Diabetes and Drug Treatments sample discussion essay

Diabetes and Drug Treatments sample discussion essay

 Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects about 450 million people globally. About 90% of these people have type 2 diabetes (Long et al., 2021). There are four types of diabetes and that includes type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, gestational, and juvenile diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that where B cells in the pancreas are destroyed and leads to insulin deficiency. Meaning that the pancreas does not make insulin and can lead to hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia if not managed appropriately. Type 1 diabetics require insulin injections and frequent glucose level checks. Juvenile diabetes is also known as type 1 diabetes in children (Bagchi & Nair, 2018). This is currently non curable and is not affected by one’s lifestyle and diet. Type 2 diabetes is where the pancreas becomes insulin resistant and relative insulin deficiency. This is more common in older adults and poor lifestyle and diet habits can cause type 2 diabetes. It can sometimes be reversed with strict diet and bodyweight control (Bagchi & Nair, 2018). Gestational diabetes is diabetes that can occur during pregnancy in those who were not previously diabetic. This can occur during the changes in a woman’s body while she is pregnant, such as weight gain. This can lead to insulin resistance, causing the body to not make enough insulin during pregnancy. This can be prevented by being physically fit before pregnancy and managing a healthy weight (Bagchi & Nair, 2018).  Diabetes and Drug Treatments sample discussion essay



Type 1 diabetes is treated with insulin. Patients can either use an insulin pump that injects a basal rate of insulin that is individualized based on weight and diet or use insulin injections 3-4 times a day based on their blood sugar and using a sliding-scale approach. Each patient’s insulin schedule varies based on their own bodies needs and requirements. Generally, patients take 3-4 insulin injections daily, and long acting insulin in the morning or evening, or both (American Diabetes Association, 2018). Insulin is drawn up from a vile in a specific insulin syringe and measured in units. Certain scales are used to determine how many units of insulin a patient should take based off their current blood sugar (American Diabetes Association, 2018). Side effects of insulin are minimal when taken correctly. Hypoglycemia is caused when too much insulin is given and blood sugar levels fall 70 and below. Symptoms include fatigue, pale skin, sweaty, anxiety, hunger, irritability, tingling sensation around the mouth and shaking. Hyperglycemia is caused when not enough insulin is given, and blood sugar levels fall above 180. Symptoms include blurred vision, fatigue, increased urination, and increased thirst (Bagchi & Nair, 2018). If diabetes is not managed appropriately and patients are typically running hyperglycemic, severe long-term effects can occur. This includes delayed wound healing, foot ulcers, diabetic neuropathy, kidney disease, stroke, and amputations (Bagchi & Nair, 2018). Diabetes and Drug Treatments sample discussion essay


American Diabetes Association. (2018). Pharmacologic approaches to glycemic treatment: Standards of medical care in diabetes—2018. Diabetes Care, 41(Supplement 1), S73–S85. Retrieved from http://care.diabetesjournals.org/content/41/supplement_1/s73.full-text.pdf

Bagchi, D., & Nair, S. (Eds.). (2018). Nutritional and therapeutic interventions for diabetes and metabolic syndrome. ProQuest Ebook Central https://ebookcentral.proquest.com

Long J, Liang R, Zheng Q, Yuan G, Xin Z, Chen X, Lai F, & Liu Y. (2021). Overview of Clinical Trials on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Comprehensive Analysis of the ClinicalTrials.gov Database. Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy, 14, 367–377. Diabetes and Drug Treatments sample discussion essay


By Day 3 of Week 5

Post a brief explanation of the differences between the types of diabetes, including type 1, type 2, gestational, and juvenile diabetes. Describe one type of drug used to treat the type of diabetes you selected, including proper preparation and administration of this drug. Be sure to include dietary considerations related to treatment. Then, explain the short-term and long-term impact of this type of diabetes on patients. including effects of drug treatments. Be specific and provide examples.

By Day 6 of Week 5

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who selected a different type of diabetes than you did. Provide recommendations for alternative drug treatments and patient education strategies for treatment and management. Diabetes and Drug Treatments sample discussion essay


response 1

You explained the different types of diabetes very well. Diabetes occurs due to inadequate control of blood glucose either from insulin sensitivity or lack of insulin production by the pancreas. Depending on the category of diabetes, treatment should be focused to improve patient outcome by minimizing side effects and improving medication compliance. As you mentioned, juvenile diabetes is a type 1 diabetes on children and youth. However, more children are being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes due to sedentary lifestyle and weight gain. According to the CDC (2017), about one-third of American youth are overweight which contributed to an increased number of type 2 diabetes in youth as young as 10 years old. Type 2 diabetes can be reversed through lifestyle modification, weight loss and increased activity.


You briefly mentioned about gestational diabetes risk factors. Additional risk factors of gestational diabetes according to Egbe et al. (2018) include maternal age, obesity, past history of unexplained still birth and macrosomia. Insulin is the drug of choice for gestational diabetes. As a healthcare provider it is important to educate patients about proper insulin use, administration and storage to prevent complications. For newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes patient return demonstration is beneficial to ensure effective administration of drug. Diabetes and Drug Treatments sample discussion essay




CDC. (2017). Prevent Type 2 Diabetes in Kids. https://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/prevent-type-  2/type-2-kids.html


Egbe, T. O., Tsaku, E. S., Tchounzou, R., & Ngowe, M. N. (2018). Prevalence and risk factors of


gestational diabetes mellitus in a population of pregnant women attending three health facilities in Limbe, Cameroon: a cross-sectional study. The Pan African medical journal31, 195. https://doi.org/10.11604/pamj.2018.31.195.17177


response 2

Thank you for sharing this information on Type I Diabetes. You described all types of diabetes well and the treatment for Type I Diabetes. According to Mayo Clinic (2021), the treatments for this disease include taking insulin, counting of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins that are ingested, frequent glucose checks, healthy eating habits and maintaining a exercise plan which will help with weight goals. To successfully get this disease under control, all of these treatments must be implemented. An individual with type I diabetes has no choice but to be dependent on insulin which comes in short-acting, rapid-acting, intermediate-acting and long-acting (Mayo Clinic, 2021). The best insulin regimen is determined by the doctor’s assessment and lab values over time that achieve the best results. Type 1 diabetes is also known as juvenile diabetes as it is first diagnosed at a young age. Blood glucose checks are extremely important with this condition. With my children, I have witnessed the fear they have when they need to have a “finger prick” to check for lead levels. I could not imagine having to do this every day, several times a day. As I am sure they get familiar with it, it cannot be pleasant to do day in and day out. There is a continuous glucose monitor that can placed under the skin and worn around the clock to monitor sugar levels every few minutes to get a better idea of glucose levels, which can be especially important when trying to pinpoint the best insulin regimen (Nemours, 2021). Educating the patient and their family on this device is crucial. The sensors have to be replaced every week. Patients and their caregivers must be educated and return understanding by demonstration or verbally where applicable. Understanding treatment and options with this disease is very important to successfully get it under control. Your information regarding treatment was very informative. There are many avenues that must be crossed to achieve the best stability. Diabetes and Drug Treatments sample discussion essay
Mayo Clinic. (2021). Type 1 diabetes. Retrieved April 2, 2021 from https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/type-1-diabetes/diagnosis-treatment/drc-
Nemours. (2021). Type 1 Diabetes: How Is It Treated? Retrieved April 2, 2021 from https://kidshealth.org/en/teens/treating-type1.html  Diabetes and Drug Treatments sample discussion essay