Health Care Policy Issues Essay

Health Care Policy Issues Essay

Students will select one of the health care policy issues and write a one-page paper presenting their own position on the selected issue. This will necessitate the students doing both a literature search and an analysis of the political and economic forces that affect this issue. Students are encouraged to select a topic from reading of daily newspapers and current national news magazines. The policy brief must be short, direct yet highly impact full and should include: Health Care Policy Issues Essay



A brief paragraph related to the issue you are addressing.
No more than 4-5 bullet points of the key reasons you are seeking the legislation/vote/support for your issue.
A few bullet points related to the position of key supporting stakeholders if applicable.
A conclusion with 2 recommendations of what you wish to see happen related to your issue, such as a vote for, or against. Health Care Policy Issues Essay
The policy brief will be 1 page long in single-spaced, not including the title and reference list. This assignment is worth 15% of your final grade and will be submitted to Discussion Board at the end of Unit 1. 10% will be awarded to the paper, 5% will be awarded to your comments to one of your peers. Health Care Policy Issues Essay