Ethambutol Toxic Optic Neuropathy Health Essay
Tuberculosis ( TB ) has been present since prehistoric times. Around 460 BC, Hippocrates identified pulmonary tuberculosis, which is the Grecian term for ingestion ( TB seemed to devour people from within with its symptoms of bloody cough, febrility, lividness and long relentless blowing ) as the most widespread disease of the times, which was about ever fatal. Today, centuries subsequently, TB is still the most common infective disease, infecting 1000000s of people worldwide.1 It has been a major public wellness job in the Philippines for the past several decennaries.Ethambutol Toxic Optic Neuropathy Health Essay. In the late 1990 ‘s, the Philippines was 4th in the universe for the figure of instances of TB, and had the highest figure of instances per caput in South East Asia.2 In 2002, TB was the 6th among the 10 prima causes of decease and the 10 prima causes of unwellness in the state. While the mortality rate from TB has decreased in the past 20 old ages ( from 206 deceases per 100,000 population in 1982 to 36 deceases per 100,0000 in 2002 ) , still around 75 Filipinos dice of TB everyday. By 2008, the state reached a TB instance sensing rate of 77 % ( transcending the national and planetary mark of 70 % ) . Presently, the national TB intervention success rate is at 89 % ( above the national mark of 85 % ) . Globally, based on 2010 statistical record, the Philippines is one of the 22 states identified by the World Health Organization ( WHO ) as holding a high load of TB, ranking at 9th worldwide. 2-4
Ethambutol hydrochloride ( EMB ) is one of the first-line agents employed in the intervention of tuberculosis,5 which was foremost introduced in 1961.6 Its original preparation was a racemic mixture, with the D-isomer supplying most of the curative consequence and the L-isomer supplying much of the toxic consequence. The latter was finally withdrawn from the market so that EMB is now merely available in the D-form.7 Since the really first published study in ethambutol-related optic toxicity came out in 1962,8 EMB is now the most widely implicated drug doing toxic ocular neuropathy in man.9
The chelating belongings of EMB is the chief perpetrator behind its toxicity. It may change the Cytochrome-C oxidase activity and mitochondrial metamorphosis in ocular nerves.10 Surveies have shown that there is an association with reduced serum Zn and Cu levels.11-12 There is besides grounds in the literature demoing that optic toxicity is dose and duration-dependent.13-18 Renal disease is an of import hazard factor for the development of optic toxicity.19 It was stated in a 1974 study of Barron et Al. that 25mg/kg/day ( locally-available commercial readyings contain less dose ) for 60 yearss followed by 15mg/kg/day for an indefinite period is extremely safe.20 However, toxicity has been reported to happen even at safe doses.21-22 Some writers believe that in the aged, there is no such thing as a safe dosage ” .23
Ethambutol Toxic Optic Neuropathy ( ETON ) is a diagnosing of exclusion.Ethambutol Toxic Optic Neuropathy Health Essay. It should ever be considered in a patient with a history of taking anti-TB drugs showing with bilateral near symmetric ocular impairment.24-26 Ocular marks and symptoms can look every bit early as 1-2 months after the initial intervention of anti-TB regimen incorporating EMB ( mean 2-8 months ) .25,33-34 Bilateral, insidious, and symmetrical damage of vision is the usual manifestation. Fundus findings are everyday and ocular phonograph record are ab initio normal but may finally undergo wasting. Common ocular field defects are cardinal or cecocentral scotoma, bitemporal hemianopia and sometimes, peripheral bottleneck. Color vision defects may happen as an early mark of ETON even with normal ocular sharp-sightedness. It normally manifests as ruddy or green colour vision lacks which could be due to the engagement of the cardinal fibres of the ocular nerve.35-36
Since TB ( TB ) is a world-wide public wellness job and, our state is classified as one of the high TB load states ” by the World Health Organization ( WHO ) , the happening of ETON is besides going a load, similar to other states. That is why this must be closely monitored. It is estimated that ETON have an incidence of 1 to 5 % among EMB users, even at the safe dosage ” of 15 mg/kg/day which was recommended by WHO.8,13,20-23,34,37 The incidence in the Philippines can be calculated at 6,000 per twelvemonth based on 134,000 instances under straight observed therapy short-course ( DOTS ) plan of the Department of Health in our country.37-39 Because of the uninterrupted usage of EMB as portion of the anti-TB regimen, the hazard of ocular damage from ETON remains to result.
Significance of the Study
As we have a batch of TB ( TB ) instances, will we hold increase rate of Ethambutol Toxic Optic Neuropathy ( ETON ) ?
1. To see if Ethambutol Toxic Optic Neuropathy ( ETON ) is frequent in Southern Philippines Medical Center ( SPMC ) ;
2. To see if there are variables that increases the likeliness of Ethambutol Toxic Optic Neuropathy ( ETON ) ;
3. Information gathered can increase consciousness and acknowledgment of Ethambutol Toxic Optic Neuropathy ( ETON ) .
General aim
The survey would wish to find the factors that affect the happening of Ethambutol Toxic Optic Neuropathy ( ETON ) .
Specific Aims
To depict the demographic profile of the patients treated with ethambutol ;
To depict the clinical profile of the patients both medically and ophthalmologically ;
To find the rate of ETON among patients who are into ethambutol medicine ;
To find the factors associated with the happening of ETON.
Research Design
The research will do usage of a prospective cross-sectional survey design. The rate of Ethambutol Toxic Optic Neuropathy ( ETON ) will be determined and at the same clip find the factors of happening of ETON. Ethambutol Toxic Optic Neuropathy Health Essay.
This will be done at the Ophthalmology Out-patient clinic in Southern Philippines Medical Center ( SPMC ) from the period February 2011 to July 2011.
A prospective survey of patients who will be referred to the Department of Ophthalmology Out-patient clinic in Southern Philippines Medical Center ( SPMC ) for intervention with Ethambutol ( EMB ) for TB.
Datas Gathering
An interview agenda shall be used to garner the information. The undermentioned procedures are to be done consequently: ( See Complete Baseline Examination Chart, Appendix 1 ) .
1. Get the baseline informations on all patients referred to the Department of Ophthalmology which includes:
i‚§ Patient ‘s General information: name, age, sex, position, reference, contact figure & A ; business ;
i‚§ Chief ailment and Present unwellness ;
i‚§ Descriptions of patient ‘s past medical history and medicines which includes: high blood pressure ( HPN ) , diabetes mellitus ( DM ) , stroke, bronchial asthma ( BA ) , nephritic job, glaucoma, injury, ocular neuritis/neuropathy, TB ( TB ) and others ;
Patient ‘s critical marks specifically blood force per unit area and weight ; and
i‚§ Complete ophthalmologic scrutinies: finding of ocular sharp-sightedness ( VA ) , pinhole ( PH ) , corrected vision with spectacless ( milliliter ) , best-corrected ocular sharp-sightedness ( BCVA ) utilizing Snellen chart ; colour favoritism with Ishihara chart ; Tangent trial for ocular field defects ; Slit lamp rating ; Intraocular force per unit area ( IOP ) measuring with Applanation tonometer, and fundus scrutiny utilizing the optic lens or indirect ophthalmoscope.
2. Patient will be referred to ophthalmology sub-specialty clinics when necessary, particularly when there is already an bing important optic findings during the baseline ophthalmologic scrutiny.
3. Follow-up all patients sporadically from first visit up to the last visit, on a monthly interval and make ophthalmologic scrutinies for 6 months, and compare each consequences.
The dependant variable will be the happening of Ethambutol-Toxic Optic Neuropathy ( ETON ) .
The independent variables will be the followers:
High blood pressure
Diabetess mellitus
Bronchial Asthma
Nephritic job
Optic neuritis/neuropathy
Sample Size Estimation
There will be a sum of 120 patients to be included in the survey ( See Sample Size Estimation, Appendix 2 ) . Ethambutol Toxic Optic Neuropathy Health Essay. The premise of the sample size is based on the rate of 5.0 % with ETON among Filipinos in the information available at the Department of Health, where 6,000 patients developed ETON out of 134,000 during the year.37-39 The maximal allowable mistake is set at 5 % with 95 % assurance interval.
Data Handling and analysis
Data gathered will be encoded into the computing machine utilizing the informations entry plan of Epi Info version 6 statistical package. The same package shall be used to analyse the information.
Data analysis will include descriptive statistics and analytical statistics. The descriptive statistics like the agencies and standard divergence for the qualitative variable and proportions for the qualitative variables shall be generated. In order to analyse the factors of the happening of ETON, the Odds Ratio ( OR ) shall be computed. The 95 % assurance interval of OR and the p-values shall besides be derived.
Ethical Consideration
Permission to carry on survey
The writer will direct letters to the different clinics of the Out-Patient Department of Southern Philippines Medical Center ( SPMC ) inquiring for referrals of all patients late diagnosed with Tuberculosis ( TB ) should be referred to the Department of Ophthalmology for baseline ophthalmologic scrutiny prior to get downing the anti-TB regimen which includes Ethambutol ( See Letter, Appendix 3 ) . Equally shortly as patients were seen, permission from the take parting persons will be sought. An informed consent will be used for this intent ( See Informed Consent, Appendix 4 )
Data direction
The information will be encoded into the computing machine. All placing information shall non be stored into the computing machine so that the information can non be traced back to the individual concerned. The interview agenda shall be kept and archived for a period of 5 old ages. Merely the writers shall hold entree to the interview agenda. After 5 old ages, the interview schedules shall be disposed of by tear uping.
Datas Analysis Plan
Below are the dummy tabular arraies that will be used to analyse the information. Ethambutol Toxic Optic Neuropathy Health Essay.
Table 1. Distribution of Study Participants Harmonizing to Demographic Profile
Demographic Profile
& lt ; 10
10 – 19
20 – 29
30 – 39
40 – 49
50 – 59
60 and above
Sexual activity
Marital position
Davao City
Outside Davao City
Table 2. Distribution of Study Participants Harmonizing to Past Medical Hisotry
Medical history
High blood pressure
Diabetess mellitus
Nephritic job
Optic neuritis/neuropathy
Table 3. Factors of ETON
Without ETON
Oddss Ratio
95 % Confidence Interval
High blood pressure
Diabetess mellitus
Nephritic job
Ocular neuritis
Ethambutol Toxic Optic Neuropathy Health Essay
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