Midtown Rehabilitation Center Case Study
Exercise II: Frequently Raised Questions from Applicants for Services
Applicants will often have many questions about the agency, the process, the helper, and costs. The beginning of the intake interview is a time for client queries. Read the following agency description and answer the questions that follow.
Midtown Rehabilitation Center
Purpose and Services: Midtown Rehabilitation Center, an inner-city aftercare program for recovering alcoholics, is operated by Alcohol Services of the Midwest. Established in 1974, the center assists highly motivated alcoholics who have made a commitment to remain sober and develop an improved lifestyle. Services include evaluation of medical, social, emotional, and vocational needs; supervised and supportive residential aftercare; group and individual counseling; recreational and occupational therapy; educational, vocational, and professional training; physical restoration; anti-abuse supervision; legal assistance and employment assistance.
Eligibility: Both males and females who have had prior treatment or inpatient treatment for alcohol and/or drug abuse are eligible for treatment. The center also serves pre-release clients for the Federal Bureau of Prisoners (FBP). Midtown Rehabilitation Center Case Study
Fees: The center operates on a sliding fee scale and is private pay.
Hours: The center is open 24 hours, 7 days a week.
Sources of Support: The center is supported with funding from the federal and state governments, client fees, and contributions.
Midtown Rehabilitation Center Case Study