Hemorrhagic Stroke Survivor Essay

Hemorrhagic Stroke Survivor Essay

The strength-based nursing practice is a practical approach for nurses whose actions are guided by a set of eight prime values which promote their empowerment hope, as well as individual efficacy. Generally, a strength-based practice is a strategically designed form of exercise where a practitioner utilizes their strengths and personal determination. As such, strength-based practices hold into perspective the resilience and resourcefulness of clients and the information provided by the client (Gottlieb, 2014). Therefore, such method relies much on the client and on the possible knowledge the practitioners can gain from clients. Such intelligence can later be utilized to solve similar or rather diverse problems in society. Hemorrhagic Stroke Survivor Essay. In the field of nursing, employing a strength-based approach in the practice where nurses get to care for families and individuals demands that the nurses focus on both their inner strengths, as well as, the outer strengths. Thus, this means that as much as this approach requires the nurses to assert their maximum efforts, it also demands that the nurses utilize the intelligence gained from client behaviour, actions, relationships, dialogue, among many other factors (Gottlieb, 2012). This essay revolves around Emma Gee, a hemorrhagic stroke survivor who struggles with hope, courage and determination to survive and recover from the condition for decades.

Background Analysis

Strength-based nursing practices are carried out in a pragmatic approach for family care. As integrated as it is, the practice gets grounded on principles such as empowerment, health promotion, individual/family care, collaborative partnership, as well as, the innate ability to heal and access medical care. As such, such a practice employ both available outer resources and the inner client strengths for wellbeing and maximum functioning, factors for health promotion ().


Emma Gee is a stroke survivor who, unlike many others, has employed her courage to combat the condition for decades. Such a condition is traumatizing to an individual and their family. The same case was with Emma as she struggles to maintain a charmed life and confidence to achieve the full threshold of her professional and personal life. Hemorrhagic Stroke Survivor Essay.

While Emma lived a normal life, her health began to worsen until she got diagnosed for brain surgery which led to her devastating stroke. During her healing and rehabilitation, the progress like a rollercoastertook years to improve, a condition that demands a strong heart and warm will. Such a spirit I supported by her parent, siblings, and the general society as they encouraged her not to cease the fight. For instance, her father would sit on a wheelchair to show that Emma’s condition was nowhere far from normal. Living in a society which value ability, Emma chooses not to grieve over her impairment but to live her life to the fullest. She reinvents her personality and her life and act as a platform for others with a similar condition to live better and enabled lives. In such a situation, strength-based nursing practice comes in handy as described below.

Implementing strength-based nursing practices.

One clear aspect in this case scenario is the psychological torture Emma and her family went through during Emma’s hospitalization. Hemorrhagic Stroke Survivor Essay.  During the interview, Lyn, Emma’s mother, explains how the situation traumatized her family as they could not bear to see Emma immobile and vulnerable. However, this family shared in their daughter’s pain and never left her side. Each took a portion of the load by offering unlimited care and attention to Emma. According to (Gottlieb, 2012), family support is an integral aspect in such a scenario as it allows for comfortability and the feeling of love and belonging for the victims.

Another strength-based practice that would be appropriate for Emma and her family’s problem is the employment of family counselling. Family counselling and therapy involves psychological counselling for the entire family for the benefit of the family on any critical issue affecting the family. Such a practice would enable Emma’s family, the strength and courage needed to support Emma. Individually, family counselling and therapy allows one to understand how best to perform their roles and helping the victim to develop acceptance of their condition. In the case of Emma, this strength is well incorporated in her healing procedure as her resiliencies promoted by her family, thus allowing her strong will to persevere through her dilemmatic life.

Hospitals are still regarded as the primary-most communal structures for health wellbeing (Andersen, Davidson & Baumeister, 2007). However, the field of medicine develops every day, and strength-based nursing practice involves capitalizing, mobilizing, as well as developing clinical experiences to individuals and families from home (Beam, O’Brien & Neal, 2010). As such, and strength-based nursing practices allows clinicians to care and empower their clients in a more intimate way which enables their clients concerning their strengths. Such practice gets aligned to specific principles and values detailed in practice. Hemorrhagic Stroke Survivor Essay.

In Emma’s case, receiving immediate clinical help at her comfort plays a significant role in her recovery as it offered Emma and her family a vision to hold on to. Among the principles of and strength-based nursing practice that could have helped in Emma’s case is the outstanding attention a psychological practitioner would have offered Emma to counter the emotional stress she and her family underwent during her diagnosis and recovery periods.

Also, according to the strength-based nursing practice principles, is the creation of healthy workplaces. Although this factor does not involve Emma, ultimately, her position as an impaired party in the society represents the greater society whose working places are not specifically customized for them. For instance, an employee on a wheelchair may find it challenging to work in a workplace with no facilities to aid in their movement. As such, the strength-based nursing practice should advocate for the improvement of workplace structures to serve the needs of impaired individuals who operate in such workplaces. For nurses under on strength-based nursing practice, there should be a structured policy determining the necessary environment for nurses to work under to have maximum productivity in their practice.

In the case of Emma’s diagnosis and recovery process, taking the clinic to Emma’s residence would be an ideal way of customizing the hospital experience and care to a location where Emma is familiar and comfortable with. With her home being the most comfortable venue, Emma’s

Based on the fifth principle of strength-based nursing practice, the strength-based nursing practice should provide clients with a valuable platform for self-determination. In this case, self-determination is the ability of the client to make decisions without any external coercion. Hemorrhagic Stroke Survivor Essay. As such, the approach demands from the nurse practitioners competence, autonomy and relatedness as their chief values in practice. With such values, cases such as Emma’s are better solved, allowing the client a better environment for proper psychological, emotional and physical healing (Gottlieb, Gottlieb & Shamian, 2012). In cases where the healing process is lengthy like Emma’s, strength-based nursing practice provide resilience and acceptance to the conditions proposed by the situation, thus enhancing life and its value for the sick and their families.

The strength-based nursing practice also should appreciate the significance of created meaning in comparison with subjective reality. In the nursing leadership on strength-based nursing practice, the fact that the practice is aligned to diverse perspectives between the practitioner, the client and their families, makes the practice hard since the nurses working under this approach have to make a balance between these perspectives. As such, nurses have to examine the diversity of perspectives suggested to them by other parties such as clients and their families. Out of these suggestions, they are to determine the factors that would usher in the necessities of utilitarianism for all the parties involved. Therefore, in an instance where clients have a claim, the nurses under strength-based nursing practice have the struggle of assessing suggestions from constructed knowledge due to the diversity in people’s thinking capacities. Hemorrhagic Stroke Survivor Essay.

Such a situation may occur within the practice where one practitioner may hold differing opinions, values or from the others. In this case, strength-based nursing practice directs the professional into deciding on the most suitable factor for decision-making without necessarily disregarding the opinions of others. In the case of Emma, strength-based nursing practice ought to have regarded the perspectives and values of Emma and her family. As such, the practitioners ought to place into consideration the perspectives of Emma and her family, even if the attitudes and values are not entirely based on the real-world realities. In doing so, the professional decisions involved in Emma’s diagnosis and healing procedures would get structured in a way that Emma and the family would feel indulged in Emma’s diagnosis and recovery. Also, the common ground established from the merger of subjective reality to the objective reality would allow Emma and her family to understand every bit of the recovery process. By doing so, they would all gain harmony while working together for the success of the intervention strategy incorporated.

In such a light, the strength-based nursing practice should also recognize the uniqueness of every party member associated with the practice. As such, each member, diverse from another, have different strengths in many facets of life. The strength-based nursing practice helps in merging these diverse strengths from the different individuals in forming a more potent effect of the nursing effort asserted by the nurse in the healing procedure (Bell, 2011). Hemorrhagic Stroke Survivor Essay. Also, the strength-based nursing practice helps in nullifying the limitations of each of these members. For Emma and her family, working harmoniously with the medical practitioners allowed for a better relationship with each other, thus allowing Emma to successfully reinventing her life (McMurray & Clendon, 2003).

In the nursing practice, policymakers, health care practitioners and researchers have much depended on the information provided by published findings from other researchers to guide their practice and any future research on the designated subject. Such reliance may introduce the limitation of using such a strategy since there is no reliable support on the dependability of these works of literature (Gillis, Pan & Davis, 2019).As such, the entire medical fraternity should work to prove the hypothetical claims made by such reports. In such a case, the information from these reports should be thoroughly scrutinized to ensure that they should not mislead any health practitioner.

A burden shared is the first step to solving a problem. Placing enough focus on strength-based nursing care helps the sick to have a better relationship with their family. According to (DeNisco & Baker, 2013), a combined effort from all the parties involved in the practice and the healing process would allow for a better understanding of the problem and deriving the best practices to solve the problem. For Emma and her family, the strength-based nursing practice enhanced their relationship, further informing each member in the series of relationship to understand their part and role in the solving of Emma’s problem. A closer look at Emma’s problem; the problem became the problem of all her family members. Such a relationship-driven by the desire to help one another in a responsibility that was earlier considered to be a professional practice for nurses and doctors helped Emma in transforming. It also aided in Emma agreeing to the fact that her life changed and that she has to choose between living the rest of her life in misery and working to make her life better. Hemorrhagic Stroke Survivor Essay.

Also, focusing on the strength-based nursing practice and the wellbeing outcomes help in comforting Emma and her family during their times of difficulty. Referring to the assertion by (Denham et al., 2016), an individual would find it hard to take care of their selves alone. However, with enough support from other family members, the degree of succeeding in individual endeavours becomes high, as is Emma’s case when the strength-based nursing practice gets correctly integrated into her diagnosis and healing procedures. Considering the part of the process where Emma was in her unending rehabilitation, her entire family are seen to participate fully in the process, encouraging her to face everyday life with happiness. Such a relationship as defined by the “Tasmanian Child and Family Wellbeing Plan” included in the appendix of this paper illustrate the attributes of the relationship between Emma and her family when she undergoes through with her rehabilitation process.



In conclusion, this paper has elucidated on how strength-based nursing practice has empowered Emma and her family. The strength-based nursing practice has empowered many families with a problem as Emma’s family. Strength-based nursing practice has helped in empowering families by forging a bond between family members. Hemorrhagic Stroke Survivor Essay. As such, thee strength-based nursing practice has been identified to raise togetherness between family members by matching each of the family member’s strengths to counter the limitations of the other. Also, it has been identified to affirm the affection of family members to their sick ones. With affection and support from family members, the healing procedure of the sick has been seen to improve as compared to when there is no support or affection from family members.

Strength-based nursing practice has also been seen to promote the acceptance of the sick to their condition. Such a practice has enabled the sick to grow in resilience in the time of a crisis. With resilience, acceptance and commitment promoted by the incorporation of strength-based nursing practice, families have been empowered to face their problems more courageously thus overcoming the full adversity of the sickness just like Emma and her family.  Hemorrhagic Stroke Survivor Essay.