Elimination Complexities Assignment

Elimination Complexities Assignment

Elimination complexities impair the gastrointestinal, biliary, hepatic, pancreatic, and renal structures. According to Whitney (2018), internal disease mechanisms and conditions outside the body may affect the performance and stability of these vital structures and can have long-term consequences on the patient and their family. The elimination process complexity impacts the body’s several systems. When these frameworks are not working at a sufficient degree, the body is easily influenced, making the patient and their families susceptible in several crucial aspects, such as emotional factors, coping strategies, support systems, physical impairment, and psychological aspects (Whitney, 2018). A physical impairment may result in non-compliance with the clinical treatment regimen, such as reluctance to take prescribed medication, missed therapies and appointments, and inadequate healthcare.it may also lead to a significant decline in life quality. Elimination Complexities Assignment


Nurses can help their patients in all care facets when they have elimination complexities. They provide support and care during the acute period of disease as well as offer services after discharge, like support systems. They also established clear but achievable targets for restoration and independence. Besides, they provide ways for patients to build and strengthen positive relationships with others, like joining community groups after discharge. They also enable patients to establish and maintain life skills and promote occupational and physical therapy if recommended and, where appropriate, establish clear limits to enable patients to feel secure and not frustrated. Moreover, they urge patients to be patient with the recovery process (Grembowski et al., 2014). Overall, nurses have the ability to give emotional and psychological care to these individuals, as this will impact how they perceive their condition and enable them to achieve a better result.


Grembowski, D., Schaefer, J., Johnson, K. E., Fischer, H., Moore, S. L., Tai-Seale, M., … & AHRQ MCC Research Network. (2014). A conceptual model of the role of complexity in the care of patients with multiple chronic conditions. Medical care, S7-S14.

Whitney S. (2018). Elimination Complexities. In Pathophysiology clinical applications for client health. Elimination Complexities Assignment
