Diversity Equity and Inclusion Assignment Essay

Diversity Equity and Inclusion Assignment Essay

DEI Reflective Assignment # 2. Please watch the following two YouTube videos, answer the questions
For reference, I am a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner student. Responses should be fair and align with my stated profession.

Please make it clear that you are answering each question. It may be helpful to number your responses. Diversity Equity and Inclusion Assignment Essay



1. After watching the two videos, what were your initial thoughts or reactions? The response must be 5 sentences long.

2. Thinking about that reaction, what was the source, or where did that reaction come from? The response must be 5 sentences long. Diversity Equity and Inclusion Assignment Essay

3. What do you think are the implications of your reaction? The response must be 5 sentences long.

4. Now that you have thought about your reactions and their implications, what is your plan for managing them in your future practice? The response must be 5 sentences long. Diversity Equity and Inclusion Assignment Essay