Measles Press Release Essay

Measles Press Release Essay


For this assignment, you are given three real-world scenarios to choose one to develop.

Scenario One:


There has been a case of measles at the local high school reported to the health department. The public health nurse that serves as the school nurse has been assigned to write a press release. Write a press release with appropriate statistics, description of measles, control and prevention strategies.Measles Press Release Essay

Using the format as provided on the Welcome to the Course under Resources, develop a 1-2 page press release. A press release includes the who, what, where, and why and should be succinct and clear. Many press releases include a quote from a local authority e.g. the State Health Commissioner in order to personalize and add interest. A good public health press release would also include what the average citizen should do; a press release is an opportunity for public health officials to send evidence-based public health messages. At least two references using the APA style should be included.Measles Press Release Essay

Scenario Two:

A patron with eight co-patrons has introduced a bill to the general assembly. House Bill 413 Immunization of children: The parent, guardian or person standing in loco parentis of each child with this state shall cause such child to be immunized by vaccine against diphtheria tetanus, whooping cough and poliomyelitis before such child attains the age of one year, against Haemophilus influenza type before the attains the age of thirty months, and against measles (rubeola), German measles (rubella) and mumps before such child attains the age of two years.

Complete a health policy analysis HPA) using the following format:

Summarize the proposed legislation. Use your own words to describe the intent of the legislation.
Describe the problem the proposed legislation is intended to address. Use secondary data to further describe the problem as is known from the literature.
Identify the stakeholders and project the expected opinion. Indicate who would be in support of the legislation and why. Indicate who would not support the legislation and why?
Examine the risks and benefits of the proposed legislation. If this bill is passed, what would be the expected outcomes and would that have a positive or negative impact on the public health. If this bill is not passed, what would be the positive or negative outcomes?
Provide discussion as to the projected costs of this legislation if any.
What would be the recommendation to the Governor?
Should the Governor strongly support the bill and make a statement that he would sign if passed by the legislature?
Should the Governor support the bill but express concerns or reservations? If so, what are those concerns? Can the proposed legislation be improved? If so, suggest the amendment/s
Should the Governor not support and state that he would veto, if it passed the legislature? Give the reasons why the bill should not be supported and vetoed.
Scenario Three:Measles Press Release Essay

The public health nurse has been asked to provide an educational activity at the local assisted living facility regarding influenza, its identification, treatment and prevention for the residences. Compose a written lesson plan including the following elements: a detailed content outline, a description of the teaching method as to exactly what will be planned, and an evaluation plan. Use a matrix (or chart/table) format. Show how each content component will be presented and evaluated. Be creative as to the method of presenting the material. Limit the written plan to 2-3 pages and add a final page with the references. Cite references using APA style.

“The state department of public health would like to report a confirmed measles case in a local high school. Therefore, the State and County officials of public health highly recommend that individuals who are yet to be vaccinated aged 1 year and older should receive a measles vaccination to safeguard themselves and those surrounding them.”
Measles is an acute viral and highly infectious disease. A single case can easily result in an epidemic. Some of its major symptoms are a running nose, fever, a rash and cough (Young et al., 2014). Even though it is often considered to be a childhood illness, individuals can contract it at any age. In the United States, most cases of measles occur among pre-schoolers, young adults, adolescents and individuals who are not adequately immunized. Measles Press Release Essay
Measles has no specific treatment. Therefore, the most recommended way individuals can safeguard themselves and their families are through vaccination. The immunization schedule of the CDC recommends the initial measles vaccination of children between 12-15 months and the 2nd dose between four-six years. In the US, the MMR vaccine (mumps, measles, and rubella) is usually administered to a child when he/she is 12 months old (Young et al., 2014). However, there are scenarios where immunization as young as 6 months is recommended such as infection during an epidemic/outbreak or when traveling outside the US.
In the year 2015, the WHO estimated that there were close to 110,000 deaths globally linked to measles and most of them were children aged 5 years and younger (Clemmons et al., 2017). In recent years in the US, cases of measles have reportedly also been increasing gradually. To prevent an epidemic, the state department of public health recommends that, individuals who were in the local high school between 16th and 17th October 2019 at 6.00 am and 6.00 pm are likely to have been exposed to measles. Anyone who might have been exposed is therefore encouraged to visit the nearest hospital and to ascertain if they have been immunized to safeguard against measles.

Clemmons, N. S., Wallace, G. S., Patel, M., & Gastañaduy, P. A. (2017). Incidence of measles in the United States, 2001-2015. Jama, 318(13), 1279-1281.
Young, M. K., Nimmo, G. R., Cripps, A. W., & Jones, M. A. (2014). Post‐exposure passive immunization for preventing measles. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (4).Measles Press Release Essay

Measles is in the news again for a recent outbreak. In the U.S. about 300 cases have been reported as of late. However, measles is an old virus. The first emergence of measles was around 500 AD. Therefore, it has been around since early history, and continues to affect people, despite vaccinations. The virus produces a highly contagious disease, and that is one of the reasons it has lasted so long in the lives of humans. This essay will describe the signs and symptoms, causes, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of this highly infectious virus.

Commonly, children are infected with the virus. Though it is not usually fatal for adults, it can be for children. The signs and symptoms of measles last around 10-14 days subsequent to being exposed to the virus. The most common symptoms are: fever, dry cough, runny nose, sore throat, inflamed eyes, “tiny white spots with bluish-white centers on a red background found inside the mouth on the inner lining of the cheek — also called Koplik’s spots” (“Measles”), and a skin rash with flat blotches. The fever itself lasts for about four days to one week.Measles Press Release Essay

In terms of the causes of measles, it is simple. According to Children’s Hospital, “Measles is caused by morbillivirus, which is mostly seen in the winter and spring. It’s spread from one child to another through direct contact with discharge from the nose and throat. Sometimes, it is spread through airborne droplets (from a cough or sneeze) from an infected child” (“Measles (Rubeola) Symptoms & Causes | Boston Children’s Hospital”). The measles virus is a single-stranded, negative-sense, enveloped RNA virus. It can live up to two hours in airspace or surfaces (“Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases”).Measles Press Release Essay

The good thing about measles is that it can be diagnosed rather easily. It has characteristic features that distinguish it from other diseases caused by viruses. Stated by Mayo Clinic, “Your doctor can usually diagnose measles based on the disease’s characteristic rash as well as a small, bluish-white spot on a bright red background — Koplik’s spot — on the inside lining of the cheek. However, many doctors have never seen measles, and the rash can be confused with a number of other illnesses. If necessary, a blood test can confirm whether the rash is truly measles” (Measles”). However, as told above, measles is more rare than other diseases, so it is important to take the appropriate tests to determine the validity of your doctor’s claims.

The bad news is that receiving the measles virus is hard to avoid due to its highly infectious and contagious nature. There is not much in the way of recommendations. According to Children’s Hospital, “Since the use of the Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) vaccine, the number of children infected with measles has dropped by 99 percent. About 5 percent of measles are due to vaccine failure. The vaccine is usually given when your child is 12 to 15 months old, and then again when he is between 4 and 6 years old” (“Measles (Rubeola) Symptoms & Causes | Boston Children’s Hospital”). So, getting vaccinated is our best bet at fighting off the virus and becoming immune to it.Measles Press Release Essay

If you happen to get infected with measles, there are various ways to treat it. However, there is no medicine that directly treats measles. With that said, these are the various treatments: “acetaminophen to relieve fever and muscle aches, rest to help boost your immune system, plenty of fluids (six to eight glasses of water a day), humidifier to ease a cough and sore throat, [and] vitamin A supplements” (“Measles: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatments”). It is best to combine all these treatments for the best effect.Measles Press Release Essay

Measles is an ancient virus that has adapted and mutated throughout history. Currently, it is making a comeback. However, getting vaccinated is the surest way of avoiding getting infected by this contagious virus. As soon as you notice any signs or symptoms of measles—fever, dry cough, runny nose, sore throat, inflamed eyes, Koplik’s spots, and a skin rash with flat blotches—then head to your doctor for a diagnosis and recommendations for treatment. Measles Press Release Essay

Measles Press Release