Modern society in the united kingdom Essay.

Modern society in the united kingdom Essay.


Modern world has many definitions and this essay will introduce one of these, It is a society mentioned that same modern about a basis old, or scientific and social or indeed anything else. Moreover, is the modern amount of the developed world different to that of the less developed world. (Llexperts)Modern society in the united kingdom Essay.


Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom have similarities in modern society including the Monarchy and dissimilarities in society such as the culture. Also, they have got differences and similarities in children culture, interpersonal welfare, gender roles, and population and I’ll explain them later in the main body because of this essay.Modern society in the united kingdom Essay.

I have chosen this theme because I am studying in the United Kingdom and I want learn and research more about the present day society in the united kingdom and I am going to compare society in the united kingdom and Saudi Arabia.Modern society in the united kingdom Essay.

First of all, will get information about the young ones culture in Saudi Arabia and the united kingdom such as the particular young people like of clothes, sport, vehiclesetc.

Secondly, compare and measure the social welfare such as education, interpersonal programme, hospital. In the UK and Saudi Arabia.

Finally, the gender functions in the UK and Saudi Arabia what job they like and what the ability for them in the foreseeable future.


In children culture suggest what distinguishes human rights as an object sane thinker develops ideas and knowledge by considering and activities and learn from others, and of the essential instincts shared by human being and dog is jealous of set up youth culture generally Indicates to the ways of young people such as teenagers identify themselves from the general culture with their community.Modern society in the united kingdom Essay.

There a wide range of variations and similarities between your youth culture in the united kingdom and the KSA. The primary difference between your young people in the UK and the KSA is the fact that in the united kingdom most of teenagers spend enough time at the weekend in the pop or membership with the friends within the KSA almost all of young people spend the time with the family and friends in the house, beach, and restaurant. Which means that the criminal offenses is upsurge in the united kingdom at the weekend because the young people were drunk and have behave badly whereas in the KSA better and they’ll do behave well. (BBC)

Young people in the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia are similar for the reason that they may have interested

for sport, relating to, (Haynes, R. 1995). Says that ” The Sports Imagination is the first in-depth research of soccer fanzine (admirer mag) culture, contributing to the intensive body of knowledge on the basketball industry which has developed over the past 25 years in the united kingdom and European countries “Modern society in the united kingdom Essay.

As will as sports, UK and Saudi Arabia are similar in terms of slang, More importantly, they discuss the same ethnical beliefs. But maybe this custom can be effect for the Arabic and English language because no one can be use the old terms and maybe individuals has forgotten it also make the terms difficult for the people who should try to learn other words.Modern society in the united kingdom Essay.

Gender mean that eliminating gender disparity, or elsewhere cancel the impact of natural differences between your sexes and to prevent without taking into account those distinctions when coping with the distribution of tasks and functions between the sexes; where suggests that the concept of gender roles which have been classified interpersonal impact of the community. (moheet).Modern society in the united kingdom Essay.

According to faqs says that “What’s male? What’s feminine? Your answers to these questions may rely upon the types of gender tasks you were exposed to as a child. Gender roles can be defined as the conducts and attitudes expected of male and female members of any world by that modern culture.

Gender roles differ. Different cultures impose different goals upon the women and men who are in that culture. The United States has experienced incredible upheaval and revising of its traditional gender roles within the last era. These changes in gender functions affect the house, the office, and the institution, and they affect all Americans to some extent”.Modern society in the united kingdom Essay.

There a wide range of differences and similarities between your gender roles in the UK and the KSA.

The main distinction between the gal in the united kingdom and KSA is that in the united kingdom, the girl can drive a car, whereas in the KSA the girl cannot drive as well. But may maintain the future the girl will drive because there are no variations between the lady and men also according to the king Abdullah says ” women well be drive a car in future in the KSA nearly”.

While folks in the UK male and woman can work jointly as a one team, the people in the KSA men and female can not work together unless in the precise job including the bank or the companies. As the culture in the KSA it generally does not accept that. Even though, combination gender in work has some advantages for example, increase competition with the other, the ladies will try to verify their occurrence in the work, and the person will be thinking about appearance and dressed up, whenever he visited his job. Also, combine gender in the work has some negatives such as Intimate harassment. Relating to ( Hinsliff, G. 2006) says” A concealed world of intimate harassment, with feminine managers exploiting their vitality over men at work, has been presented by a new government survey.Modern society in the united kingdom Essay. Regardless of the common stereotype of the male executive putting pressure on his secretary, two in five patients of intimate harassment are men, the analysis found. 25 % of the men questioned in the Division of Trade and Industry survey reported being pestered by a client whom they also felt obliged to please. According to the Equal Opportunities Payment, 8 % of telephone calls to its sexual harassment helpline are from men, even though research shows male victims are less likely than women to complain. It insists that male complaints should be taken just as very seriously. ‘It affects men and women, causing stress, health problems and financial penalties when they leave their careers to avoid it, ‘ said Jenny Watson, couch of the EOC. Legally, erotic harassment is defined not just as lecherous action such as groping, but as any form of denigration of personnel because of their sex. Male patients were more likely than women to complain of the second kind of harassment – where a female manager snacks women more favorably than men or criticizes male employees more frequently”.Modern society in the united kingdom Essay.

As well as women can not drive in the KSA, UK and KSA are differences in the service for the ladies such as sport the ladies in the KSA they don’t have choice to experience sport where as in the UK they can play. Soccer, rugby, and going swimming.

Welfare imply that the number of efforts created by their state through it is companies, and associates of the community through the initiatives of volunteers to attain interpersonal welfare and casing programs include interpersonal security and child attention. etc. Also, the communal welfare signify the Structure of services the organization that are submitted by households or the countries or voluntary organizations to prevent or increase the public conditions. ( ejtemay)

According to wikipedia says ” Welfare or welfare work includes actions or procedures – especially for governments and establishments – striving to promote the essential well-being of people in need. These work usually strive to improve the finances of men and women in need but could also strive to improve their occupation chances and a great many other aspects of their lives including sometimes their mental health. In many countries, most such help is provided by family members, relatives, and the local community and is only theoretically available from federal sources. In American English, welfare is often also used to make reference to school funding provided to individuals in need, which is called benefit(s) or welfare benefits in United kingdom English. Welfare may take a variety of forms, such as financial obligations, subsidies and vouchers, health services, or casing. Welfare can be provided by governments, non-governmental organizations, or a blend of the two. Welfare techniques may be funded immediately by government authorities, or in public insurance models, by the customers of the welfare system”.Modern society in the united kingdom Essay.

UK and KSA are dissimilar in education, especially with payment. Students in KSA can study without pay anything, whereas students in UK have paid for that. Corresponding to wikipedia. org says “Undergraduates pay up to 3000 per annum (capped) in top-up fees and Postgraduates typically pay 3000 per annum however some institutions ask for more “, while students in KSA ‘ve got every month allowance from authorities to encourage them. (moe)

Health attention system in britain and Saudi Arabia are similar in that they have good health care system relating to Wikipedia. org says ” Healthcare in the United Kingdom is a devolved matter, meaning Great britain, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales each has its system of private and publicly-funded medical, together with solution, alternative and complementary treatments. People healthcare is provided to all UK permanent residents and is free at the point of need being payed for from general taxation. Taken jointly, the planet Health Business, in 2000, positioned the provision of health care in the United Kingdom as fifteenth best in European countries and eighteenth in the world”. Also, KSA has good health care system relating to www. moh. gov. sa says ” The positions of gain access to or the health of the populace of Saudi Arabia to the fullest scope possible and the best in terms of justice and equality in attention and in conditions of efficiency and the possibility of having the financial burden of treatment and health care and work to be able to reach the level of the consumer to gratify his ambitions, by giving this special home health services and the general public with a high quality level and services to cover the entire society”Modern society in the united kingdom Essay.

Finally, there are distinctions between the UK and KSA for the casing that the UK support the people whereas the KSA it does not. According to Page & Richard (223:1999) says that “In 1900 around 10 % of housing was owner occupied and 90 per cent was rented from privet landlords and in 1995, 77 % dwelling in the UK were either owner occupied or rented from privet landlords “Modern society in the united kingdom Essay.


The most stunning feature that United kingdom administration help the British isles people more than Saudi’s administration however, many of the teenagers did not caution. Also, the UK’s government help the people by provide them with houses as a free of charge whereas the Saudi’s federal did not undertake it. The KSA federal support the students by provide them with scholarships to study beyond your country at about 20000 students in the united kingdom and 40000 students in america also in Canada, Australia, Japan, France, China, Spain, New Zealand, Germany, and Malaysia at about 150000 students. (moe)Modern society in the united kingdom Essay.