Literature Review Of Critical Thinking in Nursing Practice Assignment

Literature Review Of Critical Thinking in Nursing Practice Assignment

UPDATED DUE DATE: Monday, October 17th by 11:59 pm.

Using academic peer-reviewed literature, research how critical thinking is applied in professional practice when it comes to problem-solving and ethical decision-making. What are common obstacles experienced with critical thinking and the nursing process?

You may discuss how critical thinking is applied to a healthcare related scenario of your choosing involving problem-solving and ethical decision-making. Here are a few examples of cases below. I want to see your discussion focused on the critical thinking and ethical aspects of the case you choose. You may select from one of the cases below or choose your own. I also would like you to discuss common obstacles the pertinent parties faced in their respective situations and how/when they used critical thinking to overcome the obstacles. Literature Review Of Critical Thinking in Nursing Practice Assignment


Select eight (8) peer reviewed scholarly journal articles I would like to see 6 of 8 of your literature be from scholarly journals, and you may select 2 additional resources of your choosing, such as reputable news articles, etc.
Articles should be from 2017 to current I am willing to be lenient on the 2017 rule since some of these cases occurred before 2017. Leniency is dependent upon your sources being credible and relative to your subject matter. Sources should enhance and support your paper.
Literature review sections
Introductory paragraph
Provide a summary on each article
Give an overview of the research purpose and outcomes
Where possible, discuss the significance of findings in relation to the literature as whole
Mention any noticeable weaknesses or strengths
Summarize the key findings and take-away
Connect closing back to introductory paragraph
APA writing style
Review must include a title and reference page
There are no page minimums, maximum should be 8 pages including the title and reference pages
Here are the ethical case examples Literature Review Of Critical Thinking in Nursing Practice Assignment
1. Terri Schiavo: A legal battle involving prolonged life support

2. Brittany Maynard: The Right-To-Die Movement

3. Dr. Anna Pou and Memorial Hospital: the days following Hurricane Katrina

4. Jason Patric and Damian Adams: The parental rights of sperm donors and their children

5. RaDonda Vaught: medication error made by a nurse results in a patient’s death

6. Ella Grace Foster and Mariah Walton: when parents refuse medical treatment for their children based on religious beliefs

7. Dr. Jack Kevorkian: physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia Literature Review Of Critical Thinking in Nursing Practice Assignment