Episodic Case Write-up FNP Pediatric Health Essay

Episodic Case Write-up FNP Pediatric Health Essay

Episodic Write-up: Episodic visits are mostly encounters which require about one time visit (sometimes with a short follow-up depending on the diagnosis/existing comorbidities), or occurs occasionally. Episodic visit ROS and physical examination (PE) are targeted and focused on the body system(s) affected. Examples are URI, bronchitis, seasonal allergic rhinitis, acute pharyngitis, acute gastroenteritis, pneumonia, contact dermatitis, etc. Episodic Case Write-up FNP Pediatric Health Essay


This write-up should be 2-4 pages single spaced and concentrate on the most pertinent information. Not all the systems or sections from a comprehensive write up will be represented. Only the sections and information that are important to this case need be included. This helps clarify your understanding of using only the best/most important tools and information to justify your critical thinking. Episodic Case Write-up FNP Pediatric Health Essay
Following the format of: https://meded.ucsd.edu/clinicalmed/write.htm. You are learning to practice evidence-based practice. Support at least one item in the assessment AND plan with research. This can be your textbook and/or other class readings. The best way to support your research is using a research article. Make sure that the article is current (5 years or less old). The article can be used to support the use of the medication (or other therapy) for the presumptive diagnosis. When using an article, please attach the article along with the write-up into the appropriate assignment category. Failure to cite your plan will result in a point penalty reduction (see rubric for additional information) Episodic Case Write-up FNP Pediatric Health Essay
Note that you CANNOT redo write-ups. A grade cannot be improved by redoing a write up. Faculty will not read and comment on rough draft of write-ups
All case write ups are to be submitted to SafeAssign and the appropriate assignment category by the due date. Failure to submit to SafeAssign will incur a penalty of 5 points per day including weekends (maximum deduction of 25 pt.). Late submissions to the appropriate assignment category will incur a 5pt/day penalty (no maximum) including weekends unless an extension has been requested and approved before the due date. Episodic Case Write-up FNP Pediatric Health Essay