Ethical Care Assignment Essay

Ethical Care Assignment Essay

1) Please help me answer these questions using the Edberg text book and APA formatting, thanks! Reviewing Chapter 5, let’s consider again the link between ethnomedical (and ethnopsychiatric) systems and moral judgments and stigma. How does this knowlege impact you, the RN practicing under the ANA’s Code of Ethics?Ethical Care Assignment Essay


Does stigma, at times, run deep within our cultures of care?
Is it, perhaps, possible that the very people charged with ethical care sometimes pass moral judgment?
Thinking of your current practice and/or how you might impact the future of culturally responsive nursing care, what is your responsibility here, according to the Code?
Plan for about 100-150 word reflective response. NO citation required. 2) In the module, you are directed to search the article titled: Formulation of a Plan of Care for Culturally Diverse Patients. This gives you added practice at searching the databases specifically.Prepare an APA citation for this article (1 point) (only do not worry about hanging indents and double-spacing in these small response boxes)
Summarize the article (1 paragraph).
How did the article have meaning for you? What did you really like about this “oldie” but classic article? What was at least on one “ah-ha” moment or reaction to your readings?Ethical Care Assignment Essay

You must proofread your paper. But do not strictly rely on your computer’s spell-checker and grammar-checker; failure to do so indicates a lack of effort on your part and you can expect your grade to suffer accordingly. Papers with numerous misspelled words and grammatical mistakes will be penalized. Read over your paper – in silence and then aloud – before handing it in and make corrections as necessary. Often it is advantageous to have a friend proofread your paper for obvious errors. Handwritten corrections are preferable to uncorrected mistakes.
Use a standard 10 to 12 point (10 to 12 characters per inch) typeface. Smaller or compressed type and papers with small margins or single-spacing are hard to read. It is better to let your essay run over the recommended number of pages than to try to compress it into fewer pages.Ethical Care Assignment Essay

Likewise, large type, large margins, large indentations, triple-spacing, increased leading (space between lines), increased kerning (space between letters), and any other such attempts at “padding” to increase the length of a paper are unacceptable, wasteful of trees, and will not fool your professor.

The paper must be neatly formatted, double-spaced with a one-inch margin on the top, bottom, and sides of each page. When submitting hard copy, be sure to use white paper and print out using dark ink. If it is hard to read your essay, it will also be hard to follow your argument.

Nurses support and enable individuals, families and groups to maintain, restore or improve their health status. Nurse also care for and comfort when deterioration of health has become irreversible. A traditional ideal of nursing is caring and nurturing of human beings regardless of race, religion, status, age, gender, diagnosis, or any other grounds. Nursing care is based on the development of a helping relationship and the implementation and evaluation of therapeutic processes. Therapeutic process includes health promotion, education, counseling, nursing interventions and empowerment of individuals, families or groups. It helps individuals make choices in regards to their health care. Nurses are independent moral…show more content…
Such factors may affect the degree to which nurses are able to fulfill their moral obligations and/or the number and type of ethical dilemmas they may face. A code of ethics focuses on the morals and ideals of the profession and provides a working framework for nursing practice. Nurses can use the code of ethics as a guide for direction and resolution of ethical dilemmas. It is not intended to cover all the aspects nurse should consider, but can be used as an aid in further consideration of ethical concerns in nursing. I have created a code of ethics to: a. Identify the fundamental moral commitments of the profession. b. Provide nurses with a basis for professional and self reflection and a guide to ethical practices. c. Indicate to the community the values which nurses hold. Code of Ethics 1. Nurses will respect individual needs, values, and culture in the provision of nursing care. Nursing care for any individual should not be compromised because of ethnicity, gender, spiritual values, disability, age, economic, social or health status, or any other grounds. Respect for an individual’s needs includes recognition of the individual’s place in a family and the community. For this reason, others should be included in the individual’s care. Respect for an individual’s needs, beliefs and values includes culturally sensitive care  Ethical Care Assignment Essay

Nursing is one of the most important professional role n health care frameworks. As nurses deal with the contemporary health issues of patients, they should have effective skills for handling complex situations. Being a nurse, I also have these skills for dealing with contemporary situations in the health care context. In this reflective essay, I will discuss about my nursing skills, which I have undertook during my practice placement. I would reflect my views regarding the scenario, which I have experienced. In this context, I would take help from the Driscoll’s reflective cycle. This reflective cycle will help me to identify the incident, my feelings regarding the incident and my role in handling the contemporary situation in the health care context (Munhall 2012). From this reflective practice, I would be able to enhance my critical thinking and problem solving skills. In addition, an in-depth demonstration of my ethical perspectives would also be discussed.Ethical Care Assignment Essay

Driscoll (1994) developed a reflective model for nurses, which help us to understand and context of an incidence during clinical practice and to think positively to modify future outcomes regarding the ethical issues. The author has highlighted three steps in the reflection model. The first one is “what”, here we identify what is the issues or what happened during the incident. The next step helps to understand the context through a brief analysis of our feelings during the incident by comparing these feelings with other’s experiences in similar context. This step is indicated as “so what” step (Driscoll 1994). In the next and final step, the model helps us to think about the implications that can help to alter the situation positively. It is highlighted as “Now what” step.

From my nursing study, I have been aware about the importance of ethics. Thus, I have always tried to follow the ethical codes of nursing, during my clinical practice. I have started my PEP clinical practice in n urban hospital recently and I am working under a registered nurse. Being a nursing student, I have to follow the guidelines provided by my supervisor registered nurse. However, from my perspective, I think, I should always follow all the ethical and legal aspects in my clinical practice, irrespective to my supervisor’s guidance. From the very first day, my supervisor has stressed the importance of managing sharp instruments like needles, cannulas and related objects, in the clinical practice.Ethical Care Assignment Essay

During the initial days of my practice, our tutor guided us about disposing sharp objects through a website. When I checked the website, I got the information that, we should never re-cap or break a needle after use, rather should dispose the needle in sharps containers or put it immediately in a kidney dish (Holt and Convey 2012). While working with the registered nurse, I was instructed to give an insulin injection to a diabetes patient. After injecting the medication, I discovered that I have not brought a kidney dish; being new at that place, I was also not aware of the nearest sharp containers position. Thus, I was quite scared, when the registered nurse saw me awkwardly holding the needle and told me to recap. As, I knew that it was not ethical and safe practice, I did not re-cap the needle. However, the RN screamed at me and I attempted to re-cap the needle, suddenly it punctured the skin on my left thumb. At that situation, in spite of feeling guilt or helping me, she showed me negligence and insulted me, which I feel solely unethical in a health care context.Ethical Care Assignment Essay

I felt very much insulted and it was an issue of my health. The needle punctured my skin, which enhanced the chance of my infection from that patient. If the patient has any severe infectious disease, I could even have fatal consequences. According to the ethical codes of nursing, the nurses should not show such behavior that could hurt someone, thus, it was an unethical behavior. On the other hand, my supervisor did not follow the instructions provided in the Australian guidelines of handling sharp instrument in clinical nursing practice. I reviewed the experiences of my seniors and colleges about the experience of working with that registered nurse. They informed me about her inadequate and unprofessional behavior in the health care settings. While thinking about the legal perspectives of the incidents, I found that, the RN violated the “Heath and safety at work act 1974”, by provoking me towards injury (Butts and Rich 2012).Ethical Care Assignment Essay

In this context, I reviewed our “Codes of Ethics for nurses in Australia” guidelines as well as the “Nursing competency standards for Registered nurses in Australia” guidelines, where I found that ethical codes do not allow registered nurse to such violating and humiliating behavior in the heath care settings. She did not consider my qualities and perspectives, but forcefully implemented her perspective, instead of the fact, that her perspectives were entirely wrong from an ethical viewpoint. According to the value statement 2 in “ethical codes in nursing”, it has been described that nurses should show respect for colleagues by involving and respecting their experience, knowledge, insights and expertise. Nurses should include kindness and collaborative behavior, while working with other nurses, taking into account the informed view, preferences, feelings and attitudes of colleagues. Therefore, my supervisor RN has violated this code of ethic by disrespecting my views and showing negative and aggressive behavior towards me. While reviewing the nursing competency standards for registered nurse, I found that in the first domain, one standard highlights that “registered nurse should be capable of recognizing and responding appropriately towards the unsafe or unprofessional practice” (Henderson et al. 2012).Ethical Care Assignment Essay


However, the RN might be aware of the consequences of that risky behavior; instead, she forced me to re-cap the needle. In the second standard of professional domain, it has been depicted that “RNs should practice in a way that acknowledges the culture, dignity, beliefs, values and rights of individual with who she is working”. The RN did not follow this standards also, as she did not considered my values and beliefs in practice. In this section, another standard depicts that, registered nurses should maintain a current knowledge base, consider ethical responsibilities in all aspects of the practice for ensuring safe and effective nursing care; however, she might not have knowledge regarding the risks of needle recapping and the importance of safe practice in these kinds of practices. Another important aspect in the nursing field is having good communication skills for incorporating a positive relationship with colleagues, subordinates and patients. However, she did not showed good communication skills and used humiliating and unprofessional language by calling me as “imbecile”, which is a highly unethical behavior in health care context.

The incident has a major negative impact on me. I could complain to the higher authority, but I did not want a negative reflection of the incident on my career. As the RN is senior to me, she could deny what she had done, for humiliating me further. But, I have decided to talk against these kinds of events in future. According to my perspectives, we need to take it into my that we are working for safeguarding people. A person can only contribute to other’s safety, when he is fit and safe. In addition, According to the NMBA competency standard of nursing, it is the responsibility of the nurse leader or supervisor to ensure the safeguarding of the nursing staffs. Therefore, I would try to improve my assertive skills to support other’s perspective. Nursing is all about assisting others with a positive behavior. Ethical Care Assignment Essay Therefore, I would try to resolve these kinds of issues with a positive attitude. The incident has violated the code of ethics in nursing. According to the value statement 2 in “Code of Ethics for nurses”, “Nurses should respect and show kindness for self and others” (Nursing and Council 2008). I would follow the code by showing positive behavior towards my colleagues, patients as well as juniors. The value statement 6 in the “Code of Ethics”, it has been said that it is a nurse’s responsibility to promote a culture of safety in the health care organization as well as within the health care team. However, the RN violated the above code by ensuring an unsafe culture of re-capping a needle, which led to my injury. In addition, she misbehaved with me.Ethical Care Assignment Essay

In conclusion, it can be said that from the above incident, I had gathered a huge knowledge about workplace safety issues and related ethico-legal complexities. In future, I would take strict action against these kinds of activities to ensure a safe and healthy culture in my workplace. I would promote ethical management, following the value statement 7 in “codes of ethics for nursing”. However, I would positively talk with the higher authority, in case of further similar incidents. I would try talk with the RN before meeting the higher authority and try to convince her to accept her fault and avoid these kinds of faults further. From my perspective, positive communication has enough power to convince someone to think positive.

This assignment addresses the implications relating to an ethical dilemma encountered in practice using an appropriate model of reflection. The assignment will highlight ethical theories and four guiding ethical principles, such as autonomy, beneficence, paternalism and non-malificence. The two main principles that will be discussed in depth will be autonomy and beneficence and how they impact on practice. I will use Bortons (1970) reflective model, which was taken from Jasper (2003).Ethical Care Assignment Essay

An incident, which occurred on practice placement, involved a patient’s decision to withdraw from active treatment. It is hoped that by exploring the incident in depth, a greater understanding of moral and ethical principles will be gained. All …show more content…
Clare would be at quite a significant risk due to her lack of mobility so precautions would have to be put into place.

A dilemma, according to Thompson, Melia and Boyd (2004) derives from the Greek word, di-lemma, which highlights a specific state in which a choice has to be made between undesirable alternatives. It can involve a clash of principles to which there are no rules.
By refining the dilemma into a problem, which all health care professionals deal with on a daily basis to make moral decisions, we can solve or pacify the situation to our advantage (Tadd 1998).

Clare’s past medical history included recurring gastrointestinal problems. She had seen her General Practitioner (GP) with associated problems although he suggested that these were nothing serious, and gave her medication to ease her symptoms. Consequently, Clare was very disheartened and felt disillusioned with the service provided.Ethical Care Assignment Essay

Upon admission to hospital for exploratory surgery following a traumatic episode of gastric pain, investigations revealed abnormalities. Two weeks later a cancer diagnosis was made. The whole family was still coming to terms with the major impact it would have on their lives.Ethical Care Assignment Essay