Healthcare system delivery system Rationale Essay

Healthcare system delivery system Rationale Essay

The history of healthcare in the nation is different from other first world countries. The firm belief of capitalism has been one of the shapers of the health care system delivery. The system has evolved over the years to the present day. It has some good aspects but at the same time got critics. The earliest form of solemn records in the nation’s history in the healthcare system date to the 19th century.

The revolution that took place in the country created opportunities for jobs in many cities. The harsh and dangerous nature of the workplace environment put the employees and high risk from work-related injuries. Healthcare system delivery system Rationale Essay. Unions were rising to protect the needs of the employees who were members. The challenge was that they had little structure and the decisions made were on a trial basis. In the 1900s, there was a drive for organized medicine which was spearheaded by the American Medical Association.  However, it lacked support from the working class for a compulsory health care system.


Theodore Roosevelt was a firm believer in health insurance for the nation. He argued that a nation whose citizens were weak would not contribute to a strong nation. Some non-government organizations were quick to point the need for advancing the healthcare system. AALL (AMERICAN ASSOCIATION LABOR LEGISLATION) advocated and drafted legislation that would involve citizens in the low income as well as working class.Healthcare system delivery system Rationale Essay.

Impact of Healthcare on citizens

The citizens have benefited from the quality of healthcare; for instance, there is efficiency. Access to quality healthcare has improved following a well-coordinated system. The deaths that may have been experienced may be limited. It is possible to make the right diagnosis of patients following an improved system. The right medication and palliative care may be established to the elderly patients in the nation.

The system creates more options for capturing the patients’ information, for instance, recording and analyzing. It allows physicians to be in a better position to offer proper patient care since they got patients’ knowledge.  The system eases looking up with patient information. An earlier method of having to go through dozens of paperwork where such information may be lost.

The system offers improved outcomes for the treatment of sick citizens. The solutions which are provided through cloud computing gives the physicians the ability to accessing real-time information. It, therefore, enables them to make improved decision-makers which offer treatment with evidence-based. The procedures are much improved to the citizens, and when they access medical services, they are confident of the treatment.

Impact of Health care to nursing practice and education

Health care has had positively impacted nursing practice and education in many ways. Increase in the number of people who practise nursing is the first positive impact on nursing practice and teaching. Through the improved health care delivery systems, many people have felt the need to become nurses to help the sick in the nation.Healthcare system delivery system Rationale Essay.  It is because the practising nurses have been given excellent opportunities to study effectively, thus meet the needs of the target population.

Secondly, health care has also positively impacted on nursing education by setting up many colleges in various parts of the nation which informs them about different conditions and ways of serving the sick. Through this, nurses and health care practitioner are now able to carry out their diagnosis with no problems through the availability of quality machines. They are also able to educate the public on the importance of seeking quality health care. It is because the systems have improved the quality of the education offered to nurses. The availability of nurses in all parts of the nation has now ease accessibility of health care services which has now reduced inequality in the United States.


Impact of health care to nursing leadership and management

Health care delivery systems have led to improved nursing leadership and management. The nurses have been able to comprehend what they are required to do as they serve the inhabitants of the United States. The system has enabled them to make sure that each nurse can do his or her responsibility with no much difficulties as well as provide quality services. Healthcare system delivery system Rationale Essay. The nurses have also learnt to know what they are required to do and make effective strategies to realize the intended vision. They hence encourage and motivate their colleagues to enable them to continue providing the necessary services to the public.

The system has also enhanced the support given to nursing leadership and management. It has been achieved through continued funding and training where nurses have been taught on ways of providing better services and ensuring the safety of the patients.  It has therefore assured that in case of a particular condition, nurses in the United States can improve their ways of diagnosing a specific disease and how they can direct the medication to the patient. The needs of the sick have, therefore, been enhanced through excellent leadership and efficient management. Healthcare system delivery system Rationale Essay.



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