Human Development Assignment Essay

Human Development Assignment Essay

Write a 5 pgs essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the questions. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support your ideas with at least three (3) citations in your essay. Make sure to reference the citations using the APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and reference page do not count towards the minimum word amount.Human Development Assignment Essay


1. What aspects of brain development underlie the tremendous gains in language, thinking, and motor control of early childhood?

2. Among children who spend much time playing alone, what factors distinguish those who are likely to have adjustment difficulties from those who are well-adjusted and socially skilled?

3. What experiences help children differentiate moral imperatives, social conventions, and matters of personal choice?

4. Explain how the social environment and young children’s cognitive limitations contribute to rigid gender stereotyping in early childhood.

5. Summarize findings on ethnic variations in child-rearing styles. Is the concept of authoritative parenting useful for understanding effective parenting across cultures? Explain.Human Development Assignment Essay

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Question 1
The cerebellum is the first aspect of brain development. It helps to control body movements and balance. The links that exist between the cerebral cortex and the cerebellum tend to also provide support in the thought processes (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2018). When damaged, children tend to develop both cognitive and motor deficits such as problems in language, planning, and memory. The reticular formation is another aspect which is a structure within the brainstem that helps in maintaining the levels of consciousness and alertness. During the entire period of development from childhood to adulthood, this structure helps to generate synapses and myelination.
Another aspect is handedness which is associated more with the hemisphere which is dominant. More often, 90% of language development dominates the left hemisphere as well as that of hand control (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2018). The manner in which a baby tends to be positioned in the uterus is also a key predictor of control on movement. Handedness is also involved in practice and more specifically, in accomplishing helpful societal tasks, sports and training.
The Hippocampus has a vital role in the development of memory and space images which help children to find their way. During elementary and preschool period, the hippocampus and gradually develops to establish links with the prefrontal cortex and other regions of the brain. The hippocampus also supports the alterations in spatial understanding and memory during early childhood.
Lastly, there is a big fiber bundle which connects both the hemispheres of the brain (right and left) known as the corpus callosum. This part of the brain ensures that there movement co-ordination is smooth by providing support. The corpus callosum also incorporates thought aspects of cognitive domains such as solving problems, memory, attention, perception and language. Human Development Assignment Essay
Question 2
Children who are physically, emotionally or sexually abused are at a high risk of having unfriendly relations in both adolescence and adulthood. However, children who are able to critically figure out how well they can function irrespective of their history are able to survive positively (Kagitcibasi, 2017). Some of the aspects that help to differentiate individual, family and neighborhood attributes and recognize girls who are strong and flexible from those who are not strong and have faced some forms of abuse include: their general behavior and lifestyle in the society
Children whore are more likely to difficulties in adjustment can be distinguished from those who are well-adjusted by looking at their socialization character, their interaction with colleagues and their level of activity. For instance, socially-skilled children have high self-esteem and are very active (Steffen, Richardson, Rockström, et al., 2015). They tend to participate in physical activities and are always cheerful and jovial. On the other hand, children who have difficulties with adjustment are dull, lonely and like staying in seclusion. They also tend to display a low level of self-esteem and hardly take a role in physical activities. Human Development Assignment Essay
Question 3
Strong principles which compel a child to act are referred to as moral imperatives. Most children in the period of middle children tend to display the pre-conventional stage of moral reasoning. This means that such children have critically internalized some of the basic rules that are culturally acceptable in and govern behavior that may be right or wrong (Steffen, Richardson, Rockström, et al., 2015). It is at the same time when children will realize that, behaviors which are morally good attract both praise and positive regards from both adults and peers. Human Development Assignment Essay
On the other hand, children also learn that, choices which are morally bad lead to negative remarks and unpleasant consequences. As explained by the social domain theory, some of the experiences that determine moral imperatives include scenarios where the welfare and rights of people are protected and strong reactions to moral offenses that were perpetuated to victims (Imoda & Dryer, 2015). These offenses include rape and child abuse and the assistance provided by adults to children to notice feelings and point out the effects on the misbehavior of the child on others thus promoting conscious formation.
Social conventions are customs that are solely determined through consensus. They can also be defined as accepted behaviors to which children are expected to conform to specific cultures, communities or groups. Social conventions are important to an extent that they provide the foundation of behaviors which are correct. When they fail to be followed, they are very noticeable (Kagitcibasi, 2017). They are stable because most children are taught how to follow them, which they will agree to. Even in instances where a child doesn’t feel like following social norms, he/she is most likely to do it due to the social pressure to confirm that is placed on her/him. Therefore, some of the social convention experiences include: customs in dressing styles and table manners, rituals in politeness and giving gifts as a sign of appreciation.
Personal choices are those which do not violate the rights of others and are solely dependent on an individual. Most of the challenges which tend to occur to authority fall within this domain. Potential experiences for personal choices include a choice of hairstyles, friends, and activities to engage in during leisure. Human Development Assignment Essay
Question 4
During period of early childhood period, children start to be gender oriented and to stereotyp in events such as play. For instance, girls will play with things that are more feminine apart from choosing activities which are only suited feminine senses. On the other hand, boys will also pick exercises that are associated and identified with men such as building, climbing, running and appreciating presence in gatherings that bigger (Imoda & Dryer, 2015). In the improvement of early childhood, kids often come together in gender orientation which is often what is found in the most basic unit of the family. To add on, the manner in which parents and caregivers contribute to gender stereotyping from birth to adulthood is also contributory.
Young ladies are noted to be extraordinary and with a wide range of desires. While young boys are asked to play with beaus, ladies are given toys or puppies. Human Development Assignment Essay As explained, children, therefore, get limited to these speculations and fail to be aware of the manner, in which they positively or negatively influence their choices, and behaviors, thoughts and feelings. Making talks on gender speculations is a potential and highly effective strategy that works best and is often facilitated by an adult (Kagitcibasi, 2017). Therefore, rigid gender stereotyping in early childhood is associated with attitudes which are gender stereotyped, a reduction of self-esteem and aspirations in careers, a negative body image, and eating disorders in young girls. On the other hand, positive portrayals over digital media can result in the formation of friendships that are ethnically diverse.
Question 5
A variation on styles of child-rearing is manifested by ethnic and socio-economic issues witnessed among the African, Hispanic, Asian, and Caucasian Americans. The finding illustrates that social tendencies and standard methodology have a great impact on the social aptitudes, suspicion, and porosity that is crucial for the daily existence of the child (Imoda & Dryer, 2015). The significance of ethnic variation in child-rearing styles is more pronounced in social institutions with racial and ethnic gatherings drawn from various ethnicities. However, these results are subject to school dissatisfaction and a predominate picture. Consequently, the outcome will be the best broad impact on children.
Authoritative parenting is an essential approach which promotes the understanding about effective parenting crosswise since it is a bio-regular approach that views the family as a channel through which the child’s progress can be impacted by a broader society. Besides, authoritative parenting can be used to clear up different child development challenges that are interlaced to achieve an ethnic capacity and financial related outcome in the child (Haq & Staff, 2015). Effective parenting across cultures is realized when the authoritative parenting is used to manage children tolerantly. The concept of authoritative parenting enables mothers to remain more restrictive, grounded, restrictive, and less docile towards ethnic diversity. This will lead to more effective parenting when a style of child preparing used involves using guidelines, directing, and despot parenting.Human Development Assignment Essay

Haq, M. ., & Staff, M. U. H. H. D. C. (2015). Reflections on Human Development. Cary: Oxford University Press.
Imoda, F., & Dryer, E. (2015). Human development: Psychology and mystery. Leuven: Peeters.
Kagitcibasi, C. (2017). Family, self, and human development across cultures: Theory and applications. Routledge.
Kail, R. V., & Cavanaugh, J. C. (2018). Human development: A life-span view. Cengage Learning.
Steffen, W., Richardson, K., Rockström, J., Cornell, S. E., Fetzer, I., Bennett, E. M., … & Folke, C. (2015). Planetary boundaries: Guiding human development on a changing planet. Science, 347(6223), 1259855.


Human Development Theories Research Paper
In this assignment you will identify and describe which theory or theories you believe best describes human development. You will also define each of the four forces of the biopsychosocial framework.
Differentiate the four forces (biological, psychological, sociocultural, and life cycle) in the life cycle.
Defend your selection of the major theoretical perspective(s) on human development that most resonates with you.Human Development Assignment Essay
This is a two-part assignment. Write a 2-3 page paper in which you describe and support your selection of a theory or combination of theories of human development that describes with your viewpoints; explain why you chose this theory, and provide examples to support your selection. Next, you will define each of the four forces in the biopsychosocial framework. Provide an example for each of the forces.
Part I:
Choose a theory or theories of human development that you believe accurately accounts for human development.
Explain why you chose this theory/theories. (What do you like about the theory.)
Include examples from your life that support the validity of the theory.
Part II:
Define each of the four forces in the biopsychosocial framework.
Provide an example of each force from your life.
Choose one of the four forces and describe how it fits into the theory you used in Part I of this assignment.
Part 1 Answer
Choose a theory or theories of human development that you believe accurately accounts for human development.
Explain why you chose this theory/theories. (What do you like about the theory.)
Include examples from your life that support the validity of the theory.Human Development Assignment Essay
The theories of human development try to explain how humans learn and expand their thinking as well as build characters. Sigmund Freud’s theory of human development is widely accepted by psychologists worldwide. It is called the psychosexual development hypothesis and argues that character builds up during infancy. During these stages, the libido or psychosexual energy plays a major role in shaping human behavior (Cameron, 2007). Freud argues that within the first five years, a person’s character or personality is already determined. He further insists that if a child goes through all the stages successfully, they will have a healthy character (Cameron, 2007).
According to Freud, the first stage is the oral stage where a child interacts through tasting and sucking. They depend on caretakers and as such trust develops at this stage. The main challenge at this stage is weaning the child to make them less dependent on caretakers. If this stage is not navigated properly, the person could develop dependency issues. The next stage is the anal stage whose successful navigation depends on toilet training. A person can develop an anal expulsive personality or an anal-retentive personality (Cameron, 2007). The former leads to wastefulness and a messiness while the latter leads to rigidity and possessiveness. A balance between the two is preferable and as such, parents should not be too lenient or too strict in toilet training.
The third stage is the phallic stage where the child discovers the difference between males and females. The fourth stage is the latent period where libido is suppressed and children are focused on hobbies and peers. This stage is crucial for the development of self-confidence and communication skills. The next stage is the genital stage where persons at puberty start to be attracted to persons of the opposite sex. The period lasts from puberty to death. This theory is quite easy to test through observations in young child. For instance, a person who fails to establish any social relationships at their phallic stage usually have confidence issues as well as an inability to maintain meaningful relationships (Simon & Gagnon, 2008).
Part 2 Answer
Define each of the four forces in the biopsychosocial framework.
Provide an example of each force from your life.
Choose one of the four forces and describe how it fits into the theory you used in Part I of this assignment.Human Development Assignment Essay
The biopsychosocial framework refers to four forces that affect human development. The first force is the biological force, which composes of such things as health and genetics (Epstein & Borrell-Carrio, 2005). Gender for instance tends to dictate the activities that a person is interested. The second item in the framework is psychological forces, which include emotions. Emotions such as love tend to dictate how a person acts to others. The third item is socio-cultural forces while the last item is life-cycle events. Socio-cultural forces include forces while life-cycle events include going to church every Sunday.
Socio-cultural forces play a key role at every stage of Freud’s human development theory. At the anal stage, children trust those who are around them to take care of them. If the people around the child neglect them, the child could develop trust problems when older. At the anal stage, the person around a child determines the child’s ability to become responsible as they grow up by teaching them toilet skills (Suls & Rothman, 2004). At the phallic stage, the child observes how adults of opposite sexes act around each other. At the latent stage, the ability of a child to integrate into the society through friendships determines their ability to gain communication and relationship handling skills (Suls & Rothman, 2004).

Lifespan development is the field tha examine pattern of growth, change, and stability in behavior. (womb to tomb) * Major topical Areas (Physical Dev., Cognitive Dev., Personality Dev., Social Dev.) * Physical- Body and the brain. * Cognitive- Growth and behavior * Personality- Stability and change * Social- interaction and relationships grow * Cultural factors and developmental diversity * Broad factors * Orientation toward individualism or collectivism * Finer differences * Ethnicity * Race * Socioeconomic Race * Gender * Korosol increase stress * Cohort- group of people born at around the same time in the same place * …show more content…Human Development Assignment Essay
Of many psychological activities * Early childhood: end of infancy to 5-6 years * Preschool years * Self-sufficiency and increased play * Middle and late childhood: 6-11 years * Reading, writing, and arithmetic * Focus on achievement and self-control * Adolescence: varying endpoints; form 10-12 to 18-22 years * Rapid physical changes * Pursuit of independence and identity * Early adulthood: late teens to early 30’s * Personal and economic independence * Selecting a mate * Middle adulthood: 40-60 years * Social involvement and responsibility * Assisting the next generation * Late adulthood: 60’s- 70’s to death * Life review * Adjustment to new social roles * Longest developmental span * “youngest old” vs. “oldest old” * Conceptions of age * How relevant is chronological to understand a person’s psychological dev. Human Development Assignment Essay

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