Health Policy and Special Populations Fact Sheet Assignment

Health Policy and Special Populations Fact Sheet Assignment

NUR703 Fact Sheet/ Infographic Assignment 

The point of a fact sheet is to get the reader to do something. For instance, you want to make it as easy as possible for the reader to take your action on a healthcare policy or legislative issue. Additionally, if you want the reader to make a call, give appropriate phone numbers. If you want a legislator to vote yes on a bill, give the bill number and title. For this assignment, prepare a one-page fact sheet on a specific piece of healthcare legislation currently being considered in your state. Provide a brief executive summary and identify key issues. Close with making recommendations. Health Policy and Special Populations Fact Sheet Assignment


It is suggested that you use Canva. Go to the Canva website and set up a free account. The Infographic design page is under the Section: Blogging and E-books. Create a one page fact sheet using the Infographic template. You may use another software product to design the sheet if you want. Upload your completed assignment using the link found under Week 12 AND post it in the ungraded (but required) Discussion section found at the bottom of the Discussions heading.


  • One page (no cover sheet required) Health Policy and Special Populations Fact Sheet Assignment
  • Clearly state the healthcare policy or legislative issue
  • Make it readable (use at least 12-point font)
  • Keep the text informative, yet brief
  • Include the most important information in the first paragraph, for example state the issue, identify possible actions, and label the main messages (key points)
  • Give references for more information (links, etc.)
  • The fact sheet should be self-contained (be sure not to refer to previous documents or assume the reader has additional information)
  • Use bullet points (when appropriate)
  • Make the message you are sending very clear (bold, text boxes, graphics add emphasis)
  • Provide the reader with tools needed to take action–list phone numbers, bill numbers, etc.
  • Add a separate page with the references used in the Fact Sheet. Health Policy and Special Populations Fact Sheet Assignment
