Drug Profile Of Salbutamol Research Paper.

Drug Profile Of Salbutamol Research Paper.


Chemical name: alpha-[(tert-Butylamino)methyl]-4-hydroxy.
Generic name: Albuterol
Australian trade names; Ventolin HFA.Drug Profile Of Salbutamol Research Paper.


Indications for the use of salbutamol
Acute asthma attack
Expiratory wheezing
Exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Shortness of breath in patients with severe breathing difficulty
Prevention of premature labor at the end of pregnancy
Management of hyperkalemia
Reversible airway obstruction
Paramedic approval of salbutamol in South Australia and paramedic indication for use
Relieve of bronchospasm
Acute Prophylaxis
A list of conventional over-the-counter medicines, complementary alternatives medicines (CAMs) and prescription medicines that are known or suspected to undergo clinically relevant interactions with your profile drug in humans
Interactions occur with tricyclic antidepressants such as amitriptyline (Elavil), monoamine oxidase inhibitors, stimulants, beta blockers, or loop diurectics. Some of the major over the counter medications that normally interact with Salbutamol are; lanoxin, Tenormin, Lopressor, marplan, pamelor Azilect and Tornalate. Those drugs must be fully discussed with the patients by the doctor if he or she is using such type of drugs before its being administer to the patients.Drug Profile Of Salbutamol Research Paper.

Source of information

The major source of information for the indentified interaction is from the Drugs information online. (Drugs.com, 2011). I will not guaranty the credibility of the information provided by the source because of the absences of the data that were used to analyze the interaction and the validation by other major scientist that can evaluate the research as being credible or not.Drug Profile Of Salbutamol Research Paper.