Differences Between Total Patient Care and Team Nursing Research Essay.

Differences Between Total Patient Care and Team Nursing Research Essay.


Nursing is a very important field and plays the role of defining the treatment which is to be given to a patient. Many hospitals in the world are faced with dilemma of dealing and providing total patient care and team nursing. This paper seeks to address the above issues and it comes up with a proposal of analyzing whether total patient care and team nursing is effective or non effective. The objective of the research will be to examine the concepts total patient care and the factors associated with its use in the team nursing.Differences Between Total Patient Care and Team Nursing Research Essay.



When it comes to maintenance of health, it is the role of the nurses to engage the necessary mechanisms which shall be able to promote effective health in the society. It would thus be necessary to come up with all engagements capable of improving delivery of service and promote performance. There has been great advancement in the health care system in our society today than in the past years. The medical technology has made it possible to provide total nursing care and team nursing to patients in a way that they feel secure and comfortable. This means that an individual’s life can be prolonged and hence patients living with health issues and the persistent mental condition can live for an indeterminate time (Knin, 2001).

This is thus a proposal which shall be concerned with coming up with a system for management and performance towards provision of the best strategic plan on use of Total patient care and team nursing. This means that the plan shall be able to come with succinct recommendations which can effectively be adopted, and by so doing be able to improve the kind of engagement and enforcement. This proposed study will enhance information derivation and give possible opinions and solutions which have the capability of improving health of sick patients and provide better nursing care.

Problem Statement

In provision of patient care, it is necessary to make sure all issues have been carefully considered. These range from personalized care, safety issues, security and ethical concerns. We usually have two kinds of care: one is provided by a single nurse to a specific patient, also known as total patient care, while the other is team nursing. When providing patient’s care, these two options are available. However, the two will not produce similar results at the end of the day. Therefore there is the need to undertake a research study and establish the best kind of care for patients.Differences Between Total Patient Care and Team Nursing Research Essay.

Significance of Study

Once the appropriate patient care method has been established from the study, it will be possible for medical facilities and institutions to influence the kind and nature of patient care given by nurses. The ultimate goal of any nursing practice is to provide the patient with the right care and eventually restore his or her health back. This study will therefore establish and motivate the best patient care approach between the two.Differences Between Total Patient Care and Team Nursing Research Essay.

Literature review

Over the past years there have been diverse developments in nursing care which have which have been aimed at promotion service delivery on the patients. When it comes to maintenance of health especially for the individuals under care, it is the role of the nurses and doctors to engage the necessary mechanisms which shall be able to promote effective health in the society. It would thus be necessary to come up with all engagements capable of improving delivery of service and promote performance. There has been great advancement in the health care system in our society today than in the past years. The medical technology has made it possible to keep individuals suffering from mental diseases in places that they feel secure and comfortable. This means that an individual’s life can be prolonged and hence patients living with the persistent mental condition can live for an indeterminate time.

A successful nursing assessment with regard to total patient care and team nursing   leaves a feeling of value in the case of the nurse and in the end one is motivated by the encounters linked to symptom relief. Being the first stage of the nursing process, assessment is taken to be the initial stage where the nurse takes a holistic and complete nursing assessment concerning the needs of the patient, regardless of the very reason of encounter (Kaur, 2010).

Total patient care is defined as a holistic nursing care which provides all necessary care to an ailing patient. The concept of team nursing involve the philosophy in which  different group of professionals in the health sector work together to provide effective nursing care to patients. Like total nursing care, team nursing entails providing effective and comprehensive nursing needs to groups of patients. Total patient care and team nursing is very vital in the sense that it allows nursing and health institutions to provide all-inclusive and  holistic nursing care with specialized teams that  function at a high level of competence. Total nursing care entails a system that ensure nurses are available to provide all the needs a patient requires all the way from admission to discharge. This technique is effective in that the patient is able to build strong bond and confidence on the skills of the nurse assigned to him. This bond between the patient and nurse promote o fast recovery and enhanced nurse-patient relationship. Major issue of total patient care and team nursing is that it’s very expensive. There is also lack of individual effort and lack of ability to communicate.Differences Between Total Patient Care and Team Nursing Research Essay.

Though it has many demerits and merits, the lesson people should learn is that total patient care and team nursing is vital and the personalized care of patients is infinitely valuable and it is not justifiable to treat them otherwise. Nurses have the duty of ensuring patients receive adequate care and treatment. Freedom and right to do things voluntarily is sacred and therefore each individual deserves respect and the notion behind seclusion should be reconsidered and reviewed (Slim, 2009).Differences Between Total Patient Care and Team Nursing Research Essay.

Objectives for the proposal

  • To establish the best patient care between total patient care and team nursing.
  • To act as guide for policy implementation for patient care
  • To provide relevant information regarding use of total patient care and team nursing.
  • To identify the current problems related with total patient care and team nursing.
  1. Research Methodology

In order to ensure that the study will be conducted in a much intelligent manner, questionnaires will be used. These questionnaires will be pre-tested and as well as modified in an effective manner before starting the real field study and survey. Therefore, the research methodology will involve the use of two teams from the two types of patient care. Three groups for every team will be interviewed to come up with the rightful information about the nursing care practice. In that case, six nurses from each group will be interviewed through the use of questionnaires.  This is will be done by using a multi- care level aged care unit, a recovery ward and an acute unit in a large public hospital.

Also, the questionnaires shall have to be coded, and data shall be analyzed through the use of SPSS computer software for analysis and interpretation (Sockett, 2005). This kind of analysis will also include a thorough comparison in the variance and the final analyzed data. It should be noted that some respondents shall be reached by the issuing of the questionnaires. Because of that, there will be the placing of the questionnaires through the internet. Through internet use, more and more individuals would be reached hence improving the quality of data that shall be obtained from the study. This would be able to give good information which would help in determining the major determining factors towards effective total patient care and team nursing (Gilbert, 2008).

Data analysis and dissemination of findings.

This study if approved, it shall be able to come up appropriate findings which shall be useful in ensuring that there has been the provision of the necessary modalities and engagements which shall be useful in encouraging the use of total patient care and team nursing.

There shall be a production of a guide for policy which shall have to be adopted, and such shall be able to show the ability of the technique effectiveness. This shall be done by engaging the necessary engagement and mechanism which when adopted will lead to the realization of goals and objectives (Gilbert, 2008).Differences Between Total Patient Care and Team Nursing Research Essay.