Dialectical Behavior Therapy Assignment Discussion

Dialectical Behavior Therapy Assignment Discussion

1. Review the attached presentation on Dialectical Behavior Therapy. There are three “Though Provoking statements” toward the end of the slides. Formulate a response that addresses those statements and also provide a BRIEF reflection response to the presentation that includes at least 2 scholarly APA-cited sources regarding “motivational interviewing”. Your post should have thoughtful content and at least two peer-reviewed references (your textbooks do not count). Although we love when students support each other and provide compliments please do not simply respond “I agree” or “great job” as this will not be accepted as one of your weekly posts. Dialectical Behavior Therapy Assignment Discussion


2. References MUST be written out in APA style. These responses are graded.

This is going into a discussion board. This assignment is not an APA paper it just needs to have APA citations for the sources and provide the APA reference citation at the end of it.

Mindfulness is a treatment for mental health problems that has gained immense attention over the years. Its use as a treatment approach has been promising. Mindfulness-based stress reduction programs and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy are effective in lowering the symptoms of anxiety in patients. The practices assist people in becoming more aware of their thoughts, emotions, and body sensations, leading to effective regulation of emotions and reduced adverse psychological symptoms. Agreeably, the approach is practical when integrated with dialectical behavioral therapy and could help foster the regulation of emotions Dialectical Behavior Therapy Assignment Discussion

Further, dialectical behavior therapy was developed as a form of treatment for bipolar disorder (Flynn et al., 2018)Dialectical Behavior Therapy Assignment Discussion. However, it has proved effective in different areas, including eating disorders, substance use conditions, post-traumatic stress disorder, and trauma. In all these conditions, DBT has helped in enabling thought management in a patient and reducing the symptoms associated with these conditions, such as anxiety and depression.

For future practice, dialectical behavior therapy is needed to prevent adverse manifestations of mental health conditions. The use of this approach for future practice is dependent on different factors. First, there is a need to determine the most suitable population to work with. DBT is particularly effective in patients with emotional regulation and distress tolerance (Chapman & Owens, 2020)Dialectical Behavior Therapy Assignment Discussion. Asides from that, the use of DBT entails a combination of acceptance and change, and dialectical behavior therapy can be effective in fostering positive change in patients. Lastly, ensuring that the approach is used based on the client needs and preferences is integral. Considering these factors leads to effectively using the dialectical behavior approach for patient treatment.


Chapman, A. L., & Owens, L. (2020). Mechanisms of change in dialectical behavior therapy. The Handbook of Dialectical Behavior Therapy, 51-69. https://doi.org/10.1016/b978-0-12-816384-9.00003-8

Flynn, D., Kells, M., Joyce, M., Suarez, C., & Gillespie, C. (2018). Dialectical behavior therapy for treating adults and adolescents with emotional and behavioral dysregulation: Study protocol of a coordinated implementation in a publicly funded health service. BMC Psychiatry18(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12888-018-1627-9 Dialectical Behavior Therapy Assignment Discussion

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