Leadership As Identity Essay Discussion Paper

Leadership As Identity Essay Discussion Paper

A significant concept that I took away from the video and book by Crawford Loritts, “Leadership as Identity: The Four Traits of Those Who Wield Lasting Influence,” is the importance of radical, instant obedience as a fundamental quality of successful leadership. According to Loritts, leaders ought to show that they are prepared to follow God’s instructions without question or reluctance. Radical obedience is not just following the rules; it’s a complete surrender to doing whatever God asks and accepting God’s special and supernatural callings (Wilkins, 56)Leadership As Identity Essay Discussion Paper.


By downplaying the supernatural aspect of God’s mandates, Loritts expresses concerns about the institutionalization of a worldview that takes away from God’s distinctiveness and challenges the dominant career-oriented approach to Christianity. He stresses the requirement of spirit-directed intentionality and a true relationship with God, urging leaders to objectify God’s tasks and resist the tendency to spiritualize everything. Leadership As Identity Essay Discussion Paper

The demand for drastic, instant compliance strikes a chord as a counternarrative to a society that frequently places a premium on individual achievement and cunning planning. Loritts reminds leaders that following God’s plan is more important than success. This viewpoint pushes leaders to put service above self-interest and forces them to consider their goals and motivations.

Essentially, Loritts is advocating for a paradigm change in leadership one in which leaders accept imperfection, cultivate unique relationship with God, live out servanthood as a way of life, and exhibit radical, instant obedience. The secret to exerting long-lasting influence and having a significant impact on other people’s life is said to be this all-encompassing strategy, which is based on a close relationship with God (Twibell, 52)Leadership As Identity Essay Discussion Paper.

Works Cited

Twibell, Simone Mulieri. Boundary-Breaking Mission: The Gospel in a Diverse and Fragmented World. Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2023.


Wilkins, Michael J. In his image: Reflecting Christ in everyday life. Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2020.

https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=emDeDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA9&dq=Radical+obedience+is+not+just+following+the+rules%3B+it%27s+a+complete+surrender+to+doing+whatever+God+asks+and+accepting+God%27s+special+and+supernatural+callings.&ots=GrTh3QoTBJ&sig=UCQmZQuqnPRpVEvj_2hOHsyvoP4 Leadership As Identity Essay Discussion Paper


link to video: https://moody.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=9fd73c48-7a8e-4255-8a33-ad40013e0c13

Loritts, Crawford. Leadership as Identity: The Four Traits of Those Who Wield Lasting Influence. Moody,
2009. ISBN: 978-0802455277.

As you watched Loritts video and finishing reading his book this week, Post one (1) idea you gleaned from the Loritts and describe how you plan to implement it in your personal life and ministry Leadership As Identity Essay Discussion Paper