Formal Mentoring Relationship Essay

Formal Mentoring Relationship Essay

Interview three (3) women about their experiences with mentors. The women should be either your mother, grandmothers, aunts, or other women you respect from your home church. Give priority to women in your family. This is NOT to be done by an e-mail fill-in-the-blank, but in a conversation in-person, over the phone, or using Skypeâ„¢, Zoom, FaceTime, or similar Internet audio/video programs. Allow enough time for them to be reflective. Submit a summary of the answers they give to each of the questions below. In addition, write a two (2) page (double-spaced) response to your observations. Formal Mentoring Relationship Essay



For each interview, ask:

Who had a mentoring influence in your life? (Remember, this can be broadly defined as personal – or from afar.)
What did these relationships mean to your life?
What did the mentors do right?
What do you wish they had done? Formal Mentoring Relationship Essay
What would you want in a mentor now?
Do you mentor other women – if so what does that look like?
If you have not had a formal mentoring relationship, to who have you looked to as a model for your life?
Does the church you attend have a formalized mentoring program? If so, how long has it been operating? Formal Mentoring Relationship Essay