Metaparadigm of Nursing Assignment Paper

Metaparadigm of Nursing Assignment Paper

In the field of nursing, the notion of metaparadigm should be emphasized as a basis for patient care. Nurses cannot treat patients effectively if they do not take the four basic metaparadigm concepts into consideration. In regard to this, the importance of the metaparadigm together with its concepts for successful nursing education and profession should be evaluated. The metaparadigm of nursing is an important issue for the profession and professional nurse because the four concepts, which this notion incorporates, are necessary for providing quality patient-centered care.Metaparadigm of Nursing Assignment Paper


To describe the concepts of the metaparadigm important for nursing, firstly it is necessary to define the term “metaparadigm”. Fawcett (2005) defines it as a set of global concepts that determine the central interest in the discipline and propositions that influence the relations between the concepts. The latter are as follows: a person or human being, health, wellness, environment, and nursing. The most important concept in the metaparadigm of nursing is a human being. Without a person, there is no need for the profession of a nurse. The person represents a client, which can be an individual, family, community, or even a system. He/she is motivated by needs, and it is important to satisfy them, otherwise the human being can be at risk from changes in health that can cause illnesses. In this case, the patient seeks health care from nursing professionals, which should be individual depending on the client and the situation.Metaparadigm of Nursing Assignment Paper

The next concept of the metaparadigm of nursing is health. It depends on the physical, moral and social factors influencing the patient. Thus, nurses have to care for patients satisfying all those needs of the client, as it is the basics of nursing. What is more, successful health caring provides the nurse’s contact with the patient, and it is a guarantee of further client’s wellness. It should be mentioned that the environment affects person’s health, behavior and overall wellness as it refers to everything around the patient. The environment does not only mean the patients’ surroundings, but also their state of mind. Clients may be influenced by this factor positively, but if they are depressed, it causes a disease. As a result, it will be quite difficult to improve their health state. Therefore, nurses have to treat patients holistically and anticipate the patient’s needs.Metaparadigm of Nursing Assignment Paper

The final concept of metaparadigm is nursing. A good nurse is a personality who is compassionate and always caring. The nurse has to demonstrate this relation to patients all the time, especially if the client has a grave disease, like cancer. In this case, nurses should always show their care for patient’s health and recovery. All these skills together shape real professionals in the medical system.

The four concepts described above always fit together to create a metaparadigm of nursing, as they are the main doctrine in this field. The goal of nursing is a humanistic improvement in the potential health of humans as well as professional caring for the sick ensuring their wellness. Excellence in nursing education and further profession requires effective time management, honesty, caring, patient privacy and critical thinking in terms of status, mastery, and control over practice. The American Nurses Association maintains this idea appealing to nurses to protect the patients’ health, safeness, and rights (American Nurses Association, 2010).Metaparadigm of Nursing Assignment Paper

To conclude, the metaparadigm of nursing is a significant issue for nursing education and further profession as its concepts are needful for caring patients. My philosophy of nursing is based on the beliefs according to the concepts of the metaparadigm applied in every nursing situation in my daily life. It means I incorporate all my knowledge, caring, time management, respect, and patient privacy to be successful in the nursing profession. Metaparadigm of Nursing Assignment Paper