Healthcare Marketing And Strategy Essay

Healthcare Marketing And Strategy Essay

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You are the director of marketing for a regional hospital. The board of directors at your hospital has studied the 2011 Institute of Medicine (IOM) report Early Childhood Obesity Prevention Policies. The alarming statistics quoted in the IOM report stated that “almost 10 percent of infants and toddlers carry excess weight for their length, and slightly more than 20 percent of children between the ages of two and five already are overweight or obese” (IOM, 2011, pg. 1). A survey conducted among the pediatricians who admit patients to the hospital validated that area children under the age of 5 years follow or exceed the national trend of being overweight or obese. The board is very concerned about childhood obesity rates for the children in the hospital’s marketing area. At the last meeting, the board directed the marketing department determine the demand for childhood obesity programs and to review the IOM report and propose a marketing campaign to provide information to parents and guardians concerning ways to prevent children from birth to 5 years of age from becoming overweight. Click here to access the IOM report.Healthcare Marketing And Strategy Essay

Do you think the hospital needs to complete more marketing research before embarking on the campaign?
What advertising media would you suggest to be used during the campaign?
What products or services could the hospital offer to assist in reducing the number of infants and toddlers who are overweight?
Do you expect to generate any revenue for the hospital from the campaign?
How long will the campaign last? How long would you continue to measure the effectiveness of the campaign?
To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Submission Details:
Your assignment should be addressed in a 2- to 3-page document.Healthcare Marketing And Strategy Essay

Marketing and Health care Systems The central concept of marketing is the exchange of something of value between the provider and the purchaser. Determining what the consumer need, want and desire and delivering it better than the competitors is the goal of marketing (Longest, Rakich and Darr, 2000). Healthcare is becoming more business oriented and using marketing tactics to increase consumer use of the services and products the health care system offers. Ensuring marketing of the right products and services is successful the organization’s mission and marketing need to be in alignment. This alignment begins with the strategic planning process, which…show more content…
The Department of Public Relations and Marketing Both internal and external communications for Jackson Health System is provided by the Department of Public Relations and Marketing (Jackson Health System, 2012). This department is responsible for media relations, publications, marketing, and special events (Jackson Health System, 2012). Media relations work with local, national and international media, both broadcast and print, to showcase JHS physicians, staff, and services. Much of what is done is patient care centered, with the exception of marketing, and special events (Jackson Health System, 2012). Marketing is responsible for advertising campaigns, which markets JHS as an integrated health network (Jackson Health System, 2012). Marketing and Mission The concept of health services marketing is centered on “the analysis, planning, implementation, and control of carefully formulated programs designed to promote voluntary exchanges of values with target markets with the purpose of achieving organizational objectives (Longest et al. 2000, p 358).

Marketing and Health care Systems The central concept of marketing is the exchange of something of value between the provider and the purchaser. Determining what the consumer need, want and desire and delivering it better than the competitors is the goal of marketing (Longest, Rakich and Darr, 2000). Healthcare is becoming more business oriented and using marketing tactics to increase consumer use of the services and products the health care system offers. Ensuring marketing of the right products and services is successful the organization’s mission and marketing need to be in alignment. Healthcare Marketing And Strategy Essay
The Department of Public Relations and Marketing Both internal and external communications for Jackson Health System is provided by the Department of Public Relations and Marketing (Jackson Health System, 2012). This department is responsible for media relations, publications, marketing, and special events (Jackson Health System, 2012). Media relations work with local, national and international media, both broadcast and print, to showcase JHS physicians, staff, and services. Much of what is done is patient care centered, with the exception of marketing, and special events (Jackson Health System, 2012). Marketing is responsible for advertising campaigns, which markets JHS as an integrated health network (Jackson Health System, 2012). Marketing and Mission The concept of health services marketing is centered on “the analysis, planning, implementation, and control of carefully formulated programs designed to promote voluntary exchanges of values with target markets with the purpose of achieving organizational objectives (Longest et al. 2000, p 358). Healthcare Marketing And Strategy Essay