Model For Improvement in Healthcare Essays

Model For Improvement in Healthcare Essays


Hospital Comparison: Quality Improvement Project Assignment—Part 2 (Week 4 Assignment)

Students will pretend they are the QI Nurse in one hospital. You must select a real hospital that you find a CMS report for. Then you will find 2 or 3 hospitals (in the same area if you choose a hospital in a large city—consider hospitals your hospital might compete with). Look at the CMS reports for your hospital and compare them with your comparison hospitals. Determine where your hospital is strong, and where the CMS report indicated improvement is needed—especially when considering the other hospitals that might be doing better than your hospital in the problem areas. You are going to write a report to your hospital Management Team (CEO, DON, etc.) to identify areas where your hospital might conduct improvement projects so you can compete better with your competitor hospitals. Then, propose action plans to improve problem areas, or to sustain areas where your hospital is strong on the identified consumer measurements. Include specific steps to achieve this plan. Students will utilize knowledge learned in the course to ensure the proposed project is measurable, feasible and realistic for implementation. Model For Improvement in Healthcare Essays



The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Hospital Compare website allows you to compare performance at hospitals throughout the United States. Go to this site and search for hospitals within 100 miles of your location. Model For Improvement in Healthcare Essays
Alternatively you can use the Leapfrog site and their measures. Their Web site is: and another useful Leapfrog site for getting details for hospital comparisons is:
Identify two specific measures for any of the following broad categories of measures: structure, process, and outcomes (both clinical and customer service). Which hospital rates highest? Prepare to discuss your selected measures and findings.
From CMS Hospital Compare website, review the various measurement categories. Select one hospital to be your primary hospital for comparison. Select two performance measures that are most important or of greatest interest, and two measures that are least important or of least interest to consumers of healthcare services.
Prepare a detailed proposal to your chosen hospital CEO describing measures that are important to consumers that you use to compare the chosen hospital’s performance with three other hospitals within 100 miles. Explain your selections. Model For Improvement in Healthcare Essays
Propose a plan with recommendations for improving or sustaining the consumer ranking for your chosen hospital.

Your paper should be well-written and meet the following requirements:


Contains an introduction explaining that this is a comparison of local hospitals (including a primary hospital that is your hospital and 2 other comparison competitor hospitals). The purpose is to make sure your hospital is competitive with other hospitals and to identify two performance measures that your hospital needs to improve in order to be more competitive in terms of patient care quality. Identify what source (CMS or Leapfrog) you used to obtain your Model For Improvement in Healthcare Essays
Clearly describes the consumer measurements chosen and why you think these are important to your hospital’s customers/patients.
Provide an analysis of how your primary hospital ranks against three competing hospitals
Select areas your hospital needs to improve, based on your comparison of your hospital against the other hospitals. Provide at least three actionable recommendations for your CEO to consider implementing to improve your hospital’s consumer ranking and thus improve your hospital’s patient satisfaction. (this means you recommend changes to improve the area/areas your hospital’s performance isn’t as good, and how the problem areas affect patient satisfaction.) Model For Improvement in Healthcare Essays
Your paper should be between 7 and 10 pages plus a title page and a reference page, the paper must be in APA format and include at least three scholarly references that do not include the course textbook.
When you have finished writing your paper, write a short executive summary of your report (this may be all your CEO reads!) This may not be longer than 1 page and should be about 2/3 of a page. It should start with noting this is a comparison of quality indicators between your hospital and some competitors. Then identify the measures you selected, where you got them (CMS or Leapfrog) and why they are important to your hospital’s patient satisfaction. Summarize the differences and identify the area(s) your hospital needs to improve on. Include your recommendations for how to improve. Model For Improvement in Healthcare Essays

Rubric for Hospital Quality Comparison Paper

Hospital Comparison Analysis





Possible Points Model For Improvement in Healthcare Essays

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Introduction: Introduction-no more than 1 or 2 pages. Clear, concise explanation of what you are doing (comparing your hospital with 2 competitors), the purpose of your report, and briefly, what you are going to do in your report. Model For Improvement in Healthcare Essays


Quality Indicator Measurement Analysis: Select 2 measures of performance that you think will be of concern to your patient population. These are your QI indicators. Clearly describe the QI indicators chosen, explain why you chose them, and how they affect patient satisfaction with your hospital. Model For Improvement in Healthcare Essays


Analyze how your hospital compares to two other hospitals—ideally these hospitals should be competing with your hospital. How does each hospital perform on the measures you chose. (Hint: Choose measures where your hospitals have different scores).


Report your conclusions from the comparisons among the hospitals, and what this means for your hospital’s quality and patient safety


Improvement Plan: Provide at least three actionable recommendations for your CEO to consider implementing to improve your hospital’s consumer ranking (and quality of care) and explain how this is expected to improve patient satisfaction. Model For Improvement in Healthcare Essays


Format: Paper is between 8 and 10 pages, plus a title page and reference pages, in APA format and includes at least three scholarly references in addition to the course textbook. APA requires page numbers and a title page.

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Jun 24, 2023 11:59 PM Model For Improvement in Healthcare Essays