Introduction to Leadership (Concepts and practice) Assignment

Introduction to Leadership (Concepts and practice) Assignment

For this assignment, use a minimum of three scholarly references and it should be approximately three to four pages long, not counting the cover page or references list. APA style. Free of plagiarism.

Include the following:

Application: Of the six dimensions in the questionnaire (trait, ability, skill, behavior, relationship, and process).

Which one is the most similar to your own perspective? Which one is least like your own perspective? develop about this topic.

Note: The six dimensions in the questionary are already explained, please only refer and develop to the one that is most similar to mine perspective (skill), and my least likely perspective (process).


Evaluation: What do your scores imply about your view of nurses as leaders versus managers? How are the results of this questionnaire beneficial to you as a leader?

Attached, you will find a pic of the “1.2 Conceptualizing Leadership Questionnaire”.

1.3 Observational Exercise. Introduction to Leadership (Concepts and practice) Assignment

Attached, you will find the pics with the instructions and questions that need to be answered.

Assignment is half way done, also attached you will find the pictures needed to complete this assignment

Question 1.2

Leadership is a process of influencing the behavior of either an individual or a group, regardless of the reason, in an effort to achieve goals and in a given situation. Some leadership definitions incorporate an interaction among people and the process of influencing. In addition, Leadership can be taught and learned. Everyone possesses basic leadership skills but may not have specific skills needed to lead a particular group, department or organization. Leadership is a way of thinking about oneself and the role played in certain scenario. The leaders innovate and conquer the context of a situation and cope with change. Leadership is built through a good communication, experiences, positive interactions, challenges and stories that make connections with others. To ensure this happens a leader must ask him or herself a few questions such as, am I being consistent? do I encourage good communication? do I focus on team building with my staff. Asking this questions is essential to ensure that leadership is developing effectively. Introduction to Leadership (Concepts and practice) Assignment

Moreover, a leader combines administrative, financial, operational skills and clinical, to solve problems in the care environment so it can result in a cost-effective care in a way that satisfying for every team member. Effectiveness is a key outcome of leadership efforts in health care. It has been suggested that there is a shortage of leader and a crisis of leadership in nursing. Nurses are challenges to respond with leadership and can be best respond by demonstrating vision, innovativeness, adapting to changes, seeking new tools, and dealing with a new health care environment, and leading the way with client-centered strategies (Joseph, 2015; Joseph et al., 2016). Effective leadership are change agents and promote innovation. Innovation is seen as a viable mechanism to address care delivery complexity.

As a new nurse, one of the skills that has helped me throughout my career is being fearless. When the opportunity of becoming a leading charge nurse at Psychiatric mental health unit that was offered to me, it was the experience I was concerned about and not the fit. It was a new territory and a great opportunity for me to develop the necessary skills to grow as a leader. This leadership position was vitally important not only to my professional development but also aid me in the promotion to a next career level.

Question 1.4

Looking more into the matter, we need to address a basic question: What is leadership? People who study leadership have struggles with this question for many decades and have written articles about the nature of leadership. Truth is that despite the many definition or concepts many people are accurately reflection in what is to be a leader.

“Leadership as a trait”

A trait is a distinguishing quality of an individual, which is often inherited. Stating that leadership as a trait means that each particular person brings to the table certain amount of qualities that affect the way he or she leads. Although there might be some truth to this argument, it can also be argued that all of us are born with a wide array of unique traits that impact the image of leadership. Effective leadership results when the leader engages the right traits in the right place at the right time.

“Leadership is an ability”

Leadership is seen as an ability. An individual that has a leadership ability is able to be a leader. In this role, some people have the natural ability to lead while others develop their leadership abilities through hard work and practice. Also, when a person possesses a leadership ability, he or she is very comfortable in taking a leadership role. This ability centers purely on their comfort as being a leader not their style or degree of effectiveness as a leader.

“Leadership is a skill”

Leadership is a competency developed to accomplish a task effectively. Skilled leaders are competent individuals who know the mean and methods for carrying out responsibilities. Describing leadership as a skill makes leadership available to everyone because skills are competencies that people can develop through leaning without the natural ability. Viewed as a skill, leadership can be studied and learned. If the individual is capable of learning from experience, they can acquire leadership. Introduction to Leadership (Concepts and practice) Assignment

“Leadership is a behavior”

Behavior is what leaders do when they are in a leadership role. The big picture is concerned with how leaders act toward others in a different situation. Unlike the previous mentioned, behaviors are observable. There are two types of behaviors, the one that get the job done effectively and the one that help people feel comfortable with other group members. Since leadership requires both behaviors, that challenge for leaders is to know the best way to combine them in their effort to reach a goal.

“Leadership is a relationship”

Leadership and relationship go by the hand. From this perspective, leadership is centered on the communication between leaders and followers rather than on the unique qualities of the leader. A leader affects and is affected by followers. This approach emphasizes that leadership is not a linear one-way event, but rather interactive. Thinking of leadership as a relationship suggest that leaders must include followers and their interests in the process of the role. Also, through relationship, increases the possibility that leaders and followers will work together toward a common good.

“Leadership is an Influence Process”

Leadership as an influence process means that it is not a trait or an ability that resides in the leader, but rather an interactive event that occurs between the leader and the follower. Stressing common goals gives leadership an ethical dimension because it lessens the possibility that leaders might act toward followers in ways that use coercion or are unethical. In addition, leadership is a process where an individual is influences a group or more individuals to achieve a common goal.

Stating the different styles of leadership, I find myself with a leadership skill. Viewed as a skill, leadership it can be learned and taught. As a leader, there are fundamental skills that need to be used effectively in order to achieve better results such as, communication, decision making capabilities, delegations, trustworthy among others. Effective leaders are essential to any organization. They can help build strong teams within an organization and ensure projects, initiatives or other work functions to be performed successfully.

Introduction to Leadership (Concepts and practice) Assignment