Evidence-Based Practice For Nurse Educator Discussion Paper

Evidence-Based Practice For Nurse Educator Discussion Paper

“What are the essential skills, attitudes, and knowledge for nurse educators to be able to model cultural sensitivity when advocating for change” (NLN, 2007, p. 121)?
Reference: NLN. (2007). Nurse educator competencies: Creating an evidence-based practice for nurse educators. J. A. Halstead (Ed.). NLN.
“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect” (Romans 12:2)Evidence-Based Practice For Nurse Educator Discussion Paper.


Nurse educators are key players in nursing education, with their input shaping the future of healthcare professionals and contributing to modelling a culturally sensitive healthcare environment. According to NLN (2007), their role is crucial towards fostering inclusivity while still advocating for positive and successful change. To effectively demonstrate cultural sensitivity while advocating for change, nurse educators must possess many skills, knowledge and attitudes.

Nurse educators must demonstrate cultural competence in their role. Regarding this, key knowledge includes understanding diverse cultures, beliefs, practices and values of patients, populations and learners. They should also possess skills aligned with cultural competence, such as adapting their teaching strategies, assessment methods and curriculum to be culturally responsive. More so, they should demonstrate genuine respect for cultural diversity and be open to learning from their students. Other skills include effective communication, where they demonstrate empathy and clear communication. Nurse educators must foster open and respectful discussion regarding cultural differences for effective change and impact on the learners (NLN, 2007)Evidence-Based Practice For Nurse Educator Discussion Paper. This includes both active listening and non-verbal communication. Concerning communication, nurse educators must demonstrate their willingness and humility to learn from their students, colleagues and community, creating an atmosphere of comfort for learners to express themselves.

In addition to communication, nurse educators should possess and practice advocacy in identifying and addressing health disparities and inequities. Adoption and advocacy for inclusivity and related policies help promote collaboration and respect of cultural diversity, resulting in culturally diverse learners and healthcare practices. According to NLN (2007), nurse educators should practice cultural humility, i.e., acknowledge their limitations, be open to learning from others, and develop and implement inclusive curricula integrating diverse cultural content. More so, they should display and practice willingness to embrace and seek out cross-cultural experiences by adopting the skills, attitudes and knowledge; nurse educators not only teach a culturally sensitive nurse graduate but also advocate for positive change in healthcare settings. Evidence-Based Practice For Nurse Educator Discussion Paper