Health Policy and Its Impact on Quality and Research Discussion
According to the Kuehnert et al. (2022) article, nursing actions can support timely health policy changes that focus on upstream factors. The authors specifically identified six key areas of the social determinants of health (SDoH) that need policy change to improve population health. Health Policy and Its Impact on Quality and Research Discussion
- Economic Stability
- Education Access and Quality
- Health Care Access and Quality
- Neighborhood and Built Environment
- Social and Community Context
- Planetary Conditions
Based on your assigned key area, provide the following information using a 5-6 slide narrated PowerPoint presentation:
- Describe your SDoH area by incorporating data findings and information from Healthy People 2030.
- Based on your key area, identify the policy targets.
- Recommend a policy change focused on improving health equity (different than those offered in the article) that would be beneficial in addressing your SDoH. Support the recommendation with references.
- Identify population-focused strategies and tactics nurses can use to influence the recommended policy.
- In researching your factor, what information was new to you? Health Policy and Its Impact on Quality and Research Discussion
- Please note that my assigned key area is number 1: Economic Stability
- Based on my key area (Economic Stability) follow assignment instructions by covering all contents from A-E on the PowerPoint
- You can cover the instruction under each letter on one slide
- Please write a note under each slide that will be used to narrate the PowerPoint presentation.
- Please references should be APA format 7th edition Health Policy and Its Impact on Quality and Research Discussion