Family & Health DQ 1 Assignment Essay

Family & Health DQ 1 Assignment Essay

this discussion, we will explore the issue of social responsibility and weight. To begin, view the following videos:

ORDER  HERE A PLAGIARISM-FREE PAPER HERE – This video (3:43; “Should Fat Flyers Pay More?”) is a CBS report that discusses whether or not it is the responsibility of airlines to accommodate overweight or obese passengers.
Reflecting on the controversies presented in these videos, is the responsibility of government (and/or society) to enact changes that may help people lose weight? Please remember that many individuals have personal experience dealing with issues regarding weight, so it is important to be sensitive and respectful as you share your opinions on this topic.Family & Health DQ 1 Assignment Essay

Reflecting on the controversies presented in these videos, it is the responsibility of government and the society to enact changes that may help people lose weight. This is particularly so because health is a public responsibility of the governments and must be implemented by the society. The video “should fat flyers pay more” indicates how the fat and overweight passengers undergo discrimination and stereotyping where they are required to pay more due to their excessive weight.
To solve the problem that many individuals have personally experienced as they deal with issues regarding weight, the government and the society are required to enact health changes that would positively impact on the lives of those who are overweight (Pedersen & Sage, 2008). It is not the fault of the people who are overweight, but rather it is regarded as a health concern that requires the intervention of both the society and the government (CBS, 2016). Leaving the matter in the hands of the civilians and private entities would lead to more incidences like this one where the airline was forcing fat flyers to pay more.
The issue of social responsibility and weight falls directly on the governed who should work in close collaboration with the society to prevent stereotyping and prejudice on those who are overweight. Most importantly is the fact that the government and the society would use this opportunity to initiate a social responsibility that would impact on the family structure thus providing an opportunity for the entire family to participate in changing weight issues, family patterns, and dysfunctional individual (Pedersen & Sage, 2008). It is only through government intervention and full involvement of the society that the issue of weight can be addressed without coming out as a prejudice to the overweight people. This would result in an appropriate treatment for culturally diverse and dysfunctional family. It is, therefore, the responsibility of airlines to accommodate overweight or obese passengers.
CBS (2016). “Should Fat Flyers Pay More? Retrieved from – This
video (3:43;”)
Pedersen, P., & Sage (Online service). (2008). Counseling across cultures. Los Angeles: Sage
Publications.Family & Health DQ 1 Assignment Essay

Family Assessment Assignment According to Potter and Perry (2010), a family assessment is necessary to provide sufficient family care and support. A family assessment gives the community health nurse an overall picture of the family’s structure and functions. Family health concerns are acknowledged and family strengths are emphasized by completing a family assessment (Stanhope, Lancaster, Jessup-Falcioni, & Viverais-Dresler, 2011). This paper will examine a family assessment that I conducted with a family and will include a completed genogram (see Appendix A) and ecomap (see Appendix B). It will discuss the family type, a short health history of the index person that was interviewed, the composition of the family and extended family, the family’s strengths and will also describe the home environment that the interview was conducted in. Furthermore, this paper will discuss the overall interview process and strengths and limitations of the process, what I learned during the interview process, and what I would do differently if I were to conduct another family assessment. Lastly, this paper will discuss how family assessment tools help community health nurses when working with individuals and their families. Family & Health DQ 1 Assignment Essay

Family & health DQ 1 (1)