Madeleine Leininger’s Culture Care

Madeleine Leininger’s Culture Care

In NUR 507: Transition to Graduate Nursing Practice, you were asked to include a detailed discussion about your personal philosophy in nursing. Without self-plagiarizing that assignment, reflect upon how your background, experiences, values, and beliefs may influence your personal nursing practice. Through what lens do you see nursing today and in the future? Which grand nursing theories align most closely with your personal theory of nursing? Support your responses with examples from your practice.Madeleine Leininger’s Culture Care

APA 7th edition

Must be done in word for editing

The grand nursing theorists you read about this week were real nurses who observed common issues and nagging problems within nursing and tried to systematically explain them in order to predict and prescribe nursing practice and research. The theorists were influenced by many factors as they critically analyzed and thoughtfully reflected on nursing practice. Relate your personal philosophy of nursing and relate it to at least one grand theory of nursing. (Cite where you found your grand theory.)

Personal Nursing Philosophy Madeleine Leininger

Modern nursing practice is informed by various theorists, who possess rich experiences in nursing practice. All grand nursing theorists once practiced nursing and as such designed their theories in a bid to solve tangible clinical issues or design approaches towards recurrent and systematic problems. My foundation I nursing practice draws relevance from Madeleine Leininger, whose theory, the Culture Care Theory, informs various aspects of the profession (McFarland, & Wehbe-Alamah, 2019). I find the theorist quite relevant on a personal level as she guides my practice and clinical decision-making with clarity. Madeleine Leininger inspires my beliefs as in the need for wholesome personalized nursing care. According to the theorist, humans ought to be considered in relation to physiological, psychological, spiritual, and social aspects, paying attention to their cultural beliefs and traditions (Foronda, 2020). Madeleine Leininger and I share in the belief that nursing are must be holistic to attain quality.


            My personal nursing philosophy has since evolved from confining nursing care to merely eliminating disease to improving the quality of life. This perspective thus encourages me to foster patient-oriented care while engaging more in patient education and facilitating patient autonomy in clinical decision making (Gonzalo, 2019). My experiences in nursing practice are therefore fast becoming holistic and patient involving as I focus on promoting health and wellness. Unlike traditional health, which barely paid attention to the patient’s environment during healing, I look forward to a profession that features the patient’s life wholly, enabling them to heal and live better. Throughout my practice experience, I have come to realize that wellness stretches beyond the absence of disease, encompassing psychological and social among other aspects of health (Gonzalo, 2019). As a result, I will endeavor to view nursing practice as a means to meet the needs of patients and promote health.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) definition of health, nursing must focus on proving holistic care and improving the quality of life. The definition, “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”, is crucial as it fosters the improvement of the health system (Andrea, 2018). Healthcare organizations and providers are moving towards holistic patient care hence promoting health and wellness in the society (McFarland, & Wehbe-Alamah, 2019). The perspective also lowers the cost of health as patients make more informed decisions surrounding their health thus reducing hospitalization costs and lifestyle diseases. Also, the environment encompasses all factors and conditions that influence human behaviors and decisions, including the people that interact with an individual. All these concepts reflect the beliefs, experiences, and values that inform my personal nursing philosophy.Madeleine Leininger’s Culture Care

My career prospects involve developing great nurse leadership skills and furthering my education to match such levels. With technological advancement and the expansion of nursing concepts, I look forward to a great future in the nursing profession. Modern nursing is already growing to accommodate such crucial changes as the need for individualized nursing care as well as considerations of culture. Besides, patient-oriented care has visibly improved patient outcomes and satisfaction hence the need to move towards personalized nursing care. Madeleine Leininger’s theory of Transcultural Nursing fosters cultural competency, which is critical aspect of nursing, particularly following globalization and technological advancement (Foronda, 2020). Holistic care is also a key concept in modern nursing, and is bound to evolve nursing practice improving patient outcomes and the health system in general (McFarland, & Wehbe-Alamah, 2019).  My beliefs, experiences, and values are aligned with Madeleine Leininger’s hence her role in informing my personal nursing philosophy.


Andrea, A. C. (2018). Historical evolution of the concept of health in Western medicine. Acta Bio Medica: Atenei Parmensis89(3), 352.

Foronda, C. (2020). A theory of cultural humility. Journal of Transcultural Nursing31(1), 7-12.

Gonzalo, A. (2019). Madeleine Leininger: Transcultural Nursing Theory.

McFarland, M. R., & Wehbe-Alamah, H. B. (2019). Leininger’s Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality: An Overview With a Historical Retrospective and a View Toward the Future. Journal of Transcultural Nursing30(6), 540-557. Madeleine Leininger’s Culture Care