Health Nursing Practicum Essay

Health Nursing Practicum

Community Health Nursing Practicum


Complete a home safety/home environmental assessment using the tool provided (20)


Assess and describe the family’s level of Emergency Preparedness (5)Health Nursing Practicum Essay

Assessment – Provide a brief summary about the family including the following information:

Type of family

Describe the family functions

Describe the family structure

Is the family healthy or dysfunctional? (10)

Health Risk Appraisal – Conduct a family health risk appraisal assessing for the presence of specific factors in each of the categories that have been identified as being associated with an increased likelihood of an illness (Biological/age-related health risk, Environmental risk, Behavioral risk(5)

Identify at least 5 resources/strengths the family possesses. (5)

Identify and list at least top 5 family needs. Prioritize the identified needs. (10)Health Nursing Practicum Essay


Design a detailed culturally appropriate intervention plan for 1 or more of the needs identified and list specific public/community health nursing roles you would employ in addressing the family need (from intervention wheel – home visits, screening, case management, etc.). Include the level of prevention you used (primary, secondary or tertiary). (10)

Review literature and select one article from the literature in support of the identified intervention.Use the article to support your design and attach the article.(5)

Implement the intervention with the family, providing appropriate resources as indicated. (5)

Evaluation- Develop an evaluation plan for the intervention and include recommendations for the future. Follow-up with the family to conduct an initial evaluation of the intervention. (5)

Organization Structure

Includes purpose in introduction.
Paper is logically arranged with introduction, body, and summary.
Subsections and paragraphs reflect the main idea.
Transitions occur between thoughts.

Literacy and Style

Uses professional vocabulary.
Uses correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.
Maintains economy of expression.


Title page is correct.
Page numbering is accurate.
Page header is appropriate.Health Nursing Practicum Essay
Citation of references in text is correct.Direct quotes
Reference list follows APA format.Citations in text are included on reference list
Reference list citations are included in text

Final Grade

the assessment will be onSafety HazardYesNo

Are medications safely stored and adequately labeled?______
Are throw rugs, area rugs, and flooring materials secured?______
Is there adequate lighting in each room?______
Are there telephone cords or electrical cords in walkways?______
Do the entry doors locks with deadbolts?______
Are combustibles, such as newspapers, stored ______
Is there adequate space around space heaters?______
Are there exposed heating pipes?______
Is the room/house heated cooled adequately and safely?______
Is water heater set at 120F or lower?
Is there a portable fire extinguisher available in the kitchen?______
Do occupants who are smokers demonstrate safe handling
Does the gas at the stove, furnace , and space heater work properly?______
Are walkways clear, sturdy and wide enough to walk safely (using assistive devices
If burglar bars are present on doors and/or windows, will they bend for
Is there a phone within easy reach?______
Is there a working smoke detector near the kitchen and near each sleeping area?______
Dos the bathtub have a non-skid surface?______
If oxygen is in use in the hours, are all occupants aware of oxygen and cord safety?______
Are all occupants able to safely exit the home in five minutes or less?______
Are guns or weapons safely stored?______
Are there secure handrails on stairs?______
If a ramp is needed, is one present and safely constructed?______
at least three feet from stove, fireplace or heater?Health Nursing Practicum Essay

of cigarettes, lighters and matches?______

if necessary)?______

Emergency exit or is the key close by?______

Sanitation Hazards

Is there indoor running water?______
Is food stored properly?______
Are there indoor toilet facilities?______
Do the stove and/or microwave operate properly?______
Is trash picked up on a regular scheduled basis?______
Is the water in the kitchen, bathroom and utility are working properly
Are there signs of rodent or pest infestation?______
Is there adequate refrigeration?______
each room?______

Modifications recommended after your assessment_____________________________________________________________

What surprised you when doing your home safety assessment?

Why are home safety assessments important for a public health nurse to know and do?

What kind of teaching/topics can you see would be important for a public health nurse to do as a result of a home safety assessment?

You must proofread your paper. But do not strictly rely on your computer’s spell-checker and grammar-checker; failure to do so indicates a lack of effort on your part and you can expect your grade to suffer accordingly. Papers with numerous misspelled words and grammatical mistakes will be penalized. Read over your paper – in silence and then aloud – before handing it in and make corrections as necessary. Often it is advantageous to have a friend proofread your paper for obvious errors. Handwritten corrections are preferable to uncorrected mistakes.Health Nursing Practicum Essay
Use a standard 10 to 12 point (10 to 12 characters per inch) typeface. Smaller or compressed type and papers with small margins or single-spacing are hard to read. It is better to let your essay run over the recommended number of pages than to try to compress it into fewer pages.

Likewise, large type, large margins, large indentations, triple-spacing, increased leading (space between lines), increased kerning (space between letters), and any other such attempts at “padding” to increase the length of a paper are unacceptable, wasteful of trees, and will not fool your professor.

The paper must be neatly formatted, double-spaced with a one-inch margin on the top, bottom, and sides of each page. When submitting hard copy, be sure to use white paper and print out using dark ink. If it is hard to read your essay, it will also be hard to follow your argument.Health Nursing Practicum Essay

Nursing students today are diverse with different learning styles. Nursing educators must shape students to become critical thinkers and there are a host of approaches for instructors to develop needed teaching skills (Kostovich et al., 2007). There are many models of education styles; one to fashion teaching after is from Kolb’s model in 1985 which suggests matching learning methods to teaching approaches. However, educators need to become proficient in identifying individual student learning styles. Nursing educators should also recognize their own teaching style and the effect it has on learner development and socialization (National League for Nursing, 2007). The National League for Nursing (NLN) has developed eight core…show more content…
The simulation environment offers a safe place for students to practice critical scenarios and gain confidence in proscribed settings (Decker, Sportsman, Puetz, & Billings, 2008). Simulation helps faculty to facilitate learning which meets one of the NLN’s core competencies. Simulation also enhances communication through emerging leadership and delegation skills, and builds teamwork through goal and priority setting (Dillon, Noble, & Kaplan, 2009). Therefore, according to Lasater (2007) simulation is highly effective as an adjunct teaching strategy in clinical practice. My chosen practicum will be teaching in the skills/simulation lab at NCMC. This paper will outline how the experience will enhance my knowledge and develop skills necessary to fulfill the role of nurse educator. The goals, objectives, and timeline will be discussed in this paper. The project that will be developed during the practicum experience will be a debriefing philosophy and evaluation tool to assess student learning with emphasis on critical thinking skills. Professional Experience I have been a nurse for the past 25 years, and started my career on an orthopedic unit at Flint Osteopathic Hospital. After six years of developing my assessment and clinical skills as an orthopedic nurse, I decided it was time to challenge myself and apply for a position in critical care. Health Nursing Practicum Essay

I completed my practicum at the State University Health Research Center. The HRC was launched in March 2014 by the State School of Medicine. Its mission is to utilize the Community-based Participatory Research (CBPR) approach to build the community capacity and leadership for health promotion and disease prevention across the diverse populations of the county.

The HRC is funded by a 5-year, $4.1 million grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as part of the Prevention Research Centers Program. The PRC is collaborating with various community organizations including the Community Health Center, Korean Community Services, Workers Alliance, and other community organizations.

The core research project of the HRC is Project RICE (Reaching Immigrants through Community Empowerment) and my practicum work was under this project. Project RICE is a five-year community-driven initiative that aims to promote diabetes prevention among immigrants using a community health worker (CHW) model.Health Nursing Practicum Essay

My specific task for the practicum was to develop a mental health component for Project RICE. I carried out my assignments under the supervision of a faculty member; Dr. Smith. Dr. Smith is a Professor of Applied Psychology. Dr. Smith conducts research on the impact of immigration, community contexts, individual differences, and racial minority status on the mental health of individuals and families.

On August 17th, I shadowed Dr. Jones for the leadership shadowing experience. Dr. Jones is a Researcher for the PRC. I attended a morning meeting at the Community Health Center with the HRC staff where they discussed the training activities for an upcoming PRC conference. Health Nursing Practicum