Healthcare Informatics Research And Innovation Essay

Healthcare Informatics Research And Innovation Essay

Include intro, a currently emerging healthcare technology system, goals for the product, data supporting the product, healthcare settings (including education), conclusion.


You should carry out an investigation about one of the technologies used in Health Informatics, for example: EHR, CPOE, EMR, CDSS, eMAR, or electronic devices used in Health Care Healthcare Informatics Research And Innovation Essay

5 pages (excluding cover and reference pages)

APA formatted paper

3 References within 5 years

Introduction Health informatics is the bridging of computer science, information and the health care field. This interdisciplinary field can be applied to a range of medical fields such as nursing, biomedicine, medicine and subspecialties such as immunology (immunoinformatics). Informatics not only has roles to play in day-to-day areas of immunology such as data storage/retrieval, decision support, standards and electronic health care records but also in research and education such as data mining and simulation systems (Coiera, 2002). Informatics and more specifically, health informatics first started being used in in the late 1950s with the rise of computers (Ho, 2010). Healthcare Informatics Research And Innovation Essay
Decision support systems are ideally interactive systems that allow the decision making physician to come to the conclusion based on a host of information pulled from data bases, personal knowledge, predesigned modals etc. Decision support systems have many benefits such as; patient-time efficiency, speed up process of decision making, promotes learning and training, reveals new approaches in thought process, generates new evidence in support of a decision and encourages exploration and discovery of the decision maker (Bosworth, York, Kotansky, & Berman, 2011). Although these systems require end user expertise, correct inputs and appropriate modals, they also require vast and exstenive information. Immunoinformatics are used to compile vast amounts of data for the immunology field (De Groot A. , Immunomics: discovering new targets for vaccines and therapeutics , 2006). This data includes genetic mapping, protein structures, cytometry data and many other data pools needed by immunologists to make correct decisions. Immunoinformatics face to challenge of compiling this enormous amounts of data in an organised and correct way. This data needs to be mapped into correct diagnostic modals for the physician to use in their decision support system (Barh, Misra, & Kumar, 2010). This data leads to new ways of hypothesis testing for immune responses Healthcare Informatics Research And Innovation Essay

Informatics is changing the face of healthcare. As technology advances, healthcare organizations and providers are able to collect, analyze and leverage data more effectively, influencing the way care is delivered, resources are managed and teams operate each day. You would be hard-pressed to find an aspect of medicine that has yet to be touched by the mass collection and analysis of data that has been ushered in by the Information Age.

One specific area that health informatics is having a significant impact on is the practice of nursing. Though the mission of nursing remains unchanged, the daily work of these professionals is being strongly influenced by informatics, with particular attention to the accuracy and communication of patient data and care.

Health informatics in nursing
The nursing profession is rapidly changing to keep up with advancements and new challenges in the healthcare field. As direct caregivers, nurses are in the front lines of patient care and consequently often feel the impact of changes in best practices more immediately than other healthcare professionals.Healthcare Informatics Research And Innovation Essay

“An intensive care unit (ICU) is an invasion that distorts its highly vulnerable population (which reduces the host defense that dysregulates the immune response) and increases the risk of infection by multiple surgical procedures and distorting the anatomical integrity The use of medical equipment is called the center of infection – the patient’s protective wall (intubation, ventilator, vascular access etc.) “(Brusselaers, Vogelaers, & Blot, 2011). The purpose of this paper is to prepare research questions on the prevention of bacterial infection in ICU, to identify databases by using data, information, knowledge and continuity of wisdom, and to search for vocabulary to collect data is.

What is nursing informatics technology and innovation have changed the way people work personally and professionally. Until now, text preparation and mail transmission were standard, but most people are sending electronic messages and text messages to their phones. Not only did the paper charts and records become obsolete, but also the health care changed dramatically. Many facilities now share test results, accessing details of information and prescription drug lists. – Variables that affect the competency score of nursing students Undergraduate nursing students When undergoing a competency test, their performance is affected by many factors. Pupils may also be affected by the way they take the exam, the feelings of the exams, and the lifestyle (Cherry & Jacob, 2002).Healthcare Informatics Research And Innovation Essay

Introduction Nursing informatics is a combination of nursing, technology and data assimilation. Nursing information processing uses technology to systematize and provide healthcare in the most effective and safe way. Nursing informatics includes a myriad of tools specializing in organizing and delivering information, from simple computers to complex electronic medical record systems (EMR). – Certified Nursing Assistant Certified Nursing Assistant is a member of the Healthcare team. It is also known as CNA or nursing assistant. They refer to those who care as resident or patient. In the medical field, CNA is the minimum income, but people who do all the work such as physical labor. They are in contact with residents rather than others, and they are major caregivers.

Nursing informatics is a field of care, including nursing, computer and information science, to support nursing practices and to maintain and develop medical data and systems to improve patient outcomes. The technology developed as a result of health care / care informatics includes: Nurse informatics is committed to developing communication and information technology in health care. They will also serve as educators, researchers, software engineers and chief care officers. Please use the “Components” listed above to help develop the evidence-based policies and procedures for your organization Healthcare Informatics Research And Innovation Essay

Spyros Kitsiou, Assistant Professor of Biomedical and Health Information Sciences at the University of Illinois at Chicago, reported that there are three specific challenges that healthcare is currently facing: the aging population, the incidence and prevalence of chronic diseases – such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and pulmonary disease – and the shortage of doctors and nurses. Though these problems are diverse, there is a solution that addresses all three: data.

“A lot of these challenges can be supported by the avocation of information and communication technologies, particularly as hospitals are becoming more and more interested in reducing their costs and shifting care from hospital care to home care,” Spyros said. “Information and communication technologies, mobile health devices, wearable technologies are all becoming very, very important for supporting remote patient monitoring and home care.”

In nursing, as with healthcare in general, informatics is being used to address the challenges of the day, significantly impacting the way nurses function in patient care.Healthcare Informatics Research And Innovation Essay

One of the primary ways that informatics has changed nursing practice is through documentation. Gone are the days of paper charts that had to be meticulously updated with handwritten notes. Today, nurses are more likely to input notes into electronic health records and other systems that keep a patient’s medical history up-to-date and easily accessible.

The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society reported that as the result of electronic charting, nurses are able to obtain information quickly and efficiently, using the information to improve the daily workflow. Storing the information electronically is more easily available to all members of the care team, including the physician and other care providers, as well as staff teams at other healthcare organizations that the patient may visit. As the U.S. population becomes more mobile, it is increasingly important that their personal medical records can travel with them to any office or medical organization they may visit during their lifetime.Healthcare Informatics Research And Innovation Essay


Health informatics is also an important part of care coordination in nursing. The ability to track staffing, workflow and communication can help nurses to identify areas where current processes can be improved. This can also help ensure that staffing levels remain adequate, which is critical for providing patients with the best possible care. If the nurse-to-patient ratio drops too low, patients are more likely to suffer adverse results. Maintaining adequate levels helps nurses provide the best possible care each day without burning out.

Evidence-based practices have long been an essential part of nursing. Today, determining those best practices involves the use of health informatics. Analyzing the mass quantities of data collected regarding patient care and outcomes helps to determine how best to treat these conditions and situations in the future. The more data that is collected and analyzed, the more accurate the resulting conclusions tend to be, providing the best possible information for determining how best to care for patients in the future.

The growing role of informatics in nursing has also created a number of new job titles for those with clinical experience and an interest in working with data.Healthcare Informatics Research And Innovation Essay

A nursing career in informatics
Nurses at every level now work with informatics through patient records and other technology. However, some nurses choose to specifically focus their career on the intersection of informatics and clinical practice. There are a number of career options available in this lane, including the following:

Clinical informatics specialist
Nursing informatics specialist
Clinical analyst
Clinical informatics manager
Clinical informatics coordinator
Nursing informatics analyst
These roles can be found at every level and facet of healthcare organizations, including leadership and management, advocacy, risk analysis, compliance, consultation, research, evaluation and education. As informatics becomes a more prominent component of the nursing field, job opportunities will likely continue to develop.Healthcare Informatics Research And Innovation Essay

While health informatics roles are open to professionals from a variety of backgrounds, nurses are particularly well-suited for these roles due to their knowledge of clinical workflow, previous healthcare education and experience with healthcare technology and information systems.

If you already have a clinical background in nursing, your next step en route to one of these jobs is to pursue training specifically in health informatics. Though there are several ways to do this, one option is to earn a Master of Science in Health Informatics degree. In a master’s program, you will take courses on important topics such as healthcare information systems, healthcare IT vendor management, health information systems analysis and design and organizational issues in health informatics to prepare for a career in health informatics.

To complete your higher degree while continuing to work in the field, consider enrolling in UIC’s online Master of Science in Health Informatics degree program. The convenient online format makes it easier than ever for you to balance your academic pursuits with existing professional and personal responsibilities. And UIC’s program is a great fit for nurses and others who wish to enter the informatics field from a clinical background.Healthcare Informatics Research And Innovation Essay

“People who are interested in integrating their clinical knowledge with the application of information technology or vice versa, would be very much interested in our program,” Kitsiou said. “And people who would like to even transition, make a career change and transition to healthcare would definitely be interested as long as they have a basic understanding of the healthcare system and also the application of IT.”

With the right informatics training combined with your clinical background and existing medical knowledge, you could make a difference in patient care in a healthcare organization through a career in health informatics.Healthcare Informatics Research And Innovation Essay