhood because of health education by the use of contraceptives. Gender education is thought during senior high school to show teenagers the risk of unwanted motherhood physically and mentally. The correct use of contraceptives is shown to allow them to be aware how unwanted pregnancies and diseases unsafe intercourse make a difference an individual. As early as this get older students are sexually aware. Depression among Pregnant Adolescents Essay

Pregnant adolescents are having difficulties in conditions of participating in 2 assignments in life, being truly a mother and along the way being fully matured ( B. Tumage et al, 2013 and J Magness

2012). Being truly a mother is big transitional change in an adolescent. For her, in a position to care for the infant and herself will be a difficult task. On the adolescent age, an individual is getting to be older enough in each day responsibilities. Expecting can affect an individual physically and emotionally. At this young age, a drastic change can cause unwanted effects which can lead to depression. Assistance by family, counselors and health providers will be a key factor for them to be able adapt to this changes.


Nurses play a vital role in preventing the introduction of depression by being approachable and providing assist with them with no negative view (J. Magness, 2012). As health care providers. Nurses are aware how depression impacts an individual. A nurse will be able to do interventions that will advantage the patient. Supplying assistance without the common sense, for a nurse being truly a professional it is firmly not really a personal matter but the goal is to provide good care. The Patient-Trust relationship would be a vital key. Depressive disorder can result in negative effect actually and mentally so it is necessary to prevent this. Depression among Pregnant Adolescents Essay

Unplanned pregnancy are likely to develop unhappiness (M. Phipps et al, 2012, K and Mccormick, 2012). An accidental being pregnant would be severe change in lifestyle. Nowadays, people tend to hide if they are accidentally pregnant especially if they are simply young old. For any person not be ready to bear child would be very hard in the move of living. It’s quite common that both associates who did not planned for a child tend to distinguish thus, the mother would undergo and she together would give good care and offer for the infant. This things may lead to depression that could lead various effects on the mom and the baby. Depression among Pregnant Adolescents Essay

Poverty was the primary cause of teenage motherhood and major depression (G, Tzilos et al (2012), M Phipps, (2012) & J Collingwood (2010). For an individual who is not educated, having a erotic relationship is some sort of pleasure with no consequences. Poverty, the most typical problem of countries causes a poor effect atlanta divorce attorneys aspect. Under-developed countries are usually those with the largest human population. Those not being able to manage contraceptive and the lack of health education causes unwanted pregnancy. An unwanted baby would cause despair. Gathering resources for the baby’s need will be a difficult task and would lead crimes and desperation. The infant would be most certainly damaged by these insurance agencies inadequate attention and nutrition. Depression among Pregnant Adolescents Essay.