Mission Statement For A Hospital Essay.

Mission Statement For A Hospital Essay.


The mission statement developed here is for a hospital specializing in cardiovascular treatment and care. The hospital provides treatment for different types and levels of heart ailments as well as giving post treatment follow up care. The staff consists of a team of expert surgeons and physicians assisted by care giving and nursing staff. Key focus during and after treatment is to have a personalized approach towards each patient in order to better understand their individual needs and formulate a best fit strategy for treatment. The hospital also provides internships to medical students who have completed their final year of studies with an aim to develop their skills as doctors. The hospital has a research wing to develop new and improved methods of treatment. Finally, the hospital undertakes community service initiatives like conducting treatment or operations at discounted prices or for free for citizens who do not have health insurance or are from the lower strata of the society.Mission Statement For A Hospital Essay.


Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide advanced cardiovascular treatment to patients from all walks of life with great emphasis on personalized care for every individual and pioneering improvement in the field of cardiology. We will accomplish our mission by: (a) employing best of breed physicians and caregivers; (b) partnering with other leading hospitals and institutions of medicine to provide a combined and comprehensive package of services; (c) focusing of research and development of new and more effective techniques for treatment; (d) finding ways to provide medical aid to the poor and needy; (e) developing a work environment based on further medicinal education and equal growth opportunities for all; (d) cultivating an attitude based on excellence and a humane approach towards patients. We commit ourselves to exemplary levels of service and medical care that goes beyond mere treatment.Mission Statement For A Hospital Essay.