Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal Essay
Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal
Prevention of falls among inpatients is a health care target in many facilities since it has implications for care outcomes, patient morbidity and insurance payments. In the present case, the issue of concern has been identified as falls among inpatients with statistics estimating that approximately 2% of the patient experience one fall per year in the facility. A review of the issue reveals that patients falls for a range of preventable reasons to include slippery floor surfaces, lack of the appropriate footwear, and absence of support when moving (Stanley, 2017). The present paper offers a proposal for an interdisciplinary team to address the patient falls concern. Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal Essay
Objective and Predictions
As earlier indicated, about 2% of the inpatients at the facility experience one fall per year in the facility. As the patients and medical personnel consider gait disorders and falls as rather normal among patients, especially among the geriatric population, it is not surprising that the issue has been considered routine and largely ignored. Some of the main problems associated with falls include death, reduced quality of life, admission to long-term care, depression, fear of falling, reduced mobility, and fractures and injuries. Given the demographics and statistics associated with falls, the prevalence of falls and their adverse effects are likely to remain the same or worsen unless effective interventions are implemented(Stanley, 2017). A review of available literature reveals that a multifactorial approach applied by an interdisciplinary team as a primary strategy would be effective in reducing fall incidences. That is because patients regard falls prevention advice from a single profession (such as nurses along or physicians alone) as generally useful advice but not personally relevant advice. However, if the advice is presented by an interdisciplinary team, then patients are likely to value the advice by arguing that it is from a very important source of health-related information. Therefore, an interdisciplinary team would be in an ideal position to identify the patients at risk of falls, and to recruit and motivate them to address to the fall prevention advice as presented(Raingruber, 2017).Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal Essay
Change Theory and Leadership Strategy
Roger’s Five Stage Model has been identified as the ideal change theory for helping the interdisciplinary team to be successful in the collaboration and implementation while creating buy-in. The model is appropriate since it focuses on the ability of the team members to make decisions that are acceptable to the team and health care management system. The model considers proves improvement as the primary objective of the interdisciplinary team. It would guide the team in applying the change through the five stages (knowledge, persuasion, decision, implementation and confirmation) and ensuring that they are followed in sequence. This way, when the change is implemented, it is not questioned by the team members for not being properly consulted on its implications and value. Failing to apply this model would trigger undercurrent behavior among the team members that limits the team’s and organization’s to proceed with adopting the change(Bemker& Schreiner, 2017). When implementing the change using Roger’s Five Stage Model, the context of the individual team members will significant impact their perception off falls prevention. In a large scale implementation across the whole facility, the interdisciplinary team will focus on different professional areas, causing them to differ in the way they perceive the benefits and costs of a given falls prevention strategy. For instance, when implementing the interdisciplinary approach, physicians may put emphasis on having a falls occurrence information system that better reflects all falls at the facility and their causes. Meanwhile nurse personnel, who may be lacking exposure to the immediate value of the system, could perceive it as a monitoring tool for assessing the quality of nurses’ work. To minimize the impact of the change, the selected change model breaks down the change process into stages that allow the team members to gradually see the increase in its usefulness for them (Bemker& Schreiner, 2017).Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal Essay
Interdisciplinary Team Collaboration
A healthy state of collaboration is necessary for the interdisciplinary team to achieve its objective of reducing falls incidences at the facility. Four strategies have been identified as appropriate for enabling collaboration. The first strategy is providing a social interaction platform in which the team members engage with patients and other stakeholders to coordinate and promote favorable outcomes for the community, such as planning charitable walks/runs to create awareness about hospital falls (Harris et al., 2016). The second strategy is rewarding and recognizing the team members. Inevitably, most of the goals of job performance are assessed at the individual level. However, considering that this is a team with team-oriented goals then it would be appropriate to initiate team-oriented rewards. This would reinforce the importance of the team-based goals thus pushing the individual members to understand the importance of team work and subconsciously or consciously strive for synergy within the team. Recognizing and rewarding the team’s accomplishments with shared accolades would serve to generate positive interactions between the team members and make them feel appreciated. The third strategy is encouraging open communication to foster a collaborative environment. This is achieved through regularly scheduled round-table meetings and brainstorming sessions that allow the members to feel comfortable contributing in the group setting. The final strategy is sharing resources, insights and knowledge. Creating a space for the team members to collaborate, such as messaging boards, would allow the team members to freely jot down their ideas where they post comments (Garcia-Dia, 2019).
Organizational resources
Three organizational resources will be needed for the interdisciplinary team. Firstly, human resources, to include representatives of the different medical professions, will be required to provide expertise in each discipline and the capacity to relate the various approaches to the problem and points of view to derive a coherent view of the issue. It is important that experts with experience in preventing falls and are well informed about falls management be informed. Experts in each profession will join the team and their contributions incorporated into the team activities through interdisciplinary discussions. Secondly, logistical equipment and resources will be required. These will include an email service, internet access, telephone line, photocopier, printer, scanner, computers, and meeting room rigged with a projector. Thirdly, financial resources will be required. The main budgetary elements will include communication expenses, printing and duplicating documents, workshop expenses, and office material and equipment (Snipes, 2016). Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal Essay
Bemker, M., & Schreiner, B. (Eds.) (2017). The DNP Degree & Capstone Project: A Practical Guide. DEStech Publications, Inc.
Garcia-Dia, M. (2019). Project Management in Nursing Informatics. Springer Publishing Company.
Harris, J., Roussel, L., Thomas, P., & Dearman, P. (2016). Project Planning & Management: A Guide for Nurses and Interprofessional Teams. Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.
Raingruber, B. (2017). Contemporary Health Promotion in Nursing Practice (2nd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.
Snipes, C. (2016). Project Management for the Advanced Practice Nurse. Springer Publishing Company.
Stanley, D. (2017). Clinical Leadership in Nursing and Healthcare: Values into Action (2nd ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal Essay