Double Layer Cylindrical Space Truss Health Essay

Double Layer Cylindrical Space Truss Health Essay

Space trusses are one of the lightest steel constructions with 3-dimensional and complex structural behaviours made of 1000s of steel cannular bars connected together by nodes. The really high grade of indefiniteness, their multiple redundancies and their appropriate 3-dimensional geometrical signifiers provide extra borders of safety to forestall them from sudden prostration in the instance of inadvertent local failure of one or more elements, when the overall burden is below the service burden [ 1 ] .
Space trusses have become widely popular as big span roof constructions, peculiarly in countries such as athletics centres, exhibition halls and airdrome airdocks. Double Layer Cylindrical Space Truss Health Essay. The chief advantages of these constructions are that they are light in weight, have a high grade of indefiniteness and great stiffness, simple production and fast assembly, are wholly prefabricated, do non necessitate site welding, are easy formed into assorted attractive geometrical surfaces, have the ability to cover big countries with widely spaced column supports, have by and large good response against temblors and are cost effectual [ 2 ] . The Barrel Vaults is a sort of infinite trusses.


The first manner of the Barrel Vaults is the chief manner, but non the prevailing manner. Mass engagement factor of the chief manner additions with addition of the rise to cross ratio of the Barrel Vaults, the Barrel Vaults are vulnerable and may confront prostration in the instance of meeting a medium to strong land gesture belonging on their rise to cross ratio and support status and prostration of the Barrel Vaults is due to the progressive failure caused by the uninterrupted buckling of the elements. The Barrel Vaults show delicate behavior and should be designed elastically by the Sadeghi [ 3 ]
Collapse of the Barrel Vaults is due to the progressive failure caused by the uninterrupted buckling of the elements. The Barrel Vaults show delicate behavior and should be designed elastically. As opposed to normal edifices, in infinite constructions of non-plane geometry ( like domes and Barrel Vaults ) higher manners and perpendicular manners contribute in dynamic response efficaciously. The Barrel Vault theoretical accounts underwent a pronounced perpendicular supplanting as they were subjected to horizontal stimulation, whereas in normal edifices, there are occurs no important perpendicular supplanting under horizontal excitement. Moghadam [ 4 ] . The chief period clip and consequently the dynamic behavior of vault truss is depended to the rise of the construction ( H ) Jamshidi et Al. [ 1 ]
Taniguchi et Al. [ 5 ] investigated the temblor input energy at dynamic prostration for double-layer constructions and showed that the imposter speed responses matching to the big effectual mass manners were related to the tantamount speed matching to the temblor input energy by a clip history analysis.
Kato et Al. [ 6 ] studied the inactive and dynamic behaviors of long span beams versus perpendicular tonss to explicit the quantitative temblor immune capacity in footings of the first natural period and the slenderness ratio of upper chord members. The extremum land acceleration at dynamic prostration was selected for the mensural criterion. Simple lattice constructions, dynamic prostration behavior and inactive prostration behavior are numerically estimated by Taniguchi et Al. [ 7 ] in order to analyze what physical sum is the exact factor that determines the load degree of dynamic prostration. That is, the connexion of the two prostration phenomena.Double Layer Cylindrical Space Truss Health Essay.  It has been pointed out that a physical sum is the strain energy of constructions. In the dynamic simulations, the prostration is recognized by an disconnected addition of the monitored nodal supplantings and the maximal input acceleration values of temblors are bit by bit increased while supervising the maximal supplantings. As the consequences, an appraisal method is presented to foretell the prostration degree of perpendicular seismal gestures with the information of inactive prostration behavior of constructions.
Qiao et Al. [ 8 ] investigated the dynamic prostration behavior of a individual bed shallow lattice dome to do clear the dealingss between the maximal captive energies and the quiver manners and pointed out that the maximal captive energies were different with different quiver manners. Ogawa et Al. [ 9 ] introduced the gravitation energy defined by the merchandise of the self-weight and the perpendicular supplanting, in to the input energy as a prostration index for dual bed grids. It was shown that the double-layer grid began to fall in when the seismal input energy of the grid exceeded a certain sum. Examined the prostration maximal input acceleration while the inactive safety rate was changed for single-layer lattice domes by the Murata [ 10 ] .
The end of the current survey was to look into the simple form of horizontal component distribution of temblor burden in dual bed cylindrical infinite truss.
In this survey, a steel ST37 has been used to plan the parts, which has these specifications.
E = 2.1 * 106 ( kg/cm2 )
? = 0.3
?y = 2400 ( kg/cm2 )
All parts had tube form subdivisions with diagonal of 4.8 centimetre to 21.9 centimetre. After finishing the theoretical accounts, the construction will be designed under snow and dead tonss. This conservative design would forestall any buckling or acute tenseness in parts. How of this survey is shown in Figure 1. These are three chief stairss, viz. patterning, specifying burden and seismal analysis.
2.1. Modeling
2.1.1. Formian and SAP package
The geometry of the Barrel Vault infinite trusses were carried out utilizing Formian Software. In this survey Formian package has been used in order to pull of the infinite truss geometrically. This package is based on Fromski math that has been extended with Noooshin and Disney [ 11 ] . Formax algebra is a mathematical system provides a convenient for constellation processing. The theoretical accounts generated by Formian package so being sent to AutoCAD 2000. This package has the ability to do a file to come in the structural design plan SAP2000. Formian Software is freely downloaded from the web page. Double Layer Cylindrical Space Truss Health Essay.
After patterning, infinite truss would be imposed under three tonss, dead burden, unrecorded burden and snow burden harmonizing to AISC – ASD89 codification. ANSI codification [ 12 ] was used for analysis with clip history method by SAP 2000. The specification surveies of geometric theoretical accounts are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Specification surveies of geometric theoretical accounts
No of Model
? ( Angle )
( Degree )
H ( Rise )
( m )
S ( Span )
( m )
D ( Depth )
( m )
L ( Length )
( m )
NO of Node
No of Component
2.2. Analysis
2.2.1. Time History Method with SAP 2000
Intense gesture continuance at the clip of mode accelerations should be at least equal to 10 seconds or three times more than the chief period of the coveted construction ( whichever was greater ) . The selected 12 manner accelerations [ 12 ] should be scaled for analysis in this survey and manner accelerations. In scaling mode accelerations, ratio consequence of the base acceleration, structural significance coefficient, and the opposite of the behavior coefficient ( if construction is analyzed with additive elastic method ) should be considered. Double Layer Cylindrical Space Truss Health Essay. Equaling based on extremum land acceleration for bing manner accelerations has been more common than the other methods. To execute this, it was plenty to split the land acceleration by peak acceleration ( A ) to obtain the coequal acceleration.
Measure 1 – Mold
Formian Software ( geometry )
4 theoretical accounts ( H, alpha )
Measure 2 – Specifying Tonss
Dead Load
Snow Load
Earthquake Loads ( Mode acceleration from 12 land gestures )
Measure 3 -Seismic Analysis
Using SAP2000
Figure 1. How of this survey
Consequences and treatment
3.1. Horizontal constituent ( in arched way ) of seismal forces along the cylindrical infinite trusses
Space constructions are widely used in casing roofs with big span. Many interior decorators think that due to light weight, really high grade of uncertainness, and appropriate stiffness, these types of constructions have really good opposition against earthquake-induced forces and there is no demand for dynamical analysis to look into their seismal behavior. Recent researches indicate that these constructions besides might be exhibited some failings against earthquake-induced forces. In recent old ages, extended surveies have been done on the impact of temblor forces in infinite trusses. In this research, it is traveling to pattern the distribution of temblor force in cylindrical infinite trusses by a sensible and appropriate method. Consequence of this survey can be used in measuring measure the effects of temblors on these constructions by interior decorators without the demand for complex dynamic analysis.
3.2. Survey on seismal behaviour of dual layer cylindrical infinite truss
As the burden was applied to above bed of infinite truss, most portion of the temblor force would be applied to this bed. One of the made theoretical accounts from Table 1 is chosen as sample and the procedures would be shown in this construction and NO.1 theoretical account was selected from Table 1 for this instance. Each of showed degrees in Figure 2 made of several nodes ; this sample includes 15 nodes in each degree. Mass of each of nodes was multiplied to acceleration matching to critical clip ( fi= mi – & A ; uuml ; Gb ) and the entire value would be considered as temblor force in that degree.
The processs discussed have been implemented for the remainder of theoretical accounts and their consequences will be discussed in following subdivisions.  Double Layer Cylindrical Space Truss Health Essay.The term ?i and ?i are defined as follow:
?i: Percent Ratio of temblor burden distribution for each degree
?i: hello / htotal ; height ratio for each degree and the value of ?o ? 0.65 ; ?o is assume height ratio for each degree.
It is barely possible that the assume tallness ratio degree ( ?o = 0.65 ) will co-occur with the existent degree shown in Figure 2. Hence, two degrees of above and below have been used to execute surveies and probes. In old subdivisions mentioned that footing and usher for enforced surveies is related to the first portion of Equation ( 1 ) ,
m & A ; uuml ; + cA? + ku =0 ( 1 )
( m & A ; uuml ; ) from equation ( 2 ) which means the mass is basic parametric quantity in these probes. Mass of each degree has a direct relation to the lading balance of that degree. Loading balance of each degree consists of two parts: a portion is related to the down portion of degree and another is related to the up portion of degree. For each of the degrees discussed ( assumed up and down of degrees ) , half of the burden distribution that has no common with false tallness ratio degree, will be left on its degree and other half transportations to the false tallness ratio degree.
?o = 0.65
Figure 2 Average Ratio of maximal temblor burden for Model 1
Therefore, load distribution of the false tallness ratio degree is equal to half of the entire burden distribution of its up and down of degree. It has been noticed that the other half of the burden distribution are related to the assumed up and down of height ratio degree will be left in their ain country and degree ( Figure 3 ) . Probes performed on the consequences indicate that the entire burden distribution of the below country of false height ratio degree is equal to a changeless value. To find this value, the burden distribution that is assigned for false degree must be divided into two parts and one of these parts will be allocated to the down country of false height ratio degree and other portion to the up country of false height ratio degree. Double Layer Cylindrical Space Truss Health Essay.
Figure 3. Determination of load distribution of up and down country of the false tallness ratio degree
?o = ?F.E + ?S.E ( 2 )
?F.E = CF.E – ?o ( 3 )
CF.E = hF.E & A ; divide ; hT.E ( 4 )
Figure 3 showed finding of load distribution of up and down country of the false tallness ratio degree.
In the above footings, ?0 is the load distribution of false height ratio degree which is equal to half of the entire burden distribution of up and down of height ratio degree. ?F.E is a portion of ?0 that allocates to the down country of false degree and ?S.E is another portion of ?0 that is attributed to the up country of false degree. CF.E is a factor that in equation 4 has been defined utilizing triangle similarity jurisprudence.
3.3. Load distribution for each theoretical account
3.3.1. Analysis Model 1
These values for a theoretical account with 90 grades angle are:
?o ? 0.65
hT.E = ( 0.684*4.142 ) – ( 0.376*4.142 ) = 1.276
hF.E = ( 0.65*4.142 ) – ( 0.376*4.142 ) = 1.135
CF.E = ( hF.E/ hT.E ) = ( 1.135/1.276 ) = 0.89
?o = ( 25.04+18.186 ) /2 = 21.613
?F.E = CF.E – ?o = 21.613*0.89 = 19.24
?F.E = 19.24, CF.E = 0.89, ?o = 21.613
And eventually the entire loading part for the lower degree of the false degree is equal to:
18.186+19.24 ? 40
The value of ?0 for 100 grades is equal to 0.65 and the figure of its upper nothing degrees is 4, as respects that the entire loading part of these 4 degrees is 40 % and the starting point is the puting line of the lading part from beginning which is given by ;
?1 + ?2 + ?3 + ?F.E = 40
?i = ( ?4 ?4 ) – ?i
?5 = ( ?4 / ?1 + ?2 + ?3 + ?4 ) – 40
Figure 4: first portion of distribution line of sidelong burden
By executing above computations, ?4 value for a construction with 100 grades angle will be equal to ( 15.8 ) . Double Layer Cylindrical Space Truss Health Essay.
Load distribution is shown in Figure 4 for theoretical account 1.
The value of ?0 for 90 grades is equal to 0.65 and the figure of its upper nothing degrees is 2, as respects that the entire loading part of these 2 degrees is 40 % and the starting point is the puting line of the lading part from beginning which is given by ;
?1 + ?F.E = 40
?i = ( ?2 ?2 ) – ?i
?2 = ( ?2 / ?1 + ?2 ) – 40
By executing above computations, ?2 value for a construction with 90 grades angle will be equal to ( 27 ) .
By and large ;
?1 + ?2 + ?3 + … .+ ?F.E= 35~40 ( 5 )
?i = ( ?o ?o ) – ?i ( 6 )
?o = ( ?o / ?1 + ?2 + ?3+…+ ?o ) – 35~40 ( 7 )
?o ? 0.65
If the guild line of burden distribution draws based on ?0, the lines obtained will be somewhat conservative. So it is suggested to pull guide line of the burden distribution based on two following points: Beginning as the first point and ( 0.65, ?0 ) as the 2nd point In Fig. 4, NO.2 line has been drawn by computing machine consequences and the usher line ( G.L ) have been drawn based on beginning, ( 0.65, ?0 ) severally.


Figure 5: burden distribution line finding for Model No.1
3.3.2. Analysis Model 2
The value of ?0 for 100 grades is equal to 0.65 and the figure of its upper nothing degrees is 4, as respects that the entire loading part of these 4 degrees is 40 % and the starting point is the puting line of the lading part from beginning which is given by ;
?1 + ?2 + ?3 + ?F.E = 40
?i = ( ?4 ?4 ) – ?i
?5 = ( ?4 / ?1 + ?2 + ?3 + ?4 ) – 40
Load distribution is shown in Figure 6 for theoretical account 2.
By executing above computations, ?4 value for a construction with 100 grades angle will be equal to ( 15.8 ) .
Figure 6: burden distribution line finding for Model No.2
3.3.3. Analysis Model 3
The entire loading part for the lower degree of the false degree is equal to:
4.34 + 11.184 + 15.54 + 9.72 ? 40
The value of ?0 for 120 grades is equal to 0.65 and the figure of its upper nothing degrees is 4, as respects that the entire loading part of these 4 degrees is 40 % and the starting point is the puting line of the lading part from beginning which is given by ;
?1 + ?2 + ?3 + ?F.E = 40
?i = ( ?4 ?4 ) – ?i
?4 = ( ?4 / ?1 + ?2 + ?3 + ?4 ) – 40
By executing above computations, ?4 value for a construction with 120 grades angle will be equal to ( 16.3 ) .
Load distribution is shown in Figure 7 for theoretical account 3.
Figure 7: burden distribution line finding for Model No.3
3.2.4. Analysis Model 4
The entire loading part for the lower degree of the false degree is equal to:
14.56 + 20.2 ? 35
The value of ?0 for 150 grades is equal to 0.65 and the figure of its upper nothing degrees is 2, as respects that the entire loading part of these 2 degrees is 35 % and the starting point is the puting line of the lading part from beginning which is given by ;
?1 + ?F.E = 35
?i = ( ?2 ?2 ) – ?i
?2 = ( ?2 / ?1 + ?2 ) – 35
By executing above computations, ?2 value for a construction with 150 grades angle will be equal to ( 27.6 ) .
Load distribution is shown in Figure 8 for theoretical account 4.
Figure 8: burden distribution line finding for Model No.
4. Decision
Geometric dimension of dual layer cylindrical infinite truss, this survey has established the geometrical dimension under Formian package. Formian package has been used in order to pull of the infinite truss geometrically. Double Layer Cylindrical Space Truss Health Essay. This package is based on Fromski math, Formax algebra is a mathematical system provides a convenient for constellation processing. Four theoretical accounts have been established with assorted span, rise, internal angle and length.
Optimum height ratio for computation temblor burden distribution, harmonizing to the consequences of this survey, it is proposed that the tallness ratio, ?o = 0.65 for computation temblor burden distribution, where ?i is hi / htotal and hello is height of each degree and htotal is entire tallness of degree.
Third Earthquake burden distribution equation under seismal analysis, this survey has established the equations for computation temblor burden distribution under seismal analysis ; temblor burden distribution can be calculated by utilizing Equation ( 6.1 ) to ( 6.5 ) as shown in Figure 3.
?o = ?F.E + ?S.E ( 8 )
?F.E = CF.E – ?o ( 9 )
CF.E = hF.E & A ; divide ; hT.E ( 10 )
?o is temblor load distribution with assume degree, ?F.E is half of top of degree and ?S.E is half of down of degree. The value of ?0 for all theoretical accounts was equal to 0.65.
By and large ; the per centum ratio of temblor burden distribution are given by the followers:
?1 + ?2 + … + ?F.E= 35~40 % ( 11 )
?i = ( ?o ?o ) – ?i ( 12 )
?o = ( ?o / ?1 + ?2…+ ?o ) – 35~40 ( 13 )
?i is temblor load distribution for each degree, ?0 = 0.65 is height ratio. All analysis for four theoretical accounts, the value of ?o were in the scope of 35 ~ 40 % ( metric ton ) . All analysis for four theoretical accounts was in the scope of 35 ~ 40 % ( metric ton ) at the down of assume height ratio degree ?0 = 0.65 the value of ?o.Double Layer Cylindrical Space Truss Health Essay.