Health And Social Care Evaluation Sociable Work Essay.

Health And Social Care Evaluation Sociable Work Essay.


The concept of partnership in health insurance and social care and agencies need to be involved in supporting Mr. Smith and his family From the scenario it is clear that Mr. Peter Smith is facing different type’s troubles at the same time like financial problems, sociable problem, physical problem and mental problem. According to Fletcher (2006), Glasby & Littlechild (2004), the partnership working is the main theme at the moment to ensure best results especially in health and social care areas. To be able to the solution of the problem, he needs help from different firms. These agencies can be healthcare agency and sociable care agency. To discover the best solution of his problem all the companies must interact. The agencies can be casing agency, hospitals, finance institutions, NHS, advisor companies etc. Health And Social Care Evaluation Sociable Work Essay.

Simmers et al (2008) has noted that primary healthcare agency, secondary health care agency and public care agencies need to be involved to support a person like him and his family. Here General Practitioner, dentists, good care trusts, NHS trusts, pharmacists, emergency trusts are included of principal health care company. As he’s fifty yrs. old so first of all he needs to get support from primary health care. It might be nursing home who offers service from free of charge as he is moving his time through financial problem. In addition, he is able to get financial benefit from emergency cash. After that, it is also seen that he is experiencing type 2 diabetes. So, he should get service from supplementary attention trust as primary care trust doesn’t provide this service and it can be NHS hospital trust or Diabetes UK (Morris, 2006). Health And Social Care Evaluation Sociable Work Essay.


In 2002 Ebony magazine revealed that there is a link between type 2 diabetes and coronary attack. Most of the cases, those who have sedentary life-style, they suffer from type 2 diabetes. Research has shown that, Type 2 diabetes triggers shrinking of the arteries which create barrier in blood circulation towards heart and this barrier/blockage causes heart attack. Health And Social Care Evaluation Sociable Work Essay.

According to Cutting (2004), specific like Mr. Smith should get active support, treatment and advice from Uk Heart Base. This corporation works against all types of circulatory and heart disease. In addition, it provides life keeping cardiac equipment free of charge of demand for the non-solvent people. It helps people by giving nursing services, rehabilitation services, and heart support services. If anybody loses their residences because of financial problem, they’ll be rehabilitated by this business. So, individual with financial problem can be benefitted by this organization. Health And Social Care Evaluation Sociable Work Essay.

In 1986, Hobfoll notes that, physical or mental health issues of male companions may affect their companions. As Mr. Peter has financial problem now so he may have face this difficulty. From your scenario, it is seen that, his better half was hospitalized for melancholy. So, sufficient help from public workers should be available to aid them in this situation.

From your scenario, we have also seen that Mr. Peter Smith has ten years old youngster whose just work at school has been worsened after problem in his family. So he should not be stayed with his family any longer since it may disrupt his mental health. Because of this, he might be hostile like his parents in future. Regarding to laws, every child must be stored safe at any types of condition. To ensure this Greater London Relationship of Directors of Community Services, Metropolitan Authorities Service, London Child Cover Committee and Division of Health, children trusts will work together. Corresponding to these organizations, children who are at threat of any types of problems should be taken care of by social workers. Health And Social Care Evaluation Sociable Work Essay.

So, from the above debate we can recognize that to aid his family many of these agencies have to work together. Mr. Peter Smith’s family will never get a typical service if they don’t work together.

1. 2 Different relationship relationships which may be necessary to offer with the problems facing Mr. Smith and his family and investigating partnership relationships across a variety of health insurance and social good care services.

According to Peck (2003), people working collectively mean collaboration working. This is a strategy to improve service and communication among the list of organizations and staff. For example, a GP must have a good partnership connection with the area nurse and doctor companies. Also, As the Gps unit’ are thought to be family physician to allow them to help clients like Mr. Smith a great deal. To ensure this, they should have a strong relationship with virtually all types of well-being agencies. Health And Social Care Evaluation Sociable Work Essay.

As Mr. Peter Smith is fighting various kinds problems so help from only GP is not sufficient. After consulting a GP, he can be described get treatment from a physician who will offer with his diabetes problem. Then he might have to be re-housed or even to get financial help. A GP can send him to an emergency trust or a enclosure company. If indeed they interact, then Mr. Smith’s problem will be fixed smoothly.

He further implies that, a GP must have a working relationship with social treatment companies. Mr. Smith’s wife should support her hubby during his rainy day. But rather than doing so, the partnership between them was breaking down by the time. To avoid this, Mrs. Smith must be counseled by the interpersonal employees so that she supports his husband and her family by this time around. At least she should do it for the sake of their child. In this term, London Child Safeguard Committee can give them a palm. But if it fails anyway, their child can be supervised by the committee immediately. Health And Social Care Evaluation Sociable Work Essay.

According to NHS (n. d. ), the collaboration relationship that can be necessary to deal with this is portrayed by the diagram listed below:

Primary Care

Secondary Care

Question 2

2. 1 Research innovations in working in partnership for a variety of service users

According to Sallivan & Warner (2004) and Mandelstam (2009), there are many developments in working in partnership in health insurance and social good care such as community care and attention act, nationwide health services, children react etc. These advancements will improve partnership working in Health and sociable care. But lately some legislation have been significantly transformed for children function. Because of this, no child will be victim of neglecting or abusing. Health And Social Care Evaluation Sociable Work Essay.

In the entire year of 2000 one young child named Victoria passed away for starvation, she was neglected by her aunt who was simply caring to her. Even she was not taken to any public service staff member or any doctor. In that time, every inquiry was inability at every level by every company which came into contact to her. The reason was, for the reason that time organizations did not interact from where Victoria likely to get help. Instead there was confusion and issue. Basically, Not only the health and social care and attention agencies are anticipated to co-operate with the other person but they expected to work in collaboration with other firms e. g. private and voluntary industries.

Wilson & James (2007) and Douglas (2008) observed that, children act’s 1989 was evolved plus some new legislations were added in 2004 to boost partnership working. It offers the local regulators the leadership role in making arrangements to gather local companions. The Director of Children’s Services and the business lead member for children’s services will play a key management role in bringing together local partners, both statutory and non statutory over the full range of local services. It provides a legislative spinal column for the wider strategy for increasing children’s lives. The function amended the law with respect to children’s homes, community homes, voluntary homes and voluntary organisations. It also made provision with respect to fostering, child minding and day look after small children and adoption. The overall aim of the act is to encourage built-in planning, commissioning and delivery of services as well as improve multidisciplinary working. This might remove duplication, increase accountability and improve the co-ordination of specific and joint inspection in local government bodies. It also sets out how the Local Specialist and the partners will increase the well-being of children in their area.

In addition, Anon (n. d. ) has shown that Country wide Health Service and Community Care and attention Work 1990, The Mental Health Act 1989 (amended in 2004) have been changed some legislations just lately to support collaboration working for a variety of service users.

2. 2 Review evidence of inter-professional practice of working in partnership in confirmed service individual group

According to Ellis et al (2003), inter-personal practice is vital to work in partnership in health insurance and social care. For example, Social personnel, NHS, authorities, children services, elderly care services, disability attention services, charity, private or general population organizations and other organizations should interact. For example, customer like Victoria Colombie might need to get service from a interpersonal worker who’ll help her to protect from physical maltreatment or overlook. Then she will need to get help from local police force or solicitors. So, social staff should have a link with the solicitors. Again, we know that lawyers and police force have romantic relationship to work together. She might need support from doctors as well. So, a social worker can refer her to a GP who’ll deal with her medical concerns. But if anytime she’s to face difficulty, then sociable worker can help her.

Anon (n. d. ) says that, a child might need to get financial help which might not be accessible from family. So, they should get help children’s services or disaster cash from children. It is very standard that children won’t learn how to offer with this matter. So, firstly public worker will need a note why she/he needs that money. Then communal worker can make an application for that help.

He further shows (indirectly) that, a kid with learning impairment may not perform his/her daily activity. His/her educators will not be available for him/her for the whole day as well. Then again he/she must come to aid worker who’s included to cultural worker. A instructor should inform to the accountable support worker about her/his progress. A diagram of inter-professional practice of working in partnership for a kid is below: Health And Social Care Evaluation Sociable Work Essay.

2. 3 Review organizational practice and regulations regarding employed in partnership in health care organizations.

According to Gehlert and Browne (2006), there are some specific organizational practice and regulations to work in collaboration in health insurance and social care surroundings as it is a huge field to practice. Organizational practice and guidelines can be constitutional, private, self-employed insurance policy and charitable. In health insurance and social health care workplaces it is essential to work in relationship as it improves the grade of service. Support will be accessible for the employees as well regarding any issues. The organizational practice and plans receive below: Health And Social Care Evaluation Sociable Work Essay.

Every partner organization comes with an important part to play in guaranteeing the service users get the highest quality of care and attention.

To work effectively with partner organizations they need to be able to talk effectively.

Statutory agency insurance policies will ensure a joint dedication through the relationship organizations and promote better romantic relationships. It also promotes competition equality, promote ethnic concerns, and ensure the well-being of community by working in partnership.

Charitable agency plans work together; encourage working for the betterment of men and women with other firms.

The goal of private agency plan is to ensure the development of less developing areas with their spouse organizations.

There will have enough staff to communicate effectively in daily basis.

The goal of independent agency policy is to work spontaneously whenever it is necessary following a legislations. They can consider other organizations if indeed they want to be involved.

Organizations will show their views and information among themselves to provide better service regarding clients’ satisfaction level, special needs, health insurance and security issues, treatment plans etc.

Using brief, clear and simple written dialects while interacting.

2. 4 Describe how differences in organizational practice and insurance policies in health and social and health care organizations influence collaborative working.

Differences in organizational practice and regulations can affect partnership working significantly and various organizational routines and policies can be charitable agency policy, constitutional agency insurance plan, and private organization plan (Gehlert and Browne, 2006). First of all, organizations have to face difficulty to fix their common goals. Another scholar Miner (2005) has explained that, spouse organizations may well not manage suited time accomplish their activity altogether and conflicts may arise among the list of partners. Sometimes, the results becomes worse than as common because of variations policies and steps. In addition, organizational and administrative limitations can be altered for their different policies. Usually collaboration organizations work in the simplest way by discussing with themselves. Also, they operate their activities in same administrative limitations. If their procedures and policies continue to be same, they can perform their goals easily and increase their results sharply. But, if there is any change of these practices and insurance policies, they may not cover same area. This will lead relationship to worse. Thus, differences in organizational practice and polices influence partnership working in HSC. Health And Social Care Evaluation Sociable Work Essay.


3. 1 The possible negative and positive outcomes of the many partnerships working alongside one another for Mr. Smith.

According to Glasby & Dickinson (2009) and Martin et al (2009), employed in partnership always provides best outcome. Nonetheless it has both positive and negative effect on service users. Those are given below:

Positive results:

Employees and service users can discuss about their problems with different specialists. Help can be found from the spouse organizations whenever it is necessary.

Social workers may not need to visit Mr. Smith to know his physical condition. He/she can accumulate data from his general practitioner as necessary.

Partnership working can enhance the experience and effects of service users.

Different organizations working mutually have complimentary skills, which is usually very cost-effective. It also improves coordination, sharing buildings and human resources.

Different people from different organizations know more than one. As a result, they can access to a wider pool of information, talents and contacts

Service users can get services from almost everywhere else from the companions.

Partnerships can offer moral support and invite for better inventive brainstorms.

It really helps to achieve increased efficiency by minimizing duplication.

No service consumer becomes the victim of overlook if organizations work in collaboration.

Negative results:

Staff can discuss about the problem of service users with anyone who’s their partner. But the clients may not know whom are they speaking about with about their problems. So, it can punch the service users’ personal privacy.

Misunderstanding may appear anytime because Mr. Smith might not exactly know what they are talking about. He is able to feel unsecured as well.

Sometimes service users might need to wait for their service for very long time.

If the partnership organization cannot respond for just about any reason then service users may need to face difficulty to get service.

Different organizations have to seek advice from with their associates and discuss as decisions should not be used without informing others. So, they need to be more flexible.

There is a chance to drip of personal data if many people can find out about this.

There may cause disagreement between organizations or workers. For example, Mr. Smith should get mental support from a cultural employee. But if his GP offers him any advice which is controversial to the interpersonal employee and the sociable worker will come to know about this, then issue may occur between them. Health And Social Care Evaluation Sociable Work Essay.